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Re: Weight

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Hi! Welcome to the group! I'm new also. I actually lost 30 pounds

but I wanted to say that when I told my surgeon (had a tumor removed

from my thyroid) that I wanted to know why I was losing so much

weight he said, " Well, I suggest that you start eating more...

(patting his own belly)... I have no problem eating! " He was very

patronizing and rude, I just couldn't believe it. I don't know

enough about Grave's to give you any suggestions but I've gained

back 20 pounds and am gaining rapidly so I'm afraid that I've

gone 'hypo' but my numbers suggest that I'm 'normal'. Good luck

with your doctor, too. I wish I would have changed doctors after

discovering how unsympathetic he was. Good Luck!


> Hi everyone,

> I'm new to this group. I have just found out I have graves.


> from everything I read you are supposed to loose weight. I, on


> other hand have gained about 30 pounds! Yuk! I don't have any

> clothes that fit. Not to mention, I have never been this big in


> life, it's so depressing. No matter what I do it seems I keep

> gaining. Does anyone have any sugestions? Is there anyone else


> has done this? My doctor just said well, I don't know why you


> gained. Not much help.

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sriggsrsgp wrote:


> Hi everyone,

> I'm new to this group. I have just found out I have graves. However

> from everything I read you are supposed to loose weight. I, on the

> other hand have gained about 30 pounds! Yuk! I don't have any

> clothes that fit. Not to mention, I have never been this big in my

> life, it's so depressing. No matter what I do it seems I keep

> gaining. Does anyone have any sugestions? Is there anyone else who

> has done this? My doctor just said well, I don't know why you have

> gained. Not much help.

Hi, welcome to the group, although I'm sure you'd rather not be


Did you gain weight when ill or only when treated, as

overtreatment is a common problem and leads to weight gain. So

tell us a bit more about your history.

Simon, who only gains weight when over medicated, or really

pigging out on icecream.

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Hi sriggsrsgp--

Some of us are so hungry we eat constantly and gain. Others are " luckier "

and can eat constantly and lose. Once you get stable on ATD's you'll find

the mountainous craving for food, food and more food will diminish a bit.

Although it's not easy to lose, you should be able to stop gaining.



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 21:00:00 -0000

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Weight


> Hi everyone,

> I'm new to this group. I have just found out I have graves. However

> from everything I read you are supposed to loose weight. I, on the

> other hand have gained about 30 pounds! Yuk! I don't have any

> clothes that fit. Not to mention, I have never been this big in my

> life, it's so depressing. No matter what I do it seems I keep

> gaining. Does anyone have any sugestions? Is there anyone else who

> has done this? My doctor just said well, I don't know why you have

> gained. Not much help.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

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Hi sriggsrsgp,

Welcome to this group!

It is a fallacy that we lose weight when hyper and gain when hypO... but

that is the extent of most peoples knowledge regarding thyroids unless they

have lived with a thyroid disease or have a family member who has.

Unfortunately, we can gain when hyper or hypO...and most of the people I

know have also gained when hypO...I am one of them. Weight gain is also

more excessive after having RAI, one of the permenant treatment options we

are given.

What treatment are you persuing now? Have you been given and of the

antithyroid drugs like Tapazole or PTU? A beta blocker like Inderal or

Atenol? Be very very wary of your doctor if he tries to rush you into the

RAI treatment before you have had a chance to bring your thyroid levels into

normal range and take your time to learn all that you can about this disease

and ALL treatment options available to us. Our thyroids are NOT sick...it is

our immune systems that have gone haywire and RAI does NOT address the

autoimmune nature of our disease.

I am a walking example of that. I had RAI in '96, was left in hypOhell for

over 4 years...gained 62 pounds in six months after RAI and more during the

4 years of being hypO. I have fired 2 endo's and 2 primary physcians for

basically NOT treating me and leaving me hypO. To most doctors we are told

'hypO is easier to treat'...that is a plain lie from our end, those of us

who have to continuously fight hypo will attest to that. Living for years

in a hypo body is NOT fun.

Back to the autoimmune nature of our disease...2 years ago I found a

wonderful endo who put me on Armour thyroid and it helped immensely, then

last April of '01 I had to begin dealing with the eye disease that can

accompany our disease. My ophtho ran the TSI antibodies on me to make sure

it is caused by graves...5 years post RAI my antibodies were quite elevated

so with the help of my ophtho and my endo, I am now on thyroid replacement

hormone AND PTU to lower all of my still elevated thyroid antibodies. It is

working, my eyes are doing better and my antibodies continue to fall. As my

endo said, with still elevated antibodies I STILL have active graves disease

and am now working towards remission.

So before being rushed into a permanent treatment like RAI, go on the atd's,

get your numbers in normal levels and read, learn and ask lots and lots of

questions!!! Knowing all we can, becoming proactive in our treatment,

stress reduction and diet will all play a factor to your becoming healthy


Weight gain, hair loss, breaking and peeling nails are our vanity issues,

and yes they are important...but to correct those problems, we must first

work towards becoming healthier and getting out thyroids healthy again.

Then and only then will working on our vanity issues be something we can


Two books I highly recommend are The Thyroid Solution by Dr. Ridha Arem, a

wonderful overall thyroid book that is easy to understand and will explain

much of what is going on with your body right now.

The second book is Graves Disease; A Practical Guide by Elaine . Though

more technical for many, this book is graves specific, written by someone

who has graves and a medical background...you will learn about your labs,

treatment options, including alternatives, read others stories of their

journeys that will include all the treatment options and so much more.

Both books will jumpstart your knowledge and help you to become proactive in

your treatment which is a must for us to feel good again. You can get both

at amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com...I prefer barnesandnoble as both are

20% discounted and with the purchase of more than one item you get free

shipping...free is good ;-)

In the meantime, use the search engine from the top of a message page, which

you can access from the home page...there is a place to put in message

number...start with number 1 and just keep reading...make a note of which

one you leave off with so you don't forget...been there done that ;-)

Take care,



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Welcome to the group. This is an excellent group to read, learn and ask

questions. Most important educate yourself on the disease and treatment.

I was diagnosed and never did the radiation, but choose the antithyroid

drugs. Was on both TAP and PTU. The PTU was what I was taking when I went

into remission. My thyroid levels have tested in the normal range for

almost 2 yrs.

And yes, I am one of the ones that gained with graves disease. I lost in

the beginning and then started gaining. It was close to a year after I was

in remission before I started losing. There is a list of foods with iodine

in them that most of us try to stay away from. Any suggestion, nothing

really seemed to work with me, but I have changed my life style and the way

we cook and eat in the last 12+ months and have lost 40+ lbs.

> from everything I read you are supposed to loose weight. I, on the

> other hand have gained about 30 pounds! Yuk! I don't have any

> clothes that fit. Not to mention, I have never been this big in my

> life, it's so depressing.

Yours sounds so much like mine. The gaining weight, no clothes that fit and

never been this big in my life.

Debbie R.

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Hi and welcome to the group. I remember when my doc first thought I might have

a thyroid problem thinking " Oh good, an explanation for my overweight and why I

can't seem to lose it " . Then I find out I have gd, and that *most* people are

pencil thin from it. What a joke on me!

My endo told me that for some people, gd causes them to lose muscle, therefore

slowing down metabolism and causing weight gain rather than loss. I've never

actually checked this out to verify what she said, but have found that when I

exercise and include weight training in my regimen, I will lose weight more


Hope this helps and hear more from you,



Hi everyone,

I'm new to this group. I have just found out I have graves. However

from everything I read you are supposed to loose weight. I, on the

other hand have gained about 30 pounds! Yuk! I don't have any

clothes that fit. Not to mention, I have never been this big in my

life, it's so depressing. No matter what I do it seems I keep

gaining. Does anyone have any sugestions? Is there anyone else who

has done this? My doctor just said well, I don't know why you have

gained. Not much help.


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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I too am one of the lucky few who gain weight with graves. It feels good to

have an explanation as to why all that time at the gym and dieting have had no

affect on my ever-increasing rump. I eat everything in site, so I'm not really

surprised that I'm gaining weight. I'm trying to replace my ice cream binges

with raw fruit and veggies. It does seem to help and I actually feel full when

I don't eat so much junk. I'm just starting a diet I found in the book " The

Liver Cleansing Diet " by Cabot. The book eerily detailed everything I've

been feeling--bloating, anxiety, foggy-brain...So, I am encouraged that at last

this is a diet tailored to those of us with thyroid problems. Although, I've

found that when I eat only " healthy " food, my body doesn't break it down very

well, so I still crave tons of dairy that I feel like is absorbed instantly,

even if it is absorbed directly by my thighs! And I'm drinking more juice than

ever. Does anyone else have this problem? My doc said that poor digestion goes

along with the package. I'd appreciate any suggestions as to supplements or

foods that aid the digestive process--non-dairy veggie ideas if possible!



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Hi. I too have gained a total of 30 pounds, am still gaining, and have never

been this big in my life either. I am on meds (Tapazole 10 mg) and have gained

the weight over a 6-month period. How quickly have you gained and are you on

meds? If so, what type and dose?

From what I've read and experienced through the people here in the group,

gaining weight is not uncommon and that when our levels start to normalize, our

weight should stabilize. I haven't found anything that helps you lose weight.

I've continued going to the gym when I can get the energy up (I'm currently hypo

due to over-medicating) to keep my muscles toned so that when I can lose some of

this weight, I won't be a bunch of flab. At least that is my theory. We'll


Hang in there,


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I'm still gaining too. I just weighed this morning and realized that I've

gained another 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks! If I continue at this rate, I'll

be completely round by fall. I've been gaining weight over the last 4 years,

although more rapidly in the past 8 months. I am a vegetarian and exercise

several times a week. I am not on any meds other than vitamins & herbal

remedies. I'm afraid to go on meds since I gain so easily without them. I'm

trying a liver cleansing diet now that touts a nice side effect of a 22 lb

average weight loss! Wow...I'm picturing myself 22 lbs thinner...


In a message dated Wed, 26 Jun 2002 8:43:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,

pmmnmb@... writes:



> Hi. I too have gained a total of 30 pounds, am still gaining, and have never

been this big in my life either. I am on meds (Tapazole 10 mg) and have gained

the weight over a 6-month period. How quickly have you gained and are you on

meds? If so, what type and dose?

> From what I've read and experienced through the people here in the group,

gaining weight is not uncommon and that when our levels start to normalize, our

weight should stabilize. I haven't found anything that helps you lose weight.

I've continued going to the gym when I can get the energy up (I'm currently hypo

due to over-medicating) to keep my muscles toned so that when I can lose some of

this weight, I won't be a

> bunch of flab. At least that is my theory. We'll see.

> Hang in there,


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Tori said:

> I am a vegetarian and exercise several times a week.

Tori, I hope you are being extra careful about exercising with your heart

rate so high. Didn't they give you beta-blockers to protect your heart while

you get the graves' under control?

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Thanks so much for the responses. I actually went to the doctor

because I started shaking and couldn't stop and I felt like my heart

was going to beat out of my chest, I had also gained about 15

pounds. At first they gave me beta blockers which would help for

about a week then I would shake again, then they would increase the

medicine. Finally they checked my thyroid and found I have graves.

I am currently taking tapazole 30mg a day. This is the third time it

has been increased. I started out with 15mg then 20mg now 30mg

hopefully they won't have to be increased again. I have been sick on

my stomach ever since they increased this last time. Which makes it

worse because when I eat I feel better for a little while so I eat

more which will make me gain more weight. It seems I'm hungry all

the time. Someone mentions losing their hair, I have done that

also. In the shower my hair comes out by the hand fulls. I have

been so depressed also, that is just not like me. I hate being sad

and whiney. Especially for nothing. One good thing the shaking is a

whole lot better. There are only a few times when I shake and can't

stop and usually it's because I'm upset over somthing. I really

don't know what to expect with this. I have never been sick before

other than colds and stuff like that. Thanks for the book

recomendations also, I will be getting those.

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Can you share lab results here? It's awfully hard to figure things out

without them. You should be keeping copies, and can get all of them from the

doctor if you haven't.



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:21:00 -0000

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Weight


> Hi,

> Thanks so much for the responses. I actually went to the doctor

> because I started shaking and couldn't stop and I felt like my heart

> was going to beat out of my chest, I had also gained about 15

> pounds. At first they gave me beta blockers which would help for

> about a week then I would shake again, then they would increase the

> medicine. Finally they checked my thyroid and found I have graves.

> I am currently taking tapazole 30mg a day. This is the third time it

> has been increased. I started out with 15mg then 20mg now 30mg

> hopefully they won't have to be increased again. I have been sick on

> my stomach ever since they increased this last time. Which makes it

> worse because when I eat I feel better for a little while so I eat

> more which will make me gain more weight. It seems I'm hungry all

> the time. Someone mentions losing their hair, I have done that

> also. In the shower my hair comes out by the hand fulls. I have

> been so depressed also, that is just not like me. I hate being sad

> and whiney. Especially for nothing. One good thing the shaking is a

> whole lot better. There are only a few times when I shake and can't

> stop and usually it's because I'm upset over somthing. I really

> don't know what to expect with this. I have never been sick before

> other than colds and stuff like that. Thanks for the book

> recomendations also, I will be getting those.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Well, welcome to the group Sonya, you've come to a really great place!

Have you had antibody testing? It sounds like you might have both hashimotos

(hypo) and graves (hyper) symptoms.


Re: Weight

> I'm confused, is Tori and sriggsrsgp the same person?

No I'm Sonya, I don't know who Tori is.


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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I was told you have graves disease you have 3 choices medicine RAI or

surgery. I don't know the lab results. Like I said, I really don't

know what to expect right now. I don't know what the lab results

even should be. I am currently trying to research this. I feel

really dumbfounded. I go back to the doc in september, I'm hoping by

then I will have found enough information to ask the right questions

and be able to get answers to help me.

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Yes, it is VERY confusing at first. You should call the doctor and have them

mail you a copy of your labs. That will really help you figure out what you

are looking at when you are doing your research. If you are feeling really

bad, will your doctor see you before September? Hope so.

Take care,

Pam B.

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I've found that taking the fat out of my diet is helping tremendously. I've

been doing that for about 3 weeks now and have lost 8 lbs. I miss regular cream

cheese and sour cream, regular cheese and ice cream, but there are substitutes

that aren't half bad. I know that I'm getting all the nutrition that I need

from the supplement that I use, so anything that I take out of my diet isn't

going to leave a hole. I'm eating more healthy by doing this and getting more

comfortable in my clothes.


Re: Weight

I too gained 30 pounds with Grave's..went from 114 to 144... anyone know

anything to help? thanks Kim

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My doctor tried to fax me a copy of the results, but it didn't go through and I

keep forgetting to call him about it. He told me the results and they seemed

awful, but I didn't know what T3 and T4 levels meant, so I forgot. I'm

forgetting everything these days. I write things down so I won't forget them,

then I forget where I wrote it!

In a message dated Wed, 26 Jun 2002 10:44:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

aldente@... writes:

> Tori,


> Can you share lab results here? It's awfully hard to figure things out

> without them. You should be keeping copies, and can get all

> of them from the

> doctor if you haven't.


> Terry

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No, I did not get beta-blockers. My doc really wants me to see an endo before

taking any meds. An MRI when I was 17 revealed a cluster of cysts in my brain.

Docs want to do tests and make sure it's not a tumor of the pituitary gland that

is causing my probs. I just can't get an appt!

In a message dated Wed, 26 Jun 2002 10:06:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

pam@... writes:

> Tori said:

> > I am a vegetarian and exercise several times a week.


> Tori, I hope you are being extra careful about exercising with your heart

> rate so high. Didn't they give you beta-blockers to protect

> your heart while

> you get the graves' under control?

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I wasn't being careful until my doctor warned me. I'm just grateful I haven't

dropped dead! Now, I do only gentle exercise--yoga, light weights, and walking.

Before that, I was doing more intensive cardio exercises and still didn't lose

weight. But I don't dare try that again!

In a message dated Wed, 26 Jun 2002 10:06:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

pam@... writes:

> Tori said:

> > I am a vegetarian and exercise several times a week.


> Tori, I hope you are being extra careful about exercising with your heart

> rate so high. Didn't they give you beta-blockers to protect

> your heart while

> you get the graves' under control?

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The doctors at Bastyr will see me anytime. But since I'm in Houston, I probably

won't have a chance for another month. I called every endo in Houston and

begged for an appt, but no one would fit me in--I miss Seattle so much!

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Yup. I remember having had all those things happening at one time or another.

My doctor told me that the fact that my hair was falling out by the handfuls was

because I'd just had a baby. I don't think he knew a whole lot about Thyroidism

so didn't recognize any of the symptoms. And I sure didn't know any better



Re: Weight


Thanks so much for the responses. I actually went to the doctor

because I started shaking and couldn't stop and I felt like my heart

was going to beat out of my chest, I had also gained about 15

pounds. At first they gave me beta blockers which would help for

about a week then I would shake again, then they would increase the

medicine. Finally they checked my thyroid and found I have graves.

I am currently taking tapazole 30mg a day. This is the third time it

has been increased. I started out with 15mg then 20mg now 30mg

hopefully they won't have to be increased again. I have been sick on

my stomach ever since they increased this last time. Which makes it

worse because when I eat I feel better for a little while so I eat

more which will make me gain more weight. It seems I'm hungry all

the time. Someone mentions losing their hair, I have done that

also. In the shower my hair comes out by the hand fulls. I have

been so depressed also, that is just not like me. I hate being sad

and whiney. Especially for nothing. One good thing the shaking is a

whole lot better. There are only a few times when I shake and can't

stop and usually it's because I'm upset over somthing. I really

don't know what to expect with this. I have never been sick before

other than colds and stuff like that. Thanks for the book

recomendations also, I will be getting those.

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