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Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLY

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I usually just lie awake for hours. Maybe I can take my iron then? :) Last night I fellasleep at 4 am. 4 hours too late, at least. But hey, better late than never. I alwaysuse an alarm to wake me up though. Pretty much always around 11. I want to push itback to 9 though. Sleep from midnight to 9 sounds perfect. The iron I am taking is fineeither in empty or full stomach.As for T3: Do I really have to take it on an empty stomach? Impossible! I always eat! :pSubject: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Saturday,

January 9, 2010, 4:15 AM

Do you wake up at all in the middle of the night (or early morning for you) to go to the bathroom or just roll over? You could just take your iron then. If you're taking the chelated kind by Blue Bonnet that Val recommended to you, it will absorb just fine that way.

I take stuff in the middle of the night all the time if it requires an empty stomach because I graze all day long, so the only other time my stomach is empty is when I first wake up! :-)





> >Ok maybe it's time to up the T3 to 20 mcg daily. Should I add this at midnight-1 am before


> >going to bed? And is 5 mcg T3 a good bedtime dose? I can't split my pills into smaller


> >pieces than that!




> The bedtime dose is the next I would add. It really does help sleep


> quality




> Nick


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BUT I have read that up to 70% of iron is LOST to digestion if takien

wiht foods so as we are tryign to absorb the MAXIMUM amount of th edoses

you take,m empty stomach is bets and yes you can take it at 4 Am.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I still need to figure out when to take my fourth dose of T3, which bring the total to 20 mcg,to not collide with the iron. Right now it looks like I can take my forth dose of T3 at 2 am,before bedtime. The fourth dose of iron has an open slot at 3 am. Which is when I fallasleep anyway. (3 or 4 am) I hope to wake up a bit earlier soon, so I can go to bed a bitearlier too. , what if my serum iron is at 30 (range: 5 - 35) while taking 100 mg iron daily?Isn't there a risk of iron poisoning of the iron gets higher than the range? I am taking abouts-iron, not s-ferritin.BUT I have read that up to 70% of iron is LOST to digestion if


wiht foods so as we are tryign to absorb the MAXIMUM amount of th edoses

you take,m empty stomach is bets and yes you can take it at 4 Am.

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I sincerely doubt it si actually that high, You did not stop

suplementing long enough before the blood draw to get accurate iron labs.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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That's a valid point. I seriously think in a completely different way now than I did when I washealthy (healthier than this, for sure!) - Now I tend to forget things more easily, I think"shorter" than I did before, and I can't seem to let go of small details when I do rememberthem. Guess this is me being hypo. I'll try to find out how high iron in serum can be beforeit gets bad. I'll try to google it.I sincerely doubt it si actually that high, You did not stop

suplementing long enough before the blood draw to get accurate iron labs.

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Just a quickie about fluoride and tea: I know green and black tea contain a lot of fluoride (except thosehailing from Japan-only!) so I skip drinking those. I do drink white tea, occasionally, butmostly herbal teas, like Rooibos and stuff like that. I try to find the tea that contains nofluoride, a high amount of anti-oxidants, and no caffeine.Here's what I know:Fluoride (found in Green and Black teas) = Bad for hypothyroidism & making healthy people hypothyroid!Caffeine (found in Green and Black teas) = Bad for adrenal fatigue & bad for adrenals in the first place, giving people AF!HOWEVER, all hot substances (+ acidic fruit juices), especially those liquid, like hot tea, will make amalgam fillings excrete quicksilver fumes into the mouth. NOW, how can I find and drink the perfect tea for me? I don't want

caffeine, I don't want fluoride, and I don't want it to be so hot that it will give me more poison from my fillings!Do I simply make myself a nice cup of Rooibos and wait til it's not as hot before I drink it?Also, do you guys stay away from ALL fluoride sources like me? I avoid fluoride teas, toothpastes, teflon frying pans/casseroles, etc.Oh and does anyone know if staying away from fluoride applies at ALL when you are ON thyroid medication?

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" I seriously think in a completely different way now than I did when I was

healthy (healthier than this, for sure!) - Now I tend to forget things

more easily, I think

" shorter " than I did before, and I can't seem to let go of small details

when I do remember

them. Guess this is me being hypo. "

NO thi sis from the low cortisol. I see this ALL THE TIME onthe

adrenals group. I am firmly convinced OCD is caused by HOPA dysfunciton

mainly form the low cortisol and other hormoen issues thta creates.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Fluoride hurst your WHOLE body not just the thyroid. It trashes

adrenals, your liver and probably your brain. I htink it is one of the

roots of all evil we are dealing wiht! LOL Yes I owuld drink just the

rooibos tea and drink it warm. The onyl exception ot this is if a person

needs Florinef. It is fluoridates but we have NOTHING else to replace it

adequately and if oyu need aldosterone you need it and cannto do wihtout

it so that would be the ONE exception. Personally I do nto even trust

well water anymore to not contain fluoride as we have added SO much of

the crap to our water supplies here inthe USA, it has made it's way into

well water in many places. Here we are poisoning ourselves, then I buy

Baby bopttled water for me & my pets and have to watch THAT as thye add

flouride to it! Disgusting@


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Good to hear that others are avoiding fluoride as a whole too, not just me. I am evensceptic to meat that is not whole, or lean - The machine grinded stuff. The machines grindthe bones so close to the bone that the fluoride in the bones come off and into the meat.I try to only eat regular beef (haven't found organic stuff yet though) and chicken and stufflike that. My specialist think that it's mercury (this is the same as quicksilver right?) frommy fillings that gave me hypothyroidism type 2 - cellrisistant hypo - back in my earlyteens, from having 20+ fillings before I was 13 years of age. I know about the situationin the States. It's pretty mad with all the fluoride over there. But it's problematic all overthe world. The bigger the country and city, the more fluoride. Here, there is NO fluoridein tap water. It tastes and

is in fact almost as clean as wild mountain spring water. So Iam lucky with that, at least.I will do more research on drinking safe tea, HOT. Cause hot means more mercury in me.Tasty hebal tea is one of my last precious things. I have given up chocolate, pizza andall the other junk that I loved so much (good for me to avoid it anyway though!) - But I misseating some junk once in a while. And I do. Like.. Once a year! Christmas time! :) But itonly makes me upset to eat a tasty chocolate now, cause I know it's bad for me and I can'teat it more often.Oh well.. As long as I stay alive! This is the most important thing to me! So I can enjoy mylife and help others one day, too! Like you do, ! Keep it up! And avoid that fluoride!T.Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 1:50 PM

Fluoride hurst your WHOLE body not just the thyroid. It trashes

adrenals, your liver and probably your brain. I htink it is one of the

roots of all evil we are dealing wiht! LOL Yes I owuld drink just the

rooibos tea and drink it warm. The onyl exception ot this is if a person

needs Florinef. It is fluoridates but we have NOTHING else to replace it

adequately and if oyu need aldosterone you need it and cannto do wihtout

it so that would be the ONE exception. Personally I do nto even trust

well water anymore to not contain fluoride as we have added SO much of

the crap to our water supplies here inthe USA, it has made it's way into

well water in many places. Here we are poisoning ourselves, then I buy

Baby bopttled water for me & my pets and have to watch THAT as thye add

flouride to it! Disgusting@


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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I've had OCD's from I was a kid... Eye ticks, walking back to my school when I was goingHome, and stuff like that. Things are better now tho. I am pretty free of most OCD's now.Good to know I'm not just "insane" .. :) Everything has a reason...PS! Muscle spasms (in my chest, as usualy, lately) are from.. low potassium? My lastpotassium was at 4.3 (range: 3.6-4.6) so can it be low potassium in me right now then?I did the blood sample like 3 days ago. Should I eat some bananas and see if thespasms/jumpy muscles go away?T.

"I seriously think in a completely different way now than I did when I was

healthy (healthier than this, for sure!) - Now I tend to forget things

more easily, I think

"shorter" than I did before, and I can't seem to let go of small details

when I do remember

them. Guess this is me being hypo. "

NO thi sis from the low cortisol. I see this ALL THE TIME onthe

adrenals group. I am firmly convinced OCD is caused by HOPA dysfunciton

mainly form the low cortisol and other hormoen issues thta creates.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Is there any recommendation for how many hours there should be between each dose of iron one take?I was thinking of adding 2x18 mg iron now at 3 am. I used up my iron so I have to use the wife's iron. She's taking the NOW FOODS iron brand.Pulse is 55 now. Means I'm hypo, right? I mean, I am NOT an athlete! :P

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Yet another new sensation started yesterday. Ok, so I've become mroe and more bloatedsince I started HC and removed T4 and started T3-only. I know I am on a very low amountfo T3, at 15 mcg daily. I need to raise it TODAY. Is it really ok to take T3 at 2-3 am?My new problem is this: I am swelling! My face looks bigger today than 2 days ago, andI could not fall asleep til 6 am because of the feeling inside my head, like, there is somethinginside my head, and I also have less feeling in the skin in my face and all over my body.The feeling of loosing feeling in my body!But the head is the worst. I pinch my cheeks and push on them, and, YEAH, they are biggernow than a few days ago even.What can be the cause of this? Too much HC? Too little OR too much sea salt? Justtoo little T3?I would really appreciate

some advice in this situation. It doesn't feel very good.I take 15 mcg T3 daily, 25 mg HC daily and up to 1 tea spoon sea salt daily.

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Do I need to check Aldosterone regularly with my electrolytes? And how many days inadvance do I need to stop supplementing with sea salt before testing Aldosterone?Is it even safe to stop taking sea salt for 1+ day before testing if you really need sea salt?I also wonder what happens if I take my T3 with food, or 15 minutes after I eat and take my HC.

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No aldosterone is usully only tested once or twice and thne only if oyu

are ahving problems adjustign HC which high doses do not give stable

temps. High meaning 40+ for a man.For this testing you will need ot stop

salt at least 24 hoiurs before the test and many people have real

problems wiht this. Taking T3 with food seems to not hurt absorbtion

like T4 does. From what I have read ti does nto interfere wiht it so

shoudl not cause problems.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I started taking HC on the 6th of June 2009. 2.5 mg, and increased to 20 mg over the next4 weeks.The first Aldosterone test I remember doing was with a 24 hour urine sample on the 8th of May 2009:iodine: 0.4* (>0.8)total free cortisol: 106 (45 - 272 nmol/hour)total aldosterone: 16 (5 - 77 nmoll/hour)I am pretty sure I did not take sea salt at the time.Then, on the 26th of June, after taking HC for a short time, and while on 12.5 mg HC daily, I had this blood test done:pth: 4.5 (1.5 - 7.0 pmol/l)cortisol 2 pm: 257 (138 - 690 nmol/l)acth: 1.7 (<10.2 pmol/l)aldosterone: 211 (70 - 800 pmol/l)renin: 1.3 (<1.5 nmol/hour)I can't remember if I had started taking sea salt at that time.Then I did another 24 hour urine sample a couple of months ago, on the 9th of November

2009:iodine: 5.1 (>0.8) - notice how iodine jumps up from being deficient earlier - dunno if this is normaltotal free cortisol: 324 (45 - 272 nmol/hour)total aldosterone: 28 (5 - 77 nmol/hour)I think I remember how I avoided salt in the 24 hours I did this latest test of mine.Do we get any wiser looking at these results? I am just "desperately" trying to findanswers, or at least, find something that gives me a reason to treat things differently toimprove my contidion.

No aldosterone is usully only tested once or twice and thne only if oyu

are ahving problems adjustign HC which high doses do not give stable

temps. High meaning 40+ for a man.For this testing you will need ot stop

salt at least 24 hoiurs before the test and many people have real

problems wiht this. Taking T3 with food seems to not hurt absorbtion

like T4 does. From what I have read ti does nto interfere wiht it so

shoudl not cause problems.

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This shows improvement even though you may not be feelign it yet. The

iodine us form taking thyroid hormones. And it is high because oyu are

not utilizing them correctly yet. Yuor aldosteroe is quite low but it

loks like oyu are gettign SOME mineralcorticoid effects form the HC,

which is good.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Another few things I don't get are these...Febarury 2009:FT3: 5.0 (2.3-5.7)rT3: 0.43 (0.14-0.54)Notice how low the top range for T3 is. Do I still calculate in the normal way? In that case,my ratio was at 11.62 back in February 2009 while on 75 mcg T4-only daily.The first saliva test I did, while on T4-only (about 100 mcg daily) in October 2008, about 8months prior to starting HC, showed this:Remember that I have a skewed sleeping schedule, so my first sample is really in the middleof my nighttime. The second sample is my real first sample when I wake up at noon!Cortisol 8 am: 5.7 (2.5-27.0)Cortisol noon: 16.3 (no range)Cortisol 5.30 pm: 6.1 (no range)Cortisol 10 pm: 1.9 (<6.0)This shows that I don't have AF, right? No endos, or specialist in Norway gave me HC afterthese

results!The urine sample from October 2008 showed this:Noradrenaline: 248 (<722)Total Adrenaline: 53 (<127)Vanillaalmondacid: 34 (<3-36)Doesn't look like I had any problems back last year now did it. But I didn't feel good at that time.Trying to find clues...

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Cortisol 8 am: 16.3(2.5-27.0) Good rsnge here would be 20-25

Cortisol noon: 6.1 (no range) I will fill in a logical range at 10-15

Cortisol 5.30 pm: 1.9 (no range) and here 5-10

Cortisol 10 pm: 5.7(<6.0)

When you look at it this way oyu will see your adrenal fatigue. You are

low 3 out of 4 readings.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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But looking at my log/diary, and looking at that urine sample from early November 2009,I was still taking _just_ T4-only, and 20 mg HC daily. There was no change in medicationof thyroid hormones between the urine sample in May 2009 and October 2009. Why thechange in iodine? Ididn't do any changes with my thyroid medication until late November2009! That is the thing I don't get!I found another urine sample from October 2009. It looks like this: (while on 75 mcg T4 and20 mg HC daily - I did add 5 mcg of T3 to my 75 mcg of T4 on October 12th 2009, about10 days before the below test was made, if it makes any difference what so ever!)24 hour urine sample from 21st of October 2009:iodine: 6.7 (>0.8)total free cortisol: 390* (45 - 272 nmol/24 hours)total aldosterone: 45 (5 - 77)The aldosterone is

higher here. Probably because I took sea salt at this point, or what?Does this mean I should continue to take 1 tea spoon of sea salt, like aldosterine inurine is some kind of marker to how my salt is doing?This shows improvement even though you may not be feelign it yet. The

iodine us form taking thyroid hormones. And it is high because oyu are

not utilizing them correctly yet. Yuor aldosteroe is quite low but it

loks like oyu are gettign SOME mineralcorticoid effects form the HC,

which is good.

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FT3: 5.0 (2.3-5.7)

rT3: 0.43 (0.14-0.54)

Due to your high RT3 and low ferritin oyu were not able ot use T3 in the

blood thus it was POOLING. This causes both hypo and hyper symotims as

oyu have good levels thta your body just can;t use. This is why I tell

you not to raise T3 more until you get the ferritin higher.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Very simple.. you stopped converting T4 ot T3 and RT3 built uop not

allowing oyur body ot USE thyroid which is where the iodine changed.

When you can;t use thyroid the iodine builds up. It is pooled htyroid

oyu ar seeing.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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No, I think you misunderstood what I meant.The original test result looked like this:Cortisol 8 am: 5.7 (3.5 - 27.0)Cortisol UPON WAKEUP at noon: 16.3Cortisol 5.30 pm: 6.1Cortisol: 11 pm: 1.9However, with my sleepy schedule (I go to bed and wake up 4 hours later than otherpeople) the results should look like this to be realistic:Cortisol 8 am: 16.3Cortisol noon: 6.1Cortisol 5.30 pm: 1.9Cortisol 11 pm: -My 5.7 result at 8 am, is really the value I have at "4 am", I mean, when normal people sleep, at 4 am, after 4 hours of sleep. Because I went to bed at 4 am, and had I use thealarm to wake me up at 8 am to do the test, which was at 5.7.I was not spitting into tubes with this test, I was chewing on something that looked liketampons, and put that into tubes instead. Dunno if this

test is better or worse than thetest where you spit into the tubes directly. The third and last saliva test I did was thatkind where you spit into the tubes. And then I got the results I've posted before:http://www.nightrangerweb.net/cortisol.pdf - Which was why I was put on HC!Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010, 1:56 PM

Cortisol 8 am: 16.3(2.5-27. 0) Good rsnge here would be 20-25

Cortisol noon: 6.1 (no range) I will fill in a logical range at 10-15

Cortisol 5.30 pm: 1.9 (no range) and here 5-10

Cortisol 10 pm: 5.7(<6.0)

When you look at it this way oyu will see your adrenal fatigue. You are

low 3 out of 4 readings.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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LOOK at th3 way I posted it, I moved your labs to the times in YOUR

schedule they correspond wiht. 11PM ;evles by THEIR times ar just abotu

the same a 4AM levels the lowets of the dya. I am at work so oyu won;t

hear back orm me after this post till this evening.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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But these were levels earlier this year (March 2009) when I was on T4-only. So T4 gotconverted to T3, so it seems. If not, T3 would be lower. Right? Or is it just pooling, so thatthe normal high level of T3 is false? I'll try to raise to 20 mcg T3, but not more than thatuntil my Ferritin improves.Does anyone know why I feel like I do today - With less feeling in my skin, allaround the body, especially in the face, even more bloated face and a feeling like Ihave a big "lump" inside my head?With all the supplements I am taking, medicines and doses, it's not easy to tell.I am wondering if anyone recognizes those symptoms!.

FT3: 5.0 (2.3-5.7)

rT3: 0.43 (0.14-0.54)

Due to your high RT3 and low ferritin oyu were not able ot use T3 in the

blood thus it was POOLING. This causes both hypo and hyper symotims as

oyu have good levels thta your body just can;t use. This is why I tell

you not to raise T3 more until you get the ferritin higher.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Very interesting.So I had an FT3 to rT3 ratio of 11.6 in March 2009.After starting HC, but _before_ starting T3-only, my ratio improved (why did it improve?)and went up to almost 18. Then, after a few weeks it went down to 14.8.At this point, I started T3-only treatment. December 2009.Right now, I just feel like I am retaining liquid. And I can't fall asleep good in the nighttimebecause I feel I loose "feeling" of my body. Is this a normal syptom of.. Something relatedto AF/HC/Hypo?It's scary when you don't know what's going on!

Very simple.. you stopped converting T4 ot T3 and RT3 built uop not

allowing oyur body ot USE thyroid which is where the iodine changed.

When you can;t use thyroid the iodine builds up. It is pooled htyroid

oyu ar seeing.

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