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RE: SCD and multiple food sensitivities

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Hi ,

Welcome. I have severe MCS with food sensitivities. I'm older

--almost 64--and I've been ill 35 years, so what I say may not

be your experience.

I have been on SCD for seven months. I'm gradually following

the Gut and Psychology approach. If you wish, you can check

it out at www.gapsdiet.com

I have lost weight which I needed to lose.

My adrenal glands feel better than they have for years.

So far, I'm still having difficulty with dairy, and don't eat it, but I

can eat some ghee.

I have not tried seeds yet.

I have to go really carefully with any nuts, but I do eat small

amounts of almond butter and cashew milk yogurt. It took awhile

for me to be able to tolerate them.

I don't eat pork or beef, but I can eat a little bison, lamb, and lamb

liver. I have to be extremely careful of eggs, but every once in

awhile, I'll try an egg. I think I tolerate eggs better in baking than

any other way. I need to start separating the yolks and whites,

but I haven't done that yet.

For a treat, I use squash and almond butter, baked and made into

squares. Recently I've experimented making some " candy " with

almond butter, chopped pecans, and chopped dried apricots--but

I'm not really there yet!

Recently I've tried tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. I think I'm still

not tolerating them well.

My basic diet includes fish, turkey,and lamb--mostly in broths with

veggies. I eat zucchini, carrots, celery, green beans, and sometimes

cauliflower, cabbage, and onions. I'm still having difficulty with broccoli

and leafy greens. I'm just now starting to experiment with a little raw,

but up until now, everything has been cooked. I don't seem to have

to peel veggies, although I did at first.

Sometimes I'll make a smoothie of left-overs. Yes, fish/meat and

veggies. Sometimes I'll add avocado or almond oil.

Avocado is one of my basic foods, and it helps me a lot, so that I

get enough good fat, and so that my blood sugar stays stable. I eat

every 2.5 hours now. I used to eat every 2 hours.

I enjoy almond oil. Also, as I say, I use ghee, avocado, and almond

butter in small amounts. I've found it really important to include good

fat in my diet. Oh, I also take fish oil capsules.

I eat a small amount of fruit--mostly peaches right now. I was eating

apricots in season. Sometimes cooked pears. Usually at the same time

as a little almond butter. I haven't tried apples and bananas for awhile.

I've had difficulty with them for many years.

I don't drink juices. However, I still test them once in awhile. I can

drink a sip of fresh veggie juice (carrot, celery, beet), and sometimes

a little water with lemon or a cup of water with something to taste

(1 tbsp pear juice).

Start really slowly with just three or four foods. I added on foods way

too fast, and had to keep cutting back. Maybe focus on broths and

fish/meat with well-cooked select veggies for awhile.

Others will likely give you ideas.

I started with the pecanbread chart stages. That was helpful, but I couldn't

tolerate grape juice, bananas, beef, pork, eggs, or DCCC, so I had to focus

on fish, turkey, lamb, zucchini, carrots, and squash (small amounts).

I ate too much chicken broth and soup and my inflammation problems

increased, so I've cut way back on chicken.Turkey isn't quite as bad,

and fish is a whole lot better for inflammation.

We're all different and figure out the diet for ourselves, as we experiment.

All the best,


SCD and multiple food sensitivities

I'm new here, but I am strongly considering the daunting task of

starting this diet. I feel it will help me and my son return to

health after 3.5 years of dealing with food sensitivities.

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