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Integrative Doctors

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Hi All,

I noticed the recent discussion (under " gaining weight " ) regarding

doctors and that they (notoriously) do not support the SCD (or, at

least, blow it off). I know, personally, we have been trying to

convince our GI that SCD is actually a very legitiment treatment for

our son's CD. We even printed out info from the BTVC site explaining

the diet, gave our doc examples of 's daily food diary, etc. Our

doc took the info and simply filed it away. I doubt he has ever

referred back to it. We continued to do our own thing with SCD, and

have been going for monthly follow-up visits. I was really starting

to feel it was a waste of our time since we were on different pages.

He (clearly) is a " meds are the only way " kind of guy. Then, at our

last visit, after our son's bad reaction (and 8 lbs weight LOSS) on

Imuran, he suggested our only two options were Remicade (uhhh...I

don't think so!), and/or a feeding tube. Interestingly, our doc

mentioned CD treatments in Europe rely on nutrition (via some kind of

drink, or through a tube). He indicated that it has proven quite

successful. I left the appointment shaking my head, and thinking the

best option might be a feeding tube. HOWEVER, I posted my question

about feeding tubes on this board and received GREAT

feedbakc...thanks everyone! We have decided to fore go the tube and

are JUST going " nutritional " ...which is exactly what we were doing

before all the meds messed our son up even more (just my opinion)!

I agree with what one poster said about taking control of our kid's

(and our own) health, and not letting docs " force " us in to things.

There is part of me that feels like I " have " to do what the doctor

says. BUT, I am learning the hard way, this is not SO! I need to

advocate for my child, and do what I think is right...despite the

guidance of my doc.

Anyway, all of this to say, we have finally located another doctor

who already seems so helpful! We have located an Integrative Doctor

(MD) who incorporates alternative and medical treatment into her

practice. Actually, we have already had our son there twice in the

last week, and we are so very happy! The practice is family medicine

( not a GI), but they are very knowledgable about the whole body and

how to treat it. They are very supportive of the SCD and are working

with us as we explore alternative treatments. Their attitude is also

one of victory (unlike our GI who said our son will be on meds his

whole life, feel sick off and on, and have surgeries). Our new

doctor seems quite confident that we can lick CD! Wow!! Another

great thing is this doc takes our insurance and can do all sorts of

blood tests (in fact, our son is being testing for a bunch of

things...they want to treat my whole child...not just his GI

tract!). We are pretty happy, and cautiously optimistic. At this

point, I am even wondering if we need a GI. Though, I am sort of

afraid NOT to have one...not sure why... In some respects, I want to

demonstrate our son's success (through alternative means) to our GI

to maybe help open his eyes so he can help others in the future. I

am proabbly being unrealistic, though. Anyway, I just wanted to

share our story, and pass on integrative docs as an " alternative! "

DS CD Jan 08, SCD Jan 08, 10 mg pred

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