Guest guest Posted October 12, 2007 Report Share Posted October 12, 2007 Oh, if it is on the right then it is not colon related. Definitely liver. The spleen could be involved too. You have more challenges because you don't have your GB, so whenever your liver and bile ducts are overloaded, it is twice as bad as someone who still has their GB. I empathize with you. I think you might have sluggishness caused by not being able to eliminate your bile properly and toxin buildup. That can cause the inflammation, as well as fatty liver. Then, if you caught an infection lately (antiparasite herbs could help) that would only increase you pain and swelling. Yes, I do think Garden of Life is superior. I like a lot of Enzymatic supplements (like their cleanses and B vits) and I use Jarrow as an add in, but the core probiotic I think is the best is the Garden of Life Ultra. It is much more potent than either of the others and with any probiotic, you really have to take high doses for a period of time to see the changes (at least I did with my messed up system). The yogurt can help, but it won't do anything near what a good probiotic will do and the dairy might even make some digestive issues worse depending on your body. I eat it in moderation but only organic non-flavored then add in my own organic fruit and stevia. If you do decide to try the Garden of Life, make sure to get the Ultra. Vitacost has the best prices on that. And take high doses. Now, that will help your body overall, but I don't think it will address what you are dealing with right now, which to me sounds like the liver. The thing about the liver, there are no quick easy fixes. It takes a long time to get to a chronic condition and a long time to reverse. You may very well have an infection and it is throwing off a lot in your body. Are you upping your Vit C, Echinacea and the like? Are you upping your milk thistle and liver supportive supplements? Milk thistle with dandelion plus artichoke works better than milk thistle alone and Chinese bitters help. Chron's disease is getting very commonplace now as we are increasingly getting toxic. My IBS had progressed and I got the Chron's diagnosis too, but I don't really tell people that because personally I don't believe these are all separate diseases but all just part of the same problem affecting the body and manifesting in different ways. Since any recurrent symptoms are milder, IBS probably fits me better anyway. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, Well this is really helping me. Thanks for putting energy and effort into my current delima. I take two Ezymatic Therapy Probiotic pearls per day along with one Jarrow Fem-dophilus. I have a cup of organic yogur about every other day. Constipation is not so much a problem right at the moment. Pain is. It's not the usual IBS cramping type pain...this feels like an infection or almost like an abrasion from the bottom of my right lowest rib to almost the groin area. Very tender like. . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 12, 2007 Report Share Posted October 12, 2007 Barb, Is that what the yellow eyes are, liver? You know, when I got sick, my normally super white eyes got really yellow (and red). Just the past few months, they have been really white again. Since starting Isocort, they look more yellow. Maybe the cortisol is causing and extra liver burden and I need to up my liver support too? I was thinking of doing it anyway. Yes, milk thistle can help even if enzymes are elevated. Like I said, my friend had liver disease for years and it really helped her taking the combo. Cheri Re: OT-Possible Liver Issues A good visual test is the whites of your eyes. Are they actually white? Or yellowish? That was the first thing I noticed when I switched from Synthroid to Armour. After 3 days the whites of my eyes were white again! At that point, all my liver enzymes were normal since this would just be " sluggish liver, " not something bloodwork would pick up. And here I thought everyone's eyes just yellowed with age and I was only in my 30s! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 12, 2007 Report Share Posted October 12, 2007 Thanks, Barb! The biggest positive thing I have noticed with the Isocort so far is my deep depression has subsided. I had one day where I felt super energetic and felt like I could go run 10 miles (no, I wasn't dumb enough to try, lol) but then I started to get pain in the thyroid so I figured it was my body adjusting. That is the great thing about the internet. I found this group just in time. I hadn't had a bad depression like that in years so I knew I had to make some big change but didn't realize it was my adrenals. I will see during my next menses when the depression usually gets the worst...if it is better. My thinking has gotten clearer too since starting. Sometimes I can barely form a sentence. The only bad thing I have noticed is I have already gained 4 lbs after I had been losing the past 2 months but I am not going to worry about that for now. " The other thing I noticed with my eyes was that when my thyroid dose was too low, not only did the whites get yellower, but you could see all the little veins too. " That is really, really good info to know. After all these years you are the only one who has been able to tell me what the heck that is. I suspected yellow was liver related but had no idea what the red vessels meant. Mine started in 1990. Also my nail ridges started around then and I found out that was t3 related. I also am covered in cherry angiomas that I know is somehow related to the adrenals and thyroid since I got them when my illness got worse. And when I say " covered " I am talking about thousands. Very ugly but most are really tiny, like pinpoint sized. I have had other bleeding out issues which is why I cannot take Vitamin E. I think it is vascular related to the thyroid and adrenal disease but no one has been able to tell me for sure. My mother commented a few years ago why the whites of my eyes were so red (from the vessels) and yellow. I had no idea what caused it. I used to always get complimented on my eyes because the white part was so white, and when I got sicker, everyone told me I always look tired or mad. It is bad enough to FEEL bad, but when people keep telling you look bad too. Ugh! I am taking ongoing liver support but I am going to increase it and try the castor packs that did. Since I have not had any liver pain in a long time, I guess I have been taking my poor liver for granted and I need to focus some more on support. Eventually I want to do some big liver cleanses...I just need to get adrenals and thyroid a little better because I don't think my body could handle a big cleanse now. I do know that I have had liver problems since age 19 I could no longer drink alcohol (ha! most people first start drinking around then, lol). Thanks for the good input. Cheri Re: OT-Possible Liver Issues The other thing I noticed with my eyes was that when my thyroid dose was too low, not only did the whites get yellower, but you could see all the little veins too. Now that I'm at my optimal dose (I think), they're white and you can hardly see the veins. Barb . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 My pain in that area has decreased over the past few days, although the swollen feeling has not Excuse me I am coming in on this thread late, can it be assumed that you have been checked properly for any liver disease i.e. hepatitis? Mo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 Yes, Garden of Life, Primal Defense ULTRA. 15 billion probiotic cells- 100% vegetarian capsules. I get the 180 pack. Not cheap, but well worth it. And Vitacost is cheaper than other vendors, plus has great customer service. Once the bottle was broken and I contacted them, and asked if they needed me to return the broken bottle to get the credit. They just sent me out a new one ASAP. I like good customer service and order a lot from them. Oh, and with this coupon code WZ56ACB you will save 5% at checkout. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, Is this the Garden of Life PRIMAL DEFENSE Ultra? GOF has several formulas with ULTRA after the name. I just want to be sure. Thanks! . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 , Sending you a hug. You know, I had the same issues you do a few years ago. I could not lie down...had to sleep elevated because of acid reflux and eye pressure pain. I also had a terrible pain, which I assumed was adrenals, where I got no relief in any position. I honestly do not know what helped it because I started parasite cleanse, adrenal and thyroid support herbs all at the same time. I got rid of all but the acid reflux (probiotics got rid of that). So, not sure what of the many things I did actually helped. My IBS has actually been pretty good for several years now. Rarely a flare-up, just occasional constipation. It used to be so bad though, it was like giving birth without the advantage of having a nice sweet baby at the end of the ordeal, lol. I definitely do NOT miss that excruciating abdominal pain that would cause me to pass out. The parasite formula I am currently taking is called Para~Rid and If you order from VitaCost with that 5% discount, you can get both part one and part two (I am just on part one right now) and it is very cheap since I paid $12 just for the first bottle when I bought mine locally: Fairly inexpensive and it contains the Dr. Hulda recommended herbs of black walnut, wormwood and clove plus a host of other ones. It seems pretty gentle and yet effective. Depending on the type of parasites, raw organic pumpkin seeds are very effective (which the formula has some in them) but you have to be careful to take small amounts or the die off reaction will send to to an asylum! I recommended pumpkin seeds to a lady I met at the health food store, she ate a bunch on the plane, and when she landed in California she was so sick she was locked in the bathroom. Her mind was so messed up she couldn't concentrate on her work. She emailed me and was so mad. I felt so badly that I forgot to warn her to take small amounts and work up. Apparently she had a pretty severe case of parasites. Pumpkin seeds are how I discovered I had parasites years ago. I got so sick every time I ate them. I finally researched it and found out the Native Americans used them for centuries for parasites and what I was experiencing was die off reaction. I did too much at once. When I took it slower and did it for 10 days, it really made a dramatic improvement in my health. Then I started buying cleanses and do them off and on for maintenance. Not sure what your stool test will show but parasites often do not show up on them, especially if they are living deep in your gut, liver, etc. as mine were. They are clever little buggers who know how use the body to protect themselves. Also, your fibro can definitely be caused or aggravated by parasites. I used to have really, really terrible fibro...especially in my hips. The pain was very deep. That is one thing that has had a complete turnaround, and it started after I first did my parasite cleanses. I also added malic acid and magnesium. I have not had any fibro bouts in at least 4 years now. Thank goodness! Parasites put a strain on the adrenal glands, and obviously, impair the colon and liver from their detoxifying functions. I haven't read the entire Maker's Diet but I have read parts of it on the internet and I think my diet is pretty much in synch with most of what they say. I have had to experiment over the years to see what works. My main thing is I need more animal protein which is hard for me since I only like chicken and will only eat the free range organic, which isn't cheap. I do feel much better though. I also feel better with Quinoa...I think the high protein and amino acids is the reason why. Hope you have a better day. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, I feel for you with the Chron's...have you read The Maker's Diet? Are you having problems getting enough good nutrition? I keep some Amy's frozen meals the freezer for when I'm too sick to cook good food. It's mostly carbs, but they are mostly healthy organic carbs so at least I can get something good into my body. When I'm feeling well enough, I cook up big batches of soup and freeze them in individual containers for times like these too. It helps. . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 , what brand of probiotics do you take and what dosage? I know my years of constipation and not having soon enough elimination were relieved dramatically by taking high doses of Garden of Life Ultra probiotics. I now usually have a couple of well formed bowel movements a day, when I used to go a week without one. Just a suggestion because I find a wide range of differences in probiotics and that is the only brand and formula that worked for me. Also, what happens with your liver also impacts bowels since they both are elimination organs. Oh, and it really isn't off topic since liver and bowel health impact adrenals too. Cheri OT-Possible Liver Issues My stomach doesn't want to empty as it should making digestion very difficult. That's probably where this headache has come from. Good thing I made plenty of homemade turkey soup. My hubby is thawing some now for lunch and that should give me some energy. Sorry to everyone that this is an off-topic thread. . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 meantime I have had a whole series of labs done by my new endo, including liver enzymes which were normal. The only reason that I even suspect my liver is involved is b/c my massage therapist noted that it felt swollen to her. Normal liver enzymes does not preclude liver disease like the hepatitis B and C for example. A fatty liver which is not uncommon with hypoT can also raise liver enzyms because the fat accumulation kills off liver cells. Mo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 You can get the packs and everything else that you need here - . I'm going to do another tnite and continue with the milk thistle. My pain in that area has decreased over the past few days, although the swollen feeling has not disappeared. I intend to mention to my doc(s) when I see him again in a few weeks. > > Can you please tell me where you ordered your Castor oil pack from? > > Thanks and please keep in touch. Between you and Cheri, Anthoinette and I should be able to resolve these odd issues. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 No, I have not been checked for any such disease b/c my new doc did not have time to lay hands on me after my first visit when we reviewed records and my history and his staff couldn't get me in for a follow-up until 10/30 when, presumably, he will examine me. In the meantime I have had a whole series of labs done by my new endo, including liver enzymes which were normal. The only reason that I even suspect my liver is involved is b/c my massage therapist noted that it felt swollen to her. > > My pain in that area has > decreased over the past few days, although the swollen feeling has not > > Excuse me I am coming in on this thread late, can it be assumed that > you have been checked properly for any liver disease i.e. hepatitis? > > Mo > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 Cheri, Well this is really helping me. Thanks for putting energy and effort into my current delima. I take two Ezymatic Therapy Probiotic pearls per day along with one Jarrow Fem-dophilus. I have a cup of organic yogur about every other day. Constipation is not so much a problem right at the moment. Pain is. It's not the usual IBS cramping type pain...this feels like an infection or almost like an abrasion from the bottom of my right lowest rib to almost the groin area. Very tender like. My liver feels swollen and I'm having some back pain similar to when I had an adrenal pain back there. I think there are several things going on simultaneously which is making it difficult to figure out what to do. Today I was so frustrated that I didn't take anything except my hormones. Ugh... Do you really believe the Garden of Life product would be superior? I did read The Maker's Diet written by the gentlemen who started GOL...I forget his name, but he healed himself from Krohn's (sp?) Disease. MsSquarepants wrote: , what brand of probiotics do you take and what dosage? I know my years of constipation and not having soon enough elimination were relieved dramatically by taking high doses of Garden of Life Ultra probiotics. I now usually have a couple of well formed bowel movements a day, when I used to go a week without one. Just a suggestion because I find a wide range of differences in probiotics and that is the only brand and formula that worked for me. --------------------------------- Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 , I agree with others that by the time your bloodwork shows any liver problems, it's gotten advanced. There could be a dysfunction without the blood showing it. However, my liver enzymes were elevated enough to be flagged on a blood test, and milk thistle took care of it. A friend of Cheri's had the same positive results, and you said your pain has decreased, so there must be some healing going on. A good visual test is the whites of your eyes. Are they actually white? Or yellowish? That was the first thing I noticed when I switched from Synthroid to Armour. After 3 days the whites of my eyes were white again! At that point, all my liver enzymes were normal since this would just be " sluggish liver, " not something bloodwork would pick up. And here I thought everyone's eyes just yellowed with age and I was only in my 30s! All five of your liver blood tests are within range, though there is more specific testing they could do. (And we all know that " within range " means nothing in terms of diagnosing optimal thyroid function.) A good massage therapist or acupuncturist would notice a problem way before bloodwork, so I certainly wouldn't discount your massage therapist's observation. Seems like overall you're getting better though, no? Barb > > including liver enzymes which were normal. The only reason that I > even suspect my liver is involved is b/c my massage therapist noted > that it felt swollen to her. > > > My pain in that area has > > decreased over the past few days, although the swollen feeling has not > > > > Excuse me I am coming in on this thread late, can it be > assumed that > > you have been checked properly for any liver disease i.e. hepatitis? > > > > Mo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 Thanks Mo. We've sort of been over all of this on this thread already (or the other). I'm not what you would call " at risk " for Hep B or C. I will definitely be bringing up my liver with my doc when I see him. I can't do anything else. > > meantime I have had a whole series of labs done by my new endo, > including liver enzymes which were normal. The only reason that I > even suspect my liver is involved is b/c my massage therapist noted > that it felt swollen to her. > > > Normal liver enzymes does not preclude liver disease like the hepatitis B > and C for example. > A fatty liver which is not uncommon with hypoT can also raise liver enzyms > because the fat accumulation kills off liver cells. > > Mo > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 Hi Barb, I finally felt much better on Wed. after sleeping through the night Tues. Wed. and Th. were brutal with hypoT symptoms and the only reason that I didn't raise my Armour dose from the meager 1/2 grain that I was taking is that I didn't have stable temps yet. As of yesterday my temps were OK for the three days prior (not great, but close) so I added a third 1/4 grain dose late in the day yesterday and it really hit me hard - first in the stomach, then in the head, just like it has in the past when I have tried to add 1/2 grain all at once. I slept through the night again last night and took 1/2 grain of A in the AM (instead of 1/4) and 1/4 at like 3PM. My gut has been pretty active today, but not painful - mostly just bloaty and gassy. I'm going to hold here with the Armour and hope for the gut to calm down, and keep charting temps. My goal is to get back to the full grain that I was on two weeks ago, and then beyond. I know that I need more thyroid support, but the A really kicks my ass whenever I adjust. I believe that I might need more adrenal support too, but I'm maxed out on Iso, and swallowing about as many vits to support the adrenals as I can handle, and drinking the sea salt 3x/day. All in all, I am doing better today than I was yesterday and most of the past week (with the exception of Wed. which is when I felt the best). I don't pretend to understand the patterns that these things take, but at least I'm starting to understand the symptoms. Thanks, > > , I agree with others that by the time your bloodwork shows any > liver problems, it's gotten advanced. There could be a dysfunction > without the blood showing it. However, my liver enzymes were > elevated enough to be flagged on a blood test, and milk thistle took > care of it. A friend of Cheri's had the same positive results, and > you said your pain has decreased, so there must be some healing going > on. > > A good visual test is the whites of your eyes. Are they actually > white? Or yellowish? That was the first thing I noticed when I > switched from Synthroid to Armour. After 3 days the whites of my > eyes were white again! At that point, all my liver enzymes were > normal since this would just be " sluggish liver, " not something > bloodwork would pick up. And here I thought everyone's eyes just > yellowed with age and I was only in my 30s! > > All five of your liver blood tests are within range, though there is > more specific testing they could do. (And we all know that " within > range " means nothing in terms of diagnosing optimal thyroid > function.) A good massage therapist or acupuncturist would notice a > problem way before bloodwork, so I certainly wouldn't discount your > massage therapist's observation. > > Seems like overall you're getting better though, no? > > Barb > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 > > Barb, > Is that what the yellow eyes are, liver? You know, when I got sick, my > normally super white eyes got really yellow (and red). Just the past few > months, they have been really white again. Since starting Isocort, they look > more yellow. Maybe the cortisol is causing and extra liver burden and I need > to up my liver support too? I was thinking of doing it anyway. > I read somewhere (Dr. Lowe?) that changing from Synthroid to Armour or even just starting on thyroid would cause a liver reaction in some people. Your liver's been sluggish for years, and then all of a sudden it has the support to function again? It's probably in shock coming back to life! So yes, white is good, yellow is not, and I just take milk thistle daily. The other thing I noticed with my eyes was that when my thyroid dose was too low, not only did the whites get yellower, but you could see all the little veins too. Now that I'm at my optimal dose (I think), they're white and you can hardly see the veins. Really enjoy reading all your posts Cheri. You've been through so much and have so much info to share. I hope you get better now that you've started Isocort. Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Cheri, Well, yesterday I was hurting so bad that I stopped taking everything except for the hormones. I am sleeping in almost a sitting up position and that helps except after a while the fibro tender points in my hips feel the extra pressure being placed on them from being in that position. So then I lay down and the acid from my stomach seems to leak back into my esophagus and I wind up with a searing pain in my solar plexus. Ugh... I'm sorry to hear about your IBS causing you problems. I changed my diet and was greatly helped in that regard. I do miss my salads though. I could live on those! I will try the Garden of Life then. I will try just about anything except for another prescription drug. Every time they give me one of those I wind up with more trouble than I started out with. This has been going on for about a year and a half with periods of feeling better but not completely better. So I'm frustrated and that's got to make for an overly acidic internal environment too which can't be helping. I'll consider the anti-parasite herbs. I have a stool test kit from Diagnos-Techs. Perhaps this would be a good time to do that test because you have to discontinue most supplements for four or five days prior. Thanks for reminding me about this possible explanation of my problem. My side feels like it's way inflamed. But I had MRIs, ultrasounds and xrays and everything checks out normal. My enzymes were elevated for a while but were coming down. Not sure where they are now. I've heard that by the time anything shows up on lab work (regarding liver function), it's already much farther along in the disease process than you might think. Don't know if this is true, but it sure feels like it's true. And doctors love to blame everything on my fibro. I will start back on the Vit. C...and look into getting back on some form of liver support. I so appreciate your help in this. I'm feeling so badly that I'm not thinking straight. I feel for you with the Chron's...have you read The Maker's Diet? Are you having problems getting enough good nutrition? I keep some Amy's frozen meals the freezer for when I'm too sick to cook good food. It's mostly carbs, but they are mostly healthy organic carbs so at least I can get something good into my body. When I'm feeling well enough, I cook up big batches of soup and freeze them in individual containers for times like these too. It helps. MsSquarepants wrote: Oh, if it is on the right then it is not colon related. Definitely liver. The spleen could be involved too. You have more challenges because you don't have your GB, so whenever your liver and bile ducts are overloaded, it is twice as bad as someone who still has their GB. I empathize with you. I think you might have sluggishness caused by not being able to eliminate your bile properly and toxin buildup. That can cause the inflammation, as well as fatty liver. Then, if you caught an infection lately (antiparasite herbs could help) that would only increase you pain and swelling. Yes, I do think Garden of Life is superior. I like a lot of Enzymatic supplements (like their cleanses and B vits) and I use Jarrow as an add in, but the core probiotic I think is the best is the Garden of Life Ultra. It is much more potent than either of the others and with any probiotic, you really have to take high doses for a period of time to see the changes (at least I did with my messed up system). The yogurt can help, but it won't do anything near what a good probiotic will do and the dairy might even make some digestive issues worse depending on your body. I eat it in moderation but only organic non-flavored then add in my own organic fruit and stevia. If you do decide to try the Garden of Life, make sure to get the Ultra. Vitacost has the best prices on that. And take high doses. Now, that will help your body overall, but I don't think it will address what you are dealing with right now, which to me sounds like the liver. The thing about the liver, there are no quick easy fixes. It takes a long time to get to a chronic condition and a long time to reverse. You may very well have an infection and it is throwing off a lot in your body. Are you upping your Vit C, Echinacea and the like? Are you upping your milk thistle and liver supportive supplements? Milk thistle with dandelion plus artichoke works better than milk thistle alone and Chinese bitters help. Chron's disease is getting very commonplace now as we are increasingly getting toxic. My IBS had progressed and I got the Chron's diagnosis too, but I don't really tell people that because personally I don't believe these are all separate diseases but all just part of the same problem affecting the body and manifesting in different ways. Since any recurrent symptoms are milder, IBS probably fits me better anyway. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, Well this is really helping me. Thanks for putting energy and effort into my current delima. I take two Ezymatic Therapy Probiotic pearls per day along with one Jarrow Fem-dophilus. I have a cup of organic yogur about every other day. Constipation is not so much a problem right at the moment. Pain is. It's not the usual IBS cramping type pain...this feels like an infection or almost like an abrasion from the bottom of my right lowest rib to almost the groin area. Very tender like. . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Cheri, Is this the Garden of Life PRIMAL DEFENSE Ultra? GOF has several formulas with ULTRA after the name. I just want to be sure. Thanks! MsSquarepants wrote: Yes, I do think Garden of Life is superior. I like a lot of Enzymatic supplements (like their cleanses and B vits) and I use Jarrow as an add in, but the core probiotic I think is the best is the Garden of Life Ultra. --------------------------------- Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 , Thank you for the link. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Gives me hope! Please keep us informed about how you're feeling. jasrich wrote: You can get the packs and everything else that you need here - . I'm going to do another tnite and continue with the milk thistle. My pain in that area has decreased over the past few days, although the swollen feeling has not disappeared. I intend to mention to my doc(s) when I see him again in a few weeks. --------------------------------- Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Cheri, Thanks for the clarification AND the considerate of you! I did notice it was pricey. I hesitate only because of my experience with Interstitial Cystitis. I've pretty much gotten that under control, but I must try new meds and supplements carefully. It's odd but the ONLY thing that causes me to have an IC flare are new meds and supplements that must have some kind of filler that I'm allergic to. I think I tried Primal Defense a few years back and I don't believe I had a reaction to it. Could you please once again tell me what herb or substance needed to be combined with milk thistle? Thank you. I seem to be doing a bit better. Think it's because I slept almost sitting up. That works until around 2 or 3AM because the extra pressure on my fibro tender points in the hip area start to scream about then. I ate only eggs, apple sauce and soup supplements...only hormones. I was thinking perhaps the iodine I've been taking could have been moving some of the heavy metals out of my body and somehow on their way out, they got stuck in my liver. It's about the best theory I can think of for the side pain. The stomach not emptying as it should could be an ulcer...we've had a fair amount of stress in our lives of late. Thanks again! MsSquarepants wrote: Yes, Garden of Life, Primal Defense ULTRA. 15 billion probiotic cells- 100% vegetarian capsules. I get the 180 pack. --------------------------------- Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Cheri, The hug was nice! Thanks for that. Sometimes a woman just wants to throw up her hands and have another woman understand and you've helped tremendously with that. Heavy sigh. I'm so glad your IBS is behaving but when I got to the part about fibro, my jaw dropped. I've only had two instances where what I was doing at the time brought about almost total remission of this dumb disease. It was glorious to move or even to be still without constant pain. I tolerate the pain pretty well that most times I can forget about it. But when it's not there, my mind perks up and goes " HEYYYYYY...this is NICCCCCE. " LOL At the moment my butt and the backs of my thighs feel like somebody beat me with a heavy wooden paddle. It's just amazing how our bodies can wake up like this when normally we wouldn't even be aware we had a butt! LOL My IBS is pretty recent and I tend toward the other end of the spectrum with the big " D. " I eliminated most raw foods which helped GREATLY! I had been a fan of raw nuts and those I found were a definite no-no. But I haven't been able to gain as much ground with this side ache. I have a Castor oil pack coming so we'll see what that can do. seems to be enjoying some relief from using it. That's an amazing story about the pumpkin seeds. Instead of being angry, your friend should have thanked you profusely! Even though it feels like you're getting worse, I've come to understand the benefit in the getting worse before getting better scenario. I say bring it on. Perhaps this is what is actually taking place with me with the use of iodine. But again I'm just blown away with your report of significant improvement in your fibro with treating for parasitic infestation. I'm like a starving man on a cracker with that bit of news! Thank you! Again! MsSquarepants wrote: , Sending you a hug. You know, I had the same issues you do a few years ago. I could not lie down...had to sleep elevated because of acid reflux and eye pressure pain. I also had a terrible pain, which I assumed was adrenals, where I got no relief in any position. I honestly do not know what helped it because I started parasite cleanse, adrenal and thyroid support herbs all at the same time. I got rid of all but the acid reflux (probiotics got rid of that). So, not sure what of the many things I did actually helped. My IBS has actually been pretty good for several years now. Rarely a flare-up, just occasional constipation. It used to be so bad though, it was like giving birth without the advantage of having a nice sweet baby at the end of the ordeal, lol. I definitely do NOT miss that excruciating abdominal pain that would cause me to pass out. The parasite formula I am currently taking is called Para~Rid and If you order from VitaCost with that 5% discount, you can get both part one and part two (I am just on part one right now) and it is very cheap since I paid $12 just for the first bottle when I bought mine locally: Fairly inexpensive and it contains the Dr. Hulda recommended herbs of black walnut, wormwood and clove plus a host of other ones. It seems pretty gentle and yet effective. Depending on the type of parasites, raw organic pumpkin seeds are very effective (which the formula has some in them) but you have to be careful to take small amounts or the die off reaction will send to to an asylum! I recommended pumpkin seeds to a lady I met at the health food store, she ate a bunch on the plane, and when she landed in California she was so sick she was locked in the bathroom. Her mind was so messed up she couldn't concentrate on her work. She emailed me and was so mad. I felt so badly that I forgot to warn her to take small amounts and work up. Apparently she had a pretty severe case of parasites. Pumpkin seeds are how I discovered I had parasites years ago. I got so sick every time I ate them. I finally researched it and found out the Native Americans used them for centuries for parasites and what I was experiencing was die off reaction. I did too much at once. When I took it slower and did it for 10 days, it really made a dramatic improvement in my health. Then I started buying cleanses and do them off and on for maintenance. Not sure what your stool test will show but parasites often do not show up on them, especially if they are living deep in your gut, liver, etc. as mine were. They are clever little buggers who know how use the body to protect themselves. Also, your fibro can definitely be caused or aggravated by parasites. I used to have really, really terrible fibro...especially in my hips. The pain was very deep. That is one thing that has had a complete turnaround, and it started after I first did my parasite cleanses. I also added malic acid and magnesium. I have not had any fibro bouts in at least 4 years now. Thank goodness! Parasites put a strain on the adrenal glands, and obviously, impair the colon and liver from their detoxifying functions. I haven't read the entire Maker's Diet but I have read parts of it on the internet and I think my diet is pretty much in synch with most of what they say. I have had to experiment over the years to see what works. My main thing is I need more animal protein which is hard for me since I only like chicken and will only eat the free range organic, which isn't cheap. I do feel much better though. I also feel better with Quinoa...I think the high protein and amino acids is the reason why. Hope you have a better day. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, I feel for you with the Chron's...have you read The Maker's Diet? Are you having problems getting enough good nutrition? I keep some Amy's frozen meals the freezer for when I'm too sick to cook good food. It's mostly carbs, but they are mostly healthy organic carbs so at least I can get something good into my body. When I'm feeling well enough, I cook up big batches of soup and freeze them in individual containers for times like these too. It helps. . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Cheri, I am learning a lot from your questions...and people's response to your questions. Tasia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 , I am glad you are better today. Sensitivity to adding supplements and drugs is adrenal related according to Dr. Rind. I have that problem too. Milk thistle, dandelion, and artichoke are good in combo. Wild Harvest makes a good one I like it because you get all in one bottle. You might want to look for a less expensive source though, or buy them separately to save money because you need a pretty high dose and not just 100 mg. Not sure what all Vitacost carries in that. Check out the return policy of any internet store or local store you buy your stuff at. If you do have bad reactions, a lot of places will let your return and either credit toward a future purchase or refund. I have had to do that on occasion. Threelac is supposed to be a very good probiotic too, especially for Candida sufferers. I have not tried it yet (even more expensive than Primal Defense) but if I get my income up in the next few months I might try that also. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, Thanks for the clarification AND the considerate of you! I did notice it was pricey. I hesitate only because of my experience with Interstitial Cystitis. I've pretty much gotten that under control, but I must try new meds and supplements carefully. It's odd but the ONLY thing that causes me to have an IC flare are new meds and supplements that must have some kind of filler that I'm allergic to. I think I tried Primal Defense a few years back and I don't believe I had a reaction to it. Could you please once again tell me what herb or substance needed to be combined with milk thistle? Thank you. I seem to be doing a bit better. Think it's because I slept almost sitting up. That works until around 2 or 3AM because the extra pressure on my fibro tender points in the hip area start to scream about then. I ate only eggs, apple sauce and soup supplements...only hormones. I was thinking perhaps the iodine I've been taking could have been moving some of the heavy metals out of my body and somehow on their way out, they got stuck in my liver. It's about the best theory I can think of for the side pain. The stomach not emptying as it should could be an ulcer...we've had a fair amount of stress in our lives of late. Thanks again! MsSquarepants wrote: Yes, Garden of Life, Primal Defense ULTRA. 15 billion probiotic cells- 100% vegetarian capsules. I get the 180 pack. --------------------------------- Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 , Well, there is definitely hope with the fibro. So as bad as it is for you right now, know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Have you read the book, From Fatigue to Fantastic? It has some good info in it. I used to buy them and give them as gifts to people. The big D is not fun. Activated Charcoal works well. It is good to have on hand anyway for a host of issues (like if something you just took did not agree with you.) Having diarrhea is also a parasite symptom. Yeah, the pumpkin seed woman was not a friend, just a stranger I met at the store so I guess that is why I felt even worse. I was trying to help, even gave a complete stranger my email address...only for her to use it to tear me a new one. Ha! However, I did properly diagnose her, lol. I knew by looking at her tongue and eyes she had a parasite problem because she looked like I did when I had it the worst. I am going to experiment more with iodine (beyond my seaweeds). T3 is made up of the amino acid Tyrosine and iodine, so it makes sense that iodine plays an important role in thyroid function. I know I get nodules and goiter when I get way too low. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, I'm so glad your IBS is behaving but when I got to the part about fibro, my jaw dropped. I've only had two instances where what I was doing at the time brought about almost total remission of this dumb disease. It was glorious to move or even to be still without constant pain. I tolerate the pain pretty well that most times I can forget about it. But when it's not there, my mind perks up and goes " HEYYYYYY...this is NICCCCCE. " LOL At the moment my butt and the backs of my thighs feel like somebody beat me with a heavy wooden paddle. It's just amazing how our bodies can wake up like this when normally we wouldn't even be aware we had a butt! LOL But again I'm just blown away with your report of significant improvement in your fibro with treating for parasitic infestation. I'm like a starving man on a cracker with that bit of news! Thank you! Again! . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Thanks, Tasia. I am learning a lot from the people on this list too. Cheri Re: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, I am learning a lot from your questions...and people's response to your questions. Tasia . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 14, 2007 Report Share Posted October 14, 2007 Cheri, Yes buying these herbs separately will also allow me to test one at a time. Thanks for listing them again. It's amazing how many of my symptoms point back to adrenal and thyroid issues. My next saliva test will reveal whether or not I am supplementing properly. I may have gone overboard because my weight has just ballooned with the re-starting of HC. It feels so uncomfortable around the middle! With supplements I can't use that's a great suggestion Cheri. Especially with something as pricey as the GOL. I also like passing what I can't use on to others to try. I am part of a group of ICers and we often share bottles of stuff in our cupboards that hasn't worked us personally because someone else will usually be able to tolerate it and benefit. Well I have my shopping list now. Thanks for all the good advice! MsSquarepants wrote: , I am glad you are better today. Sensitivity to adding supplements and drugs is adrenal related according to Dr. Rind. I have that problem too. Milk thistle, dandelion, and artichoke are good in combo. Wild Harvest makes a good one I like it because you get all in one bottle. You might want to look for a less expensive source though, or buy them separately to save money because you need a pretty high dose and not just 100 mg. Not sure what all Vitacost carries in that. Check out the return policy of any internet store or local store you buy your stuff at. If you do have bad reactions, a lot of places will let your return and either credit toward a future purchase or refund. I have had to do that on occasion. Threelac is supposed to be a very good probiotic too, especially for Candida sufferers. I have not tried it yet (even more expensive than Primal Defense) but if I get my income up in the next few months I might try that also. Cheri RE: OT-Possible Liver Issues Cheri, Thanks for the clarification AND the considerate of you! I did notice it was pricey. I hesitate only because of my experience with Interstitial Cystitis. I've pretty much gotten that under control, but I must try new meds and supplements carefully. It's odd but the ONLY thing that causes me to have an IC flare are new meds and supplements that must have some kind of filler that I'm allergic to. I think I tried Primal Defense a few years back and I don't believe I had a reaction to it. Could you please once again tell me what herb or substance needed to be combined with milk thistle? Thank you. I seem to be doing a bit better. Think it's because I slept almost sitting up. That works until around 2 or 3AM because the extra pressure on my fibro tender points in the hip area start to scream about then. I ate only eggs, apple sauce and soup supplements...only hormones. I was thinking perhaps the iodine I've been taking could have been moving some of the heavy metals out of my body and somehow on their way out, they got stuck in my liver. It's about the best theory I can think of for the side pain. The stomach not emptying as it should could be an ulcer...we've had a fair amount of stress in our lives of late. Thanks again! MsSquarepants wrote: Yes, Garden of Life, Primal Defense ULTRA. 15 billion probiotic cells- 100% vegetarian capsules. I get the 180 pack. --------------------------------- Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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