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Just a quick update

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Subj: Just a Quick Update

Date: 9/1/01 11:57:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Aunt blabbie2000

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that I am still around, just in a terrible

flare. Severe abdominal pains, unable to keep food down and terrible joint

pains. I am reading all your posts so I know what is going on, but am

posting very little as it is taking too much out of me.

Due to my husband's current non-work status, I try to go to work everyday,

mainly for the health insurance. When I went yesterday, I was advised by my

manager that they were going to have a fire drill that am. She advised me to

leave the office and wait in the stairwell for the fire chief to recognize me

and that would be acceptable as I am disabled. Our office is on the third

floor. When the risk manager came out & saw me in the stairwell, she said

that if I did not vacate the building, the company would be in violation and

I would be promptly terminated. I told her that I was doing as I was

advised, she told me that she didn't care who told me what, I was leaving the

building if I wanted to keep my job. I explained that I had recently had

double knee replacement & one knee was unstable, plus the other joint

destruction and she told me that if I fell going down, it would just be one

of those things. Then I saw 2 young men take down a young man in his

wheelchair. So I had no other choice but to start my descent down the 3

flights of stairs. Oh yeah, I was also supposed to have my final third

epidural injection for the herniated disks/spinal stenosis. Now I was the

very last one in that stairway, the nasty lady had sailed past me and NEVER

looked back or offered assistance and close to the ground, a young Cuban man

of about 22 whizzed by asking me to get out of his way. I finally made it

outside the building, only to have to stand outside in the South Florida

12:00 PM sun for 25 minutes while they pronounced the fire drill a success.

When we were finally allowed to return into the building, I had to sit in the

lobby as my pulse rate was over 160 and I was wheezing like a pipe organ and

barely fell down from the intense pain I was in. I had been in a flare all

week long so this was the frosting on my cake. 45 minutes later I was back

at my desk with SOB, chest pains, diaphoretic, tachycardic and in some of the

worst pain in my life. The epidural had to be canceled, because my vital

signs were too unstable and they really wanted me to go to the hospital.

When I finally got home, then everything hit me. What is I had fallen in

that stairway and no one knew that I was there & the building was on fire?

How would they have explained my death to my husband and daughters. I am

only another number to them, but I am very valuable to some people in this

world. I cried for about an hour over how this disease changes everything in

your life. This weekend I just trying to treat myself good. This was one

of my biggest fears in going back to work, the dreaded " fire drill " . My

knee is so unstable that I shudder everytime I just go up and down a curb let

alone 3 flights of stairs. So right now, my knee is swollen to twice it size

and I can't find a comfortable position for my back. I don't think this

working thing is going well.

Thank you all for listening and as soon as I feel better, I will be back on

line. Until then, know that I love and pray for all of you for strength to

cope with our days and painfree nights. Love to all........

Gentle, tender, angel hugs


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Dear Deb,

Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your pain, and the ordeal with the

risk manager. That is terrible. You are right to take it easy and

be good to yourself! Maybe when your husband gets a job and the

health insurance that goes with it, you could stop working and go on

disability. Would your doctor approve it? I think if we didn't have

the stress of going to work, going through fire drills, etc., that

our bodies would have more energy to get better...

Try to get some rest, and I hope you feel better very soon.

Take care,


> Subj: Just a Quick Update

> Date: 9/1/01 11:57:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time

> From: Aunt blabbie2000


> Hi Everyone,


> Just wanted to let you all know that I am still around, just in a


> flare. Severe abdominal pains, unable to keep food down and

terrible joint

> pains. I am reading all your posts so I know what is going on, but


> posting very little as it is taking too much out of me.


> Due to my husband's current non-work status, I try to go to work


> mainly for the health insurance. When I went yesterday, I was

advised by my

> manager that they were going to have a fire drill that am. She

advised me to

> leave the office and wait in the stairwell for the fire chief to

recognize me

> and that would be acceptable as I am disabled. Our office is on

the third

> floor. When the risk manager came out & saw me in the stairwell,

she said

> that if I did not vacate the building, the company would be in

violation and

> I would be promptly terminated. I told her that I was doing as I


> advised, she told me that she didn't care who told me what, I was

leaving the

> building if I wanted to keep my job. I explained that I had

recently had

> double knee replacement & one knee was unstable, plus the other


> destruction and she told me that if I fell going down, it would

just be one

> of those things. Then I saw 2 young men take down a young man in


> wheelchair. So I had no other choice but to start my descent down

the 3

> flights of stairs. Oh yeah, I was also supposed to have my final


> epidural injection for the herniated disks/spinal stenosis. Now I

was the

> very last one in that stairway, the nasty lady had sailed past me


> looked back or offered assistance and close to the ground, a young

Cuban man

> of about 22 whizzed by asking me to get out of his way. I finally

made it

> outside the building, only to have to stand outside in the South


> 12:00 PM sun for 25 minutes while they pronounced the fire drill a


> When we were finally allowed to return into the building, I had to

sit in the

> lobby as my pulse rate was over 160 and I was wheezing like a pipe

organ and

> barely fell down from the intense pain I was in. I had been in a

flare all

> week long so this was the frosting on my cake. 45 minutes later I

was back

> at my desk with SOB, chest pains, diaphoretic, tachycardic and in

some of the

> worst pain in my life. The epidural had to be canceled, because my


> signs were too unstable and they really wanted me to go to the



> When I finally got home, then everything hit me. What is I had

fallen in

> that stairway and no one knew that I was there & the building was

on fire?

> How would they have explained my death to my husband and

daughters. I am

> only another number to them, but I am very valuable to some people

in this

> world. I cried for about an hour over how this disease changes

everything in

> your life. This weekend I just trying to treat myself good.

This was one

> of my biggest fears in going back to work, the dreaded " fire

drill " . My

> knee is so unstable that I shudder everytime I just go up and down

a curb let

> alone 3 flights of stairs. So right now, my knee is swollen to

twice it size

> and I can't find a comfortable position for my back. I don't think


> working thing is going well.


> Thank you all for listening and as soon as I feel better, I will

be back on

> line. Until then, know that I love and pray for all of you for

strength to

> cope with our days and painfree nights. Love to all........


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs


> Deb

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deb, that is horrible!!!! i am sorry they made you do that. i can go down

stairs better than up, isn't there something a lawyer or perhaps contacting

the fire marshall so they are aware of your circumstances so this will never

happen again? how long do you have to stay at work before your dr can put you

back out? i told my dr yesterday what would happen to me if i returned to

work. i told him i was more concerned with my son being able to complete his

physical therapy, and i asked him to please keep me home until we do the

other foot. i told him i was a widow, and about to lose my job after 6 yrs.

he told me between us, don't worry. so that is a relief. hope you find some

too. kathy in il

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That is a very sad story. I'm so sorry. And I'm so angry! What a bunch of

jerks there are at your building!

Did you tell your manager what happened?

You should document this story and send it to the appropriate parties. There

is no need for that abuse to have occurred. And maybe, if you reported it,

you could prevent it from happening to you or someone else in the future.

This is reminding me a little of Tery in FL's fire drill tale.

Of course you are in a horrendous flare. I can't believe you are still

trying to work. This has been going on way too long.

I believe it is time to get a very good lawyer to help you with your work

situation and to find an excellent physician (or two or three) to give you a

second opinion about your knee and the other complications since your last

surgery. You can't continue living this nightmare.

I understand if you can't be online much right now, but do know that I care

about you and that I'm worried.


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Hi Teri,

Yep that is what I am doing this weekend, REST, REST, REST. My joints are

calming down a bit, except for my left knee which needs a revision after the

replacement a year ago, but my tummy is not doing too good at all. I guess

clear liquids will be my holiday treat!

Hope you have a safe holiday and take care of YOU......

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


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Hey Kathy,

These employers really take the cake don't they????? I am presently on long

term disability from my employer with a claim pending for SSD, but no word

yet. The long term disability allows me to attempt to work while still

keeping my benefits, but it is getting increasingly difficult to do even for

the benefits. My joints are going down a little bit, but that left knee did

not need this type of activity, plus my tummy is still not right yet either.

So I will be having a very quiet holiday.

How are you doing? That foot sounds like a nightmare and you have another

one to do? Yikes.....My ortho is talking about doing a revision of the knee

replacement from last year, which I am definitely not looking forward to.

Hang in there and listen to the docs and your parents. Hopefully, your

recuperation will go a lot better than your hospital experience.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


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thanks deb, i have to go into my employer tomorrow and drop off my script to

remain off work, my benefits expired on sept 2nd. i hope the people on the

3rd floor will realize every step i feel the staples in my foot. also i am

going on the way to a dr's appt. so no visiting. i was to have my remicade,

but i don't think it would've happened anyway. i am running a fever as usual

and on antibiotics. have to call in the morning to see if they cancelled my

rheumi appt too. now to figure out what meds are next. i hate this part.

kathy in il

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This is really awful. It is unbelievable how cruel and

inhumane some people can be. This link has OSHA guidelines

for fire drills which says: Where needed, special procedures

for helping physically impaired employees must be addressed

in the plan. The written plan must be available for

employee review.


I hope you are feeling better. I'm really sorry that you

had to go through this. It really makes you feel so uncared

for. I hope you get approved for disability soon and don't

have to worry about evacuating again.



[ ] RE: Just a Quick Update

Subj: Just a Quick Update

Date: 9/1/01 11:57:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Aunt blabbie2000

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that I am still around,

just in a terrible

flare. Severe abdominal pains, unable to keep food down

and terrible joint

pains. I am reading all your posts so I know what is

going on, but am

posting very little as it is taking too much out of me.

Due to my husband's current non-work status, I try to go

to work everyday,

mainly for the health insurance. When I went yesterday, I

was advised by my

manager that they were going to have a fire drill that am.

She advised me to

leave the office and wait in the stairwell for the fire

chief to recognize me

and that would be acceptable as I am disabled. Our office

is on the third

floor. When the risk manager came out & saw me in the

stairwell, she said

that if I did not vacate the building, the company would

be in violation and

I would be promptly terminated. I told her that I was

doing as I was

advised, she told me that she didn't care who told me

what, I was leaving the

building if I wanted to keep my job. I explained that I

had recently had

double knee replacement & one knee was unstable, plus the

other joint

destruction and she told me that if I fell going down, it

would just be one

of those things. Then I saw 2 young men take down a young

man in his

wheelchair. So I had no other choice but to start my

descent down the 3

flights of stairs. Oh yeah, I was also supposed to have

my final third

epidural injection for the herniated disks/spinal

stenosis. Now I was the

very last one in that stairway, the nasty lady had sailed

past me and NEVER

looked back or offered assistance and close to the ground,

a young Cuban man

of about 22 whizzed by asking me to get out of his way.

I finally made it

outside the building, only to have to stand outside in the

South Florida

12:00 PM sun for 25 minutes while they pronounced the fire

drill a success.

When we were finally allowed to return into the building,

I had to sit in the

lobby as my pulse rate was over 160 and I was wheezing

like a pipe organ and

barely fell down from the intense pain I was in. I had

been in a flare all

week long so this was the frosting on my cake. 45 minutes

later I was back

at my desk with SOB, chest pains, diaphoretic, tachycardic

and in some of the

worst pain in my life. The epidural had to be canceled,

because my vital

signs were too unstable and they really wanted me to go to

the hospital.

When I finally got home, then everything hit me. What is

I had fallen in

that stairway and no one knew that I was there & the

building was on fire?

How would they have explained my death to my husband and

daughters. I am

only another number to them, but I am very valuable to

some people in this

world. I cried for about an hour over how this disease

changes everything in

your life. This weekend I just trying to treat myself

good. This was one

of my biggest fears in going back to work, the dreaded

" fire drill " . My

knee is so unstable that I shudder everytime I just go up

and down a curb let

alone 3 flights of stairs. So right now, my knee is

swollen to twice it size

and I can't find a comfortable position for my back. I

don't think this

working thing is going well.

Thank you all for listening and as soon as I feel better,

I will be back on

line. Until then, know that I love and pray for all of

you for strength to

cope with our days and painfree nights. Love to


Gentle, tender, angel hugs


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Debs:

Hi, sorry to hear you have some more problems but hope it turns out with you

feeling great. I think of you often and feel terrible that you have to go

through all of this.

I will keep you in my prayers and post to you more often and the others. I

sorry I have been sort of a lurker. The heat up here in

New Jersey has been terrible. Almost everyday 95 or so. So hard to do

anything especially with my breathing problem even with air-conditioning.

Thank God for my scooter and they even have them in the grocery stores up

here too. It is so hard to walk with my back problem and breathing problem

and the fibro has been acting up too lately. God Bless and better days for

you in the future. Hoping your pain is less each day.

Sincerely, Colletti


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Hi ,

It is a scorcher here in NJ. Today will be worse, but I think relief is in

sight. We are supposed to get some nasty electrical storms but then it will

cool down into the 80¹s. I can¹t wait. I haven¹t been able to swim in the

daytime for weeks. I¹d burn up in 20 minutes with this extreme heat.

I can¹t imagine having breathing problems. It¹s got to be very difficult

for you. I¹m sorry you¹re feeling bad and hope that you get relief soon.

Hang in there, a cool down is coming!



> Dear Debs:

> Hi, sorry to hear you have some more problems but hope it turns out with you

> feeling great. I think of you often and feel terrible that you have to go

> through all of this.

> I will keep you in my prayers and post to you more often and the others. I

> sorry I have been sort of a lurker. The heat up here in

> New Jersey has been terrible. Almost everyday 95 or so. So hard to do

> anything especially with my breathing problem even with air-conditioning.

> Thank God for my scooter and they even have them in the grocery stores up

> here too. It is so hard to walk with my back problem and breathing problem

> and the fibro has been acting up too lately. God Bless and better days for

> you in the future. Hoping your pain is less each day.

> Sincerely, Colletti

> Anjillah@...




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Hi Debs,

I am so happy that you are feeling better. When you

were out of touch, everyone was getting worried.

Thanks for leaving directions on how to contact us.

Belladonna is a member of the nightshade family and

the roots and seeds are very potent and poisoness.

Women would eat the berries in the middle ages because

dilated eyes were considered to be very attractive;

hence the name bella donna.

It is used in a less potent form for pain control and

muscle relaxation.

I hope that if your condition worsens, you will seek

help immediately like your dr said to do. Wishing you

continued recovery. Iris


> I am OK. I called my physician later in the morning

> and explained my

> symptoms to him and he immediately wanted me to go

> to the ER for treatment

> and to be seen by the surgeon, I told him that I

> just couldn't do it and he

> wasn't pleased. He told me to think about it and

> call him back. Well, I did

> call back and told him that I would freak out if I

> had to go to the hospital

> and they would only give me a shot that would last

> 3.5 hours and then I would

> be back in the same position I was in last night.

> My doctor ordered some

> belladonna tablets, left a prescription at the

> pharmacy for Ron to pick up

> for stronger pain pills, Xanax and liquid diet ONLY.

> If this did not work, I

> had no other option than to go to the hospital

> immediately if not sooner. He

> told me that he felt listening to my symptoms that I

> had adhesions against my

> liver and that sludge was probably passing thru what

> used to be my gall

> bladder. I have been fighting with this for

> approximately 20 years and he

> believes what I tell him. So, I felt pretty

> comfortable in what he was

> telling me. He also said that I should not wait for

> the surgeon to get back

> from vacation and make an appt with his associates

> as soon as I am released

> from the hospital. This would have been done while

> I was in the hospital,

> however, none of my doctors are on staff at this

> hospital where the surgery

> is supposed to be done. By late, late in the

> afternoon, I was beginning to

> fell my colon start to " move " and knew that this was

> a good combination that

> he had prescribed. The minute it starts again, I am

> to run not walk to the

> hospital for immediate admission and consult with

> the surgeon for surgery.


> I am sorry that this post has been sent out so late,

> but the medication

> combination pretty much put be on my butt all day.

> The few minutes that I

> was awake I went in the spa with the kids and had a

> nice time.


> Right now, my head is getting fuzzy from the last

> medicines that I took, so I

> will close now.


> Thank you all for your love and kind wishes and

> expressions of concern. They

> were heard and answered and for that I thank each

> and every one of you! In

> the future, my daughter has a list of people on this

> board to notify if any

> changes EVER occur. You guys are my family and

> could never leave ANYONE in

> the dark here!


> I will try to get thru the e-mails sometime tomorrow

> when I hopefully feel a

> little stronger.


> Again, thank you for just being there just as each

> of you are! I am so

> fortunate to call each of you, friend!


> Gentle, tender angel hugs and kisses to each of you!


> Love,


> Debs in FL



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I wish you were feeling better. How are things today???? My GI called me.

I told her it is my understanding that doctors are taught the scar tissue


hurt. She laughed and said that, that is true but in fact it is very painful.

She is sending me for an upper and lower GI, plus a cat scan. She said they may

not show anything. She talked about to putting in some big name I didn't


but it would help with nutrition. She also said they will hold off doing

anything until they have too. Because it will come back. Now I am scared that

maybe it is something else, however, she does believe it is scar tissue. So I

will go for the test and see if they say anything. She is having everything


to to.

You are in my prayers and I hope you are feeling better.

Lynn (MeMom)

Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Hi Everyone,


> I am OK. I called my physician later in the morning and explained my

> symptoms to him and he immediately wanted me to go to the ER for treatment

> and to be seen by the surgeon, I told him that I just couldn't do it and he

> wasn't pleased. He told me to think about it and call him back. Well, I did

> call back and told him that I would freak out if I had to go to the hospital

> and they would only give me a shot that would last 3.5 hours and then I would

> be back in the same position I was in last night. My doctor ordered some

> belladonna tablets, left a prescription at the pharmacy for Ron to pick up

> for stronger pain pills, Xanax and liquid diet ONLY. If this did not work, I

> had no other option than to go to the hospital immediately if not sooner. He

> told me that he felt listening to my symptoms that I had adhesions against my

> liver and that sludge was probably passing thru what used to be my gall

> bladder. I have been fighting with this for approximately 20 years and he

> believes what I tell him. So, I felt pretty comfortable in what he was

> telling me. He also said that I should not wait for the surgeon to get back

> from vacation and make an appt with his associates as soon as I am released

> from the hospital. This would have been done while I was in the hospital,

> however, none of my doctors are on staff at this hospital where the surgery

> is supposed to be done. By late, late in the afternoon, I was beginning to

> fell my colon start to " move " and knew that this was a good combination that

> he had prescribed. The minute it starts again, I am to run not walk to the

> hospital for immediate admission and consult with the surgeon for surgery.


> I am sorry that this post has been sent out so late, but the medication

> combination pretty much put be on my butt all day. The few minutes that I

> was awake I went in the spa with the kids and had a nice time.


> Right now, my head is getting fuzzy from the last medicines that I took, so I

> will close now.


> Thank you all for your love and kind wishes and expressions of concern. They

> were heard and answered and for that I thank each and every one of you! In

> the future, my daughter has a list of people on this board to notify if any

> changes EVER occur. You guys are my family and could never leave ANYONE in

> the dark here!


> I will try to get thru the e-mails sometime tomorrow when I hopefully feel a

> little stronger.


> Again, thank you for just being there just as each of you are! I am so

> fortunate to call each of you, friend!


> Gentle, tender angel hugs and kisses to each of you!


> Love,


> Debs in FL



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A close friend of mine went through what you and Deb

are going through with adhesions - extremely painful

and she was unable to eat anything too. She had the

upper and lower GI series done, and CAT scan, and MRI

and none of these showed anything wrong. Adhesions

don't show up on these tests - she had to have

exploratory laparotomy and it was there that they

found the adhesions wrapped around her colon like a

cocoon. Since the surgery, she is so much better,

back to normal, but, like you, she does worry about

the adhesions coming back. What are the chances of

them returning, do you know the odds? Best of luck

with your tests -

Kathe in CA


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I¹m glad they are doing some testing to see if they can figure out what is

going on.

They can¹t leave you like this. I just hope you get answers.



> Deb,

> I wish you were feeling better. How are things today???? My GI called >


> I told her it is my understanding that doctors are taught the scar tissue

> doesn't

> hurt. She laughed and said that, that is true but in fact it is very painful.

> She is sending me for an upper and lower GI, plus a cat scan. She said they

> may

> not show anything. She talked about to putting in some big name I didn't

> get

> but it would help with nutrition. She also said they will hold off doing

> anything until they have too. Because it will come back. Now I am scared

> that

> maybe it is something else, however, she does believe it is scar tissue. So I

> will go for the test and see if they say anything. She is having everything

> sent

> to to.

> You are in my prayers and I hope you are feeling better.

> Lynn (MeMom)


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Hi Kathe,

My understanding is there is an 80% chance of getting the scar tissue

back. Debs knows so much more about this than I do. Right now all I can say

is it hurts. I don't know what to expect from the test as I have never had

these done before. She told me, she doesn't expect to see anything on the

cat scan. My computer erased 40 messages yesterday so I am not sure what I

am missing. Thanks for your help.

Lynn (MeMom)

Kathe Sabetzadeh wrote:

> Lynn:


> A close friend of mine went through what you and Deb

> are going through with adhesions - extremely painful

> and she was unable to eat anything too. She had the

> upper and lower GI series done, and CAT scan, and MRI

> and none of these showed anything wrong. Adhesions

> don't show up on these tests - she had to have

> exploratory laparotomy and it was there that they

> found the adhesions wrapped around her colon like a

> cocoon. Since the surgery, she is so much better,

> back to normal, but, like you, she does worry about

> the adhesions coming back. What are the chances of

> them returning, do you know the odds? Best of luck

> with your tests -


> Kathe in CA


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Debs in Florida...I hope you are feeling better with the belladona

tablets...I've not heard of it before...are you continuing to find relief?

I hope you gain strength every day..enjoy your e mails...take care of


[ ] Just a quick update

> Hi Everyone,


> I am OK. I called my physician later in the morning and explained my

> symptoms to him and he immediately wanted me to go to the ER for treatment

> and to be seen by the surgeon, I told him that I just couldn't do it and


> wasn't pleased. He told me to think about it and call him back. Well, I


> call back and told him that I would freak out if I had to go to the


> and they would only give me a shot that would last 3.5 hours and then I


> be back in the same position I was in last night. My doctor ordered some

> belladonna tablets, left a prescription at the pharmacy for Ron to pick up

> for stronger pain pills, Xanax and liquid diet ONLY. If this did not

work, I

> had no other option than to go to the hospital immediately if not sooner.


> told me that he felt listening to my symptoms that I had adhesions against


> liver and that sludge was probably passing thru what used to be my gall

> bladder. I have been fighting with this for approximately 20 years and he

> believes what I tell him. So, I felt pretty comfortable in what he was

> telling me. He also said that I should not wait for the surgeon to get


> from vacation and make an appt with his associates as soon as I am


> from the hospital. This would have been done while I was in the hospital,

> however, none of my doctors are on staff at this hospital where the


> is supposed to be done. By late, late in the afternoon, I was beginning


> fell my colon start to " move " and knew that this was a good combination


> he had prescribed. The minute it starts again, I am to run not walk to


> hospital for immediate admission and consult with the surgeon for surgery.


> I am sorry that this post has been sent out so late, but the medication

> combination pretty much put be on my butt all day. The few minutes that I

> was awake I went in the spa with the kids and had a nice time.


> Right now, my head is getting fuzzy from the last medicines that I took,

so I

> will close now.


> Thank you all for your love and kind wishes and expressions of concern.


> were heard and answered and for that I thank each and every one of you!


> the future, my daughter has a list of people on this board to notify if


> changes EVER occur. You guys are my family and could never leave ANYONE


> the dark here!


> I will try to get thru the e-mails sometime tomorrow when I hopefully feel


> little stronger.


> Again, thank you for just being there just as each of you are! I am so

> fortunate to call each of you, friend!


> Gentle, tender angel hugs and kisses to each of you!


> Love,


> Debs in FL



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Oh Debs,

I am so relieved to hear that you are feeling a little better. You really

scared us. Please, please listen to your doctor next time and go to the

hosp. directly. We all love you and have missed you.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Y'all,

Just a quick update. I saw my PCP today and she is referring me to a rheumy. I have my first appointment Dec. 6th. She is concerned that we aren't controlling things and she said she won't let me get in over her head. I love this doctor!

She upped my MTX a little and has me on prednisone for the next month. She said she believes I am a good candidate for Humira or Remicade. Now that just doesn't thrill me. I have this thing about needles! But I like needles a lot more than I want this out of control...

Hugs, Jacy

~I don't approve of political jokes: I've seen too many get elected.


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