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update on my surgery - Mr. Treacy's email

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I have Mr Treacy's e-mail as follows (which is different than the one posted



Mr Ronan Treacy - 81 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3HG

Tel: 0 (Secretary s)

He just operated on me less than 24 hours ago (8:30 am UK time Sat 4 May)...

so if there is anything you would like me to ask him let me know as I should

be seeing him off and on this week.

He generally keeps you in the hospital for 1 week to be sure your physio gets

off to a great start... by the time you are released, I was told, you

should be able to go up and down stairs on your own with sticks...

I came through the surgery great. no nausea, good appetite, etc. Dozed in

and out all day in relative comfort.

Treacy is great as many have testified on this site. But also the UK

hopitals that he does the surgery privately in are also great. This may be

an advantage over Begium (or US) where de Smet operates at a teaching

hospital which I believe is not so comfortable based on what I've read on

this site.

I had my surgery at Droitwich Spa Hospital, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire

(southwest of Birmingham) . I chose this hospital because it was the most

quaint of the four that he operates in... It is a very pleasant villiage

rather than the hectic center of Birmingham... If you were going to stay on

for a second week after you leave the hospital (to have your stitches

removed) there are far worse places to be !

The hospital is actually specialised in orthopedics and is built on top of

natural Brine Baths (hence the name " Spa " ) which have been estimed since

Roman times.

The hospital is spotless, the rooms are private and comfortable with more of

the feeling of a hotel than a hospital, the nursing staff is absolute

brilliant. Everyone extremely professional and friendly...

And yes, the food is great... not what you would expect from a hospital at

all... Nothing about it would make you think institutional...

I have the wedge between my ancles but I must say, I don't find it

uncomfortable (yet).... They tell me that I will begin phisio this morning...

they will try making me walk around the bed if I am up to it... I don't

think that I will have any problem...

they have already taken the drips off of me, including the morophine, as I am

drinking and eating well and now peeing well. (The first wee was difficult

as I couldn't relax and let it out, they had to put in a cathetar to give me

relief but it was quick and painless - shed nearly a liter ... after that I

was going on my own no problem at all) Note that with Mr. Treacy he doesn't

normally use cathetars during surgery and I didn't have one there.

Ok, Thats it.

All the best.


PS, Marie if you need any advice on London let us know.

Cost: Hospital would cost about GBP 7000, Treacy costs GPB 2000, Other GBP

1,000-2000... so about GBP 10,000 to 11,000 all in.

> Subj:Re: Travelling in Belgium

> Date:04/05/2002 20:46:18 GMT Daylight Time

> From:<A HREF= " mailto:snowrasteh@... " >snowrasteh@...</A>

> Reply-to:<A

HREF= " mailto:surfacehippy " >surfacehippy </A>

> To:<A

HREF= " mailto:surfacehippy " >surfacehippy </A>

> Sent from the Internet




> Hi Marie,

> Dr. (Mr.) Treacy's email is Treacy@....

> Dr. De Smet told me 7 days in hospital and 7+ days in Hoilday Inn w/PT, but


> I'm having both hips done. I don't have a scheduled date yet.

> Good luck to you.

> Saeed


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