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Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul...er Colon :( - I sure could use some

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My consolences to you!

Bloating, cravings & weight-gain are very normal while on Predisone, as are many other unpleasant side-effects. Besides for the crazy cravings I'v had myself while on 40 mg. of Prednisone (which definitely tripled my appetite), I got those horrible acne all over my forehead. Since I started the diet, felt better and reduced the Prednisone, all those horrid side-effects simply vanished (even though I'm still on 15 mg./day) When are you reducing your dose of Prednisone?

UC 3 months

SCD 2 Months

"Chicken Soup" for the Soul...er Colon :( - I sure could use some

I just wanted to vent a little and perhaps get reassurance from youguys. July 17th this year I had a colonsocopy in which my doctor saidI had gone from having Ulcerative Proctitis to Moderate/Severe Colitisthroughout my entire lower colon. I was going to the bathroom 20+times a day. As I was waking up out of my groggy state and resistinghis recommendation of Prednisone 60 mg/day he told me that if I didnot take this medication I could die. Reluctantly I started thishorrible medication and have done really well. I implemented the SCDdiet 1 month and two days ago and, probably about two and a half weeksago it felt like the Prednisone did not feel like it was covering up amajor internal crisis anymore. For the past two-three weeks I havehave had no blood, no diarrhea and I have 2-4 BM a day that all arevery normal with the occasional issue which I suspect might be toomuch fruit which acts as a laxative.

Aside from feeling a littlefatigued I really was not experiencing immediate side effects that Iwas afraid of (moon face, weight gain and the other medley of freakyside effects that I have researched.) Two days ago (1 month and 10days after staring this medication) I noticed that I was starting todevelop a double chin (even though I am not overweight) and while Inormally can see my cheek bone definition - this appears to be slowlydisappearing as well and my face is starting to look fatter. Due tothe required taper...and assuming I don't flare back up I am stuck onthis crap pretty much through October. I feel unattractive and amafraid as to how "disfigured" I will become.Asacol was the drug I was taking pre -SCD but I understand it hasstarch in it so I switched over to Azulfadene which I am up to 3 - 1/2pills a day at this point because in the past I have had an allergy toSuplha. I am introducing

slowly this med and waiting for the itchingto stop before I increase to see if I can build up a tolerance. This all just feels like a tight rope walk and a plate spinning act!!!I would never think of going off the diet and I consider myselfrather fanatical about it, so i think that is good. If anyone hasexamples of their own experience in this "uncertainty, this sucksright now but things got better stories - I sure could use them rightnow." Thanks for reading - you guys have been such a huge help for mein making this transition.AiazeenUC 5 1/2 yrsSCD 1month 2 days

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Two days ago (1 month and 10days after staring this medication) I noticed that I was starting todevelop a double chin (even though I am not overweight) and while Inormally can see my cheek bone definition - this appears to be slowlydisappearing as well and my face is starting to look fatter. Due tothe required taper...and assuming I don't flare back up I am stuck onthis crap pretty much through October. I feel unattractive and amafraid as to how "disfigured" I will become.

Hi Aizeen,

It sounds like we're in the exact same place. I started SCD on July 22 and I'm tapering off prednisone with the moon face and an extra 10 lbs I didn't have a month ago. I'm now down to 30mg prednisone from a high of 65 and the moon face is beginning to loosen up a bit, still round, but not so tight. I have fat lumps on my neck/shoulders and I'm puffy, but I know from past experience that that will all begin to go at around 20mgs. Be glad that the diet and pred are working and you can deal with the other things later. You WILL go back to normal. I've been tapering faster (8mg a week) than the doc recommended (5mg a week) and using curcumin and boswellia to help with that. So far, so good.

I read today that a diabetic diet, high protien, no fruits/honey will help with the swelling and moon face but haven't tried it so I can't say from experience. Also, eating high protien will keep you from gaining weight on the pred.

I have the same sulfa allergy and have been afraid to use the drug you're using. Let me know how you do on it. I quit the Asacol when I started the diet and have been fine.

Don't worry about the moon face and puffiness, it will pass, it's best if you can take the pred less than 3 months. I'm aiming for being off the end of Sept.


Living in Italy

Undiagnosed Crohn's since 1977 Diagnosed 15 years

Sacroiliitis 25 years

Rheumatoid arthritis 25 years

Pyoderma Gangronosum 2 years

SCD since July, 2008

Meds: Tapering Prednisone for PG

"Chicken Soup" for the Soul...er Colon :( - I sure could use some

AiazeenUC 5 1/2 yrsSCD 1month 2 days

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I started the diet between flares a couple of months ago when I was already off the Predisone and Asocal. I've since had another flare which I made it through without the meds. I will NEVER go back to moon face. Harvey GarrettCrohns 12 yearsNo medsSCD 2 months and feeling greatI just wanted to vent a little and perhaps get reassurance from youguys. July 17th this year I had a colonsocopy in which my doctor saidI had gone from having Ulcerative Proctitis to Moderate/Severe Colitisthroughout my entire lower colon. I was going to the bathroom 20+times a day. As I was waking up out of my groggy state and resistinghis recommendation of Prednisone 60 mg/day he told me that if I didnot take this medication I could die. Reluctantly I started thishorrible medication and have done really well. I implemented the SCDdiet 1 month and two days ago and, probably about two and a half weeksago it felt like the Prednisone did not feel like it was covering up amajor internal crisis anymore. For the past two-three weeks I havehave had no blood, no diarrhea and I have 2-4 BM a day that all arevery normal with the occasional issue which I suspect might be toomuch fruit which acts as a laxative. Aside from feeling a littlefatigued I really was not experiencing immediate side effects that Iwas afraid of (moon face, weight gain and the other medley of freakyside effects that I have researched.) Two days ago (1 month and 10days after staring this medication) I noticed that I was starting todevelop a double chin (even though I am not overweight) and while Inormally can see my cheek bone definition - this appears to be slowlydisappearing as well and my face is starting to look fatter. Due tothe required taper...and assuming I don't flare back up I am stuck onthis crap pretty much through October. I feel unattractive and amafraid as to how "disfigured" I will become.Asacol was the drug I was taking pre -SCD but I understand it hasstarch in it so I switched over to Azulfadene which I am up to 3 - 1/2pills a day at this point because in the past I have had an allergy toSuplha. I am introducing slowly this med and waiting for the itchingto stop before I increase to see if I can build up a tolerance. This all just feels like a tight rope walk and a plate spinning act!!!I would never think of going off the diet and I consider myselfrather fanatical about it, so i think that is good. If anyone hasexamples of their own experience in this "uncertainty, this sucksright now but things got better stories - I sure could use them rightnow." Thanks for reading - you guys have been such a huge help for mein making this transition.AiazeenUC 5 1/2 yrsSCD 1month 2 days

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