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Re: is it ok for a 5yo to take a break??

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I am curious about your mold infested house and what neurological issues your family encountered. My 13 year old has celiac disease and anxiety and panic attack issues. She is doing the diet because of bacterial overgrowth (d-lactate) in her intestines. plus she has a few food intolerances.

Please let me know what issues your kids were having. Our house was built in the 70s and our crawl space has some mold in it in the corners. I try to wash it with bleach at times. But your story has me concerned.


is it ok for a 5yo to take a break??

We have been on SCD for about 2 1/2 months now. my 5 yr old is doing remarkably well. She gained 4 pounds in the first 7 weeks. We are on SCD because we have neurological damage from a mold infested house and began having a ton of allergy and neurological symptoms. Becca is the worst case in our house. We are now in a clean environment and like I said feeling awesome. Here's my dilema.

Becca is going to my mother's house in WI, we are in SC, for her birthday. Her sisters went pre SCD and had a blast with all the treats and wonderful foods Grandma makes. Now she is going and has to be restricted. I want her to have fun and I know that fun and love is not associated with food but my mother is having nightmares about what to feed her. I told her what she can have and that I would send things along to make it easier but nontheless she is nervous. Becca is now not wanting to go because she wants to do the fun things her sisters were able to do. Do I let her go and postpone SCD until she is home and start over? Is is going to undo everything we've done if she is there and eats a gluten and dairy free diet? My mother is used to that bcause we were GF/DF for 2 years prior to SCD. Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you,


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Dusty, just so you know, weekends are slow around here.

I am a RE Broker and 15 year Realtor. Mold does not get taken care of by bleach if it's in the drywall. Surface mold typically won't make someone sick. Using Kilz and painting over it does not remove the mold. Mold has to be REMOVED. You have to replace the drywall and remove everything contaminated. Children are the most susceptible to mold issues. Look up stachybotis(sp?) and you'll see mold symptoms on the internet. Look carefully around the house - behind refrigerators, washers, showers and water heaters and the attic for past or present water leaks. A typical home will not have mold issues unless there's been water leakage for a while. (Really old homes and the southern states may be an exception) Home Depot sells a mold test for under $15. Every house has mold. Some have extreme amounts and that's when problems arise. If I had mold in my house and a sick child, it'd be gone tomorrow. Do her symptoms get worse when it rains? Does she get better when she leaves the house? Is anyone else sick? I hope I helped some. Terri

is it ok for a 5yo to take a break??

We have been on SCD for about 2 1/2 months now. my 5 yr old is doing remarkably well. She gained 4 pounds in the first 7 weeks. We are on SCD because we have neurological damage from a mold infested house and began having a ton of allergy and neurological symptoms. Becca is the worst case in our house. We are now in a clean environment and like I said feeling awesome. Here's my dilema.

Becca is going to my mother's house in WI, we are in SC, for her birthday. Her sisters went pre SCD and had a blast with all the treats and wonderful foods Grandma makes. Now she is going and has to be restricted. I want her to have fun and I know that fun and love is not associated with food but my mother is having nightmares about what to feed her. I told her what she can have and that I would send things along to make it easier but nontheless she is nervous. Becca is now not wanting to go because she wants to do the fun things her sisters were able to do. Do I let her go and postpone SCD until she is home and start over? Is is going to undo everything we've done if she is there and eats a gluten and dairy free diet? My mother is used to that bcause we were GF/DF for 2 years prior to SCD. Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you,


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Ann wrote:

>Her sisters went pre SCD and had a blast with all the treats and wonderful

>foods Grandma makes. Now she is going and has to be restricted. I want her

>to have fun and I know that fun and love is not associated with food but my

>mother is having nightmares about what to feed her. I told her what she can

>have and that I would send things along to make it easier but nontheless

>she is nervous. Becca is now not wanting to go because she wants to do the

>fun things her sisters were able to do. <


I have a daughter who has eaten differently since she was small. Sometimes

she looks at what the other kids are getting and gets upset too.

Here are some ideas:

Wrap the snacks up as presents. A pretty bow or box makes a regular snack

extra special.

A treasure hunt around the house can make finding regular snacks REALLY FUN.

Cookie cutters make most food more fun. you can use them on raw vegetables

and mashed vegetables and meat and nut cookies if you are making them

Exchange some FUN=eating to FUN=doing, like grandma takes her bowling or

something unusual that is special for her (and her siblings didn't get).

Give her a stuffed animal or doll that has the same problem she has and has

to eat special food. Give her a motivational present for every day or week

she takes care of her doll/teddy bear and makes sure it only eats good


best wishes

Cecilia with 11 yo daughter

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My daughters are 3 and 5. They are not only SCD but have severe food

intolerances from Multiple chemical sensitvity (I have this too and

UC)and they have only 13 safe foods right now. They must rotate

their foods and have one per meal.....every four days. SO big

portions but single ingredient meals....basicaly meat baked in water

for most meals.

My 3yo has had a total personality change since removing her problem

foods...for the good and I can tell that they are feeling well. She

is actually reading at a 1st grade level and finally happy.....not

just sad all the time.

That said, they took a trip to MI in August to see their

grandparents when they were about 2 months into full SCD with this

new elimination. When everyone tried to tell me how my daughter

needed " cake " for her birthday......but she can not currently have

nuts or dairy(very sensitive to both).......I held firm....it was

hard....you feel like the worst parent in the world but actually you

are being the best one! I wrote an expose about cake to my inlaws

and held firm that because I had no ability at this time to even

make cake(no nuts, no dairy).....and I am pretty creative with SCD

having been on it myself for four years now.

There is a bias that people can only have " fun " if they eat the

right foods. It is not really what it is all about......so we took

the focus off with a few things. Food is meant to be for nourishment

and somehow it got all mingled into something else. When the food

issues were taken off the table it turned out they could still play

and have fun with everything else. They had a blast and the food

stuff never came up. We discussed it ahead of time and they just

knew they had to eat differently. I think they feel how much better

they are feeling and they did not complain as much as I would have


Also, if they are changing environments, that is enough change by

itself for her. It will be stressful on her body to have that alone

with the post mold issues. Keep the diet constant to help her be

able to have a good time. If she eats problem foods, it will impact

her mood/gut and she won't have a good time or have good memories.

There is nothing more " unfun " than a belly ache and sitting out of

the fun with one.

How about these treats?

1) " pumpkin pie " . I have the Libby's recipe(illegal) and just adapt

to make it with basicly just honey in the same amount (or 1/2) as

sugar(illegal), legal pumpkin and eggs and baked according to the

Libby's recipes time(I do it no crust but there are great almond

flour crusts out there). It sets up a little more like pudding but

the girls love it!

2) banana " ice cream " ......we peel em and freeze em. On the day of

the treat we pull them out and wait ten minutes then eat.

3) My mother in law was able to make a " cake " looking thing with a

stack of watermelon. She sliced it up and stacked it all like a

cake. It was pretty and fit in their diet.


shtml is a photo of one such one.

Once the food was not changing.....everyone was able to work around

it and the girls still had a really good time.

I think that my opinion has always been that I am being " harder and

harsher " for them now to give them hope when they are

older.....parenting with the end in mind. I would so much rather

them have to have a little less " great looking foods " now while they

have my support with the hope of adding more foods (even legal

foods) later.

I remember a lot from when I was five. I gave a lot of thought to it

and I do not remember the food from the parties and such....I

remember the people(who was there) and other toys/fun that was

there. I remember whether my body felt happy or sad. Give her a gift

of a constant diet to what works for her. All the rest is hype and

kind of wrong. You do not need sugar and food dyes and all that to

make a fun party. :)

HTH Michele (The very worst mom in the world. If you feel bad, there

is always me to compare to). :)

Oh yeah....there are tons of yummy food recipes on SCD that totally

compete with the best food out there...so get creative

too...pecanbread.com has more too. The cookbooks have some great

ones too.

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my youngest had developmental delays as an infant. she was severly under weight, this diet has allowed her body to gain 4 pounds. she is 5 and now weighs 40 pounds. she was sleepy and irritable all the time, she'd nap 2-3 hours a day and sleep at night for 12 hours and was still tired. she began having anaphalactic episodes with foods she always had eaten. diarreah, abdominal pain, refusal to eat. asthmatic episodes and nose bleeds.

that is just her my 11 yo developed asthma, i had an episode where i went blind for about 10 min and then was dizzy and my vision would double for 6 mo. that never completely went away. abdominal issues and severe chest pain.

we have seen an enviromental doc and our blood work shows antibodies formed against the throid, anti nuclear antibodies, these are fighting the central nervous system, and anti mylen antibodies, these are fighting the mylen sheath that covers the nerves aka multiple sclerosis. i had 3 miscarriages in the house also.

my recomendation is to get out until you can have a mold companie in to clean it out. we built a brand new house and there was a construction error. water leaked for 4 years and there were no visible signs of it. we lost everything includig our home. it forclosed because we had to move out. the builder took 6 months to repair and by then we were in over our head financially. very sad.

hope this helps you out. if you need more info let me know.


is it ok for a 5yo to take a break??

We have been on SCD for about 2 1/2 months now. my 5 yr old is doing remarkably well. She gained 4 pounds in the first 7 weeks. We are on SCD because we have neurological damage from a mold infested house and began having a ton of allergy and neurological symptoms. Becca is the worst case in our house. We are now in a clean environment and like I said feeling awesome. Here's my dilema.

Becca is going to my mother's house in WI, we are in SC, for her birthday. Her sisters went pre SCD and had a blast with all the treats and wonderful foods Grandma makes. Now she is going and has to be restricted. I want her to have fun and I know that fun and love is not associated with food but my mother is having nightmares about what to feed her. I told her what she can have and that I would send things along to make it easier but nontheless she is nervous. Becca is now not wanting to go because she wants to do the fun things her sisters were able to do. Do I let her go and postpone SCD until she is home and start over? Is is going to undo everything we've done if she is there and eats a gluten and dairy free diet? My mother is used to that bcause we were GF/DF for 2 years prior to SCD. Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you,


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