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Success Stories

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Hi guys - I want you to know how much I really appreciate all the of

problem solving (i.e.scenarios and Q & A associated that goes back and

forth with the challenges associated with the conditions we have and

the relation to the diet.) I have been on SCD for shy of two months

and am coming out of a mild flare. Many times I read on this forums

about people having flares and set backs...and I have ot tell you, my

heart just sinks. I think it has something to do with seeing all of

the challenges others are having - I think a part of my mind is

wrestling with the belief in the hope that this diet really works -

Granted, this forum is designed to find answers to challenges, so I

understand (and benefit myself) from the content that is, for lack of

a better word, " negative. " In as much, I would sure appreciate some

brief reports of success stories at this point if you have time to

offer...things like being off meds for a long pd of time or flare free

for a long pd of time - I think that would balance out the " real

challenges " with the " real success. " I want to make sure that you all

don't think I am being critical of the content - this is just

something I am requesting personally that I think will be helpful to

me personally. Many thanks for all of your feedback - you have all

been such a great help to me.


UC 5 1/2 yrs

SCD 1.75 months

Prednisone 7.5 mg/day

Asulfazene 4.5 (500 mg) tabs per day

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Well, it just so happens that my son's was just posted at: http://gapsdiet.com/Testimonials.html :)A note on my blurb: I only learned from discussion here today that SCD is not a purely monosaccharide diet, so I will revise that at some point. I had always thought "monosaccharide only" was an accurate and quick way to describe SCD, but apparently not. Anyway, I think the story otherwise fits the bill.Cheers,Baden_

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In Aug/Sept. 07 I was diagnosed with mild/moderate Crohn's disease. I had only been having symptoms since Feb. 07. The doc put me on Pentasa and continued to monitor me. Pentasa made me feel better for about 2 weeks so she added Imuran too. Again, another 2 weeks and I was fine. I've never been one for conventional medicine so I started researching and trying different herbs and such until I located SCD. I started the diet in early Oct. 07. Well, I skipped the part in the book about the intro diet and just jumped into eating anything I wanted. For a few days I felt fine, but then I started getting sicker and sicker (I think it was the PB and almond flour; I was eating A LOT). Finally on Oct. 30 I went in the hospital for a week. I had severe inflammation. They put me on a prednisone drip. When I left the hospital I was on a 60mg taper

of prednisone, imuran and pentasa. The prednisone made me crazy but that's a whole other story. I tapered off the prednisone (much faster because of the craziness) and continued to take Imuran and Pentasa. But, I was also taking pain meds. I couldn't get through the day without them. In Dec. 07 I went to my doc, crying because I was out of pain meds and the Imuran/Pentasa combo just wasn't making me feel better. She ordered another CAT scan and informed me that my initial diagnosis was wrong: I had severe Crohn's disease and if I didn't get on Humira or Remicaid, I would be facing surgery in a year. First, there is no way I could have afforded either of those with 80/20 prescription coverage and I don't like taking medicine anyway so I looked back into SCD. I started Jan 5, 08. Again, overlooking the part about the intro diet, I dived right in though I wasn't eating any almond flour stuff. I was feeling better but not great and still depeneded on pain

meds to get me through most days (mosty the nights). I joined this group in early February and read a post about the intro diet. Looked into it more and started it on Feb. 5. Overnight, my inflammation was all but gone. I haven't had to take a pain pill since. This diet was my saving grace. I still have my ups and downs. Especially when I try something new my body doesn't tolerate or if I allow an illegal to slip into my food. Last night was pretty bad for me. I tried broccoli again after 6 months and it caused severe bloating and gas,but nothing like before. I have been totally CD meds free since Jan 8 (cause the doctor told me Imuran and Pentasa weren't doing anything for me) and pain med free since Feb 5. I haven't had a flare since Feb 5. I've had setbacks and bad days. A couple months back, I felt bad for about a week. After being in a year long flare, this diet has made me feel like I did before. The key I have found to the diet is to take it

slow. A girl on my SCD myspace group did not follow this advice. Within 3 weeks she was eating almond flour goodies and anything SCD legal she wanted. I was still on the intro diet. Anything outside of my 5 or 6 tolerated foods for the first 2 months caused symptoms. I tried explaining it to her, but she wouldn't listen and eventually stopped the diet. Even though she admits that her gas/bloating and trips to the bathroom were decreased a lot. She is one of those types of people that want overnight results. Again, I tried explaining that natural doesn't happen overnight!!!

Oh, and if you think of SCD as a way of life and not a diet, it will be much easier to adhere to it.

I hope my story helps. There are a lot of people on here with much more encouraging stories.

Misty Kimble


CD - no meds

SCD - 8 months

Subject: Success StoriesTo: BTVC-SCD Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 11:10 PM

Hi guys - I want you to know how much I really appreciate all the ofproblem solving (i.e.scenarios and Q & A associated that goes back andforth with the challenges associated with the conditions we have andthe relation to the diet.) I have been on SCD for shy of two monthsand am coming out of a mild flare. Many times I read on this forumsabout people having flares and set backs...and I have ot tell you, myheart just sinks. I think it has something to do with seeing all ofthe challenges others are having - I think a part of my mind iswrestling with the belief in the hope that this diet really works -Granted, this forum is designed to find answers to challenges, so Iunderstand (and benefit myself) from the content that is, for lack ofa better word, "negative." In as much, I would sure appreciate somebrief reports of success stories at this point if you have time tooffer...things like being off

meds for a long pd of time or flare freefor a long pd of time - I think that would balance out the "realchallenges" with the "real success." I want to make sure that you alldon't think I am being critical of the content - this is justsomething I am requesting personally that I think will be helpful tome personally. Many thanks for all of your feedback - you have allbeen such a great help to me.AiazeenUC 5 1/2 yrsSCD 1.75 monthsPrednisone 7.5 mg/dayAsulfazene 4.5 (500 mg) tabs per day

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Hi Aiazeen,

I have a very strong success story, and hope there are many others like me. I suspect many of the best success stories don't get onto the list serve because when things get really good, people probably stop reading every day (I am guilty of that). That said, I'm only 6 months into this, and I don't want to jinx it, but I felt better the first day I started the SCD diet. I even made all sorts of mistakes in the first few weeks, and while I felt immediate repercussions for each mistake, overall I was feeling better and better. I did LOSE a lot of weight at first. I know some folks are hoping to gain weight, so that might not sound successful, but I think (and others on this list have said) that your body just needs to adjust to not getting the same carbohydrates its been used to. As my clothes started to get very loose, and I was exhausted all the time, I sort of felt like my body was being like a toddler, saying, " I'm going to DIE if you don't give me my starches and sugary soda!!! " But since every time I gave in it became clear that I was much more likely to die, IF I ate starches and sugars, I stopped giving in, ever. This may just be coincidence, but once I added nut butters to my diet, my weight returned to normal, I no longer craved any " illegal " foods, and recovered my strength and energy. I still occasionally have blood in my stool, and I am prone to constipation. So I do not feel absolutely cured. But I am completely med-free and living a very normal, even stressful, life.

About the med-free thing. I was only on medication once, for a month. It did help, but when I went off it, my symptoms quickly erupted again and they were 20 times worse than they had been before the medication. I personally believe that the medication, while giving immediate relief, really screwed up my system, and made things worse in the end. That doesn't mean I think medication is wrong! If in the future SCD stops working, or I have some other ailment, I will not hesitate to take recommended medicine, and I really hope that everyone takes medication that helps them. But I would feel dishonest not to admit that SOMETIMES medication does more harm than good. Only sometimes.

By the way, if you go onto Amazon.com and read reviews of BTVC, you'll see some great success stories there.

One final note: I have a son with autism, and we have tried many different kinds of treatments for him, some of them extensive and expensive. Some things have helped but nothing has come close to making him less autistic. So I actually get a big knot in my stomach when other parents tell me their success stories about their " recovered " children. I have gotten so negative about treatments and success, that I am in constant disbelief that SCD has worked for me, and actually feel guilty about it working sometimes. But it has taught me that when something works it really DOES work, and unfortunately the many things I've done for my son simply haven't worked (i.e. it's not completely my fault!) Well, that's just my proviso on success stories.

Ann (UC, SCD since 03/30/2008)

Success Stories Posted by: " aiazeen " aiazeen@... aiazeen Date: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:10 pm ((PDT))

Hi guys - I want you to know how much I really appreciate all the ofproblem solving (i.e.scenarios and Q & A associated that goes back andforth with the challenges associated with the conditions we have and

the relation to the diet.) I have been on SCD for shy of two monthsand am coming out of a mild flare. Many times I read on this forumsabout people having flares and set backs...and I have ot tell you, myheart just sinks. I think it has something to do with seeing all of

the challenges others are having - I think a part of my mind iswrestling with the belief in the hope that this diet really works -Granted, this forum is designed to find answers to challenges, so Iunderstand (and benefit myself) from the content that is, for lack of

a better word, " negative. " In as much, I would sure appreciate somebrief reports of success stories at this point if you have time tooffer...things like being off meds for a long pd of time or flare free

for a long pd of time - I think that would balance out the " realchallenges " with the " real success. " I want to make sure that you alldon't think I am being critical of the content - this is just

something I am requesting personally that I think will be helpful tome personally. Many thanks for all of your feedback - you have allbeen such a great help to me.

AiazeenUC 5 1/2 yrsSCD 1.75 monthsPrednisone 7.5 mg/dayAsulfazene 4.5 (500 mg) tabs per day

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I've been on SCD for more than 5 years. I have learned that staying on it is the only way I can keep my digestion working with minimal symptoms, which means I can work full-time and lead a fairly normal life. My digestive disorders are functional, which means my body just isn't capable of working "normally" any more. But I sure feel so much better eating SCD foods. Beats lying with pain and nausea 24/7.

But -- it did take me 2 years on SCD before I knew I was "healed" and was able to add a few legal foods back into my menu. I did start feeling a lessening of pain and nausea within a few weeks of starting SCD, so knew I was on the right path and remained motivated to continue. But there were lots of ups and downs as my digestive tract healed, and my body adapted to the changed digestive process. I was going back to the intro. diet, or clear liquids when things were very bad, about once every 2 to 3 weeks for that first 18 months on SCD.

And I don't have an IBD!! So it's not surprising that those of us on SCD who are dealing with inflammatory disorders need a longer time on SCD before they can say they are completely in remission. And probably have a lot more ups and downs and flares than I did.

SCD is really a lifestyle change, and once you've made the switch, everything becomes easier. And I am thankful each and every day that I stumbled across SCD. Most of the people with the same upper GI dysfunctions as I do suffer constant pain and nausea, and usually can't work... Maybe I just have a milder case than others (although there are times I do hit severe pain and nausea levels), but I give a lot of credit to remaining on SCD.

Kim M.

SCD 5 years

Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and other upper GI dysfunctions, IBS-C 5+ years

neurological deterioration 2+ years

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