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To Kathy and Eileen,

It is so great to hear both of you talk about prayer and God. I am a born again Christian. I'm curious if you both are.

I also feel that God lead me to our nutritionist who is a Christian also. My 13 year old got diagnosed with celiac disease 2 years ago. At that time she had extreme anxiety/panic. We didn't know what was happening to her. Found out she has celiac, went gluten free and within 2 weeks, I had my kid back. I have given God all the glory thru the years. Now, we are at this summer. She had a stressful time at camp and that started it all. She hasn't been to school yet this school year due to anxiety/panic again. Got her thyroid checked. She has hashimotos but not enough to put her on meds. (She's on iodine drops to help her thyroid, thru the nutritionist) The gastro doc did an endoscope and found nothing. He said her stomach pains were all in her head. (Makes me so mad when I think about it.) The Lord directed me to this nutritionist and she is the one who found out that has an overgrowth of bacteria.

and this diet will break the cycle of it growing in her. We have been doing it for a month or so. I see improvement in her health. She's making strides with her anxiety. She sees a therapist and is on Paxil. Those 2 things aren't what is helping. I think it's the diet, because once again when her stomach is messed up, anxiety/panic sets in. She still isn't at school. That's her biggest stress/fear at this point. I just need her anxiety to be totally gone for her to be able to go back to school and I'm not sure if it ever will be.Anxiety might be just part of her makeup and something she'll have to learn to deal with.

I just felt led to write to both of you because it was neat to see that you both feel that God lead you to this diet. That's how I feel.

I also know how it feels to wonder if we're in the right direction. When you have a doctor who thinks it's all in your child's head, and you know it's not, - it's hard. We have to be our kid's advocates and it can be so draining. These last several months have been extremely stressful and I've cried so much. Now with the anxiety, I have to keep remembering the battle is the Lord's. Be still and know that I am God is a verse I have clung to this week. He needs to get the glory for healing . Not the therapist or the nutritionist.

My thoughts are with you. I'd love to hear from you both,


To: BTVC-SCD Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:39:33 PMSubject: Re: New w/ concerns

Amen Kathy - My pprayers brought me to scd as well and you should question docs/meds and God will see you all thru -hang inmy 2 daughters would have been on meds for oCD and ADHD - both are fine without - power of prayer is amazing and don't forget things you cut out weeks ago stil could be affecting her - anytime I introduced something I wasn't ready for it threw me for weeks eileen10 months scd>> Terry,> > Thanks for your advice.> > After doing some further research I no longer think it's melena> either. I'm thinking it's because she's been drinking too much grape> juice (which would also account for her having to use the bathroom a> few more times). I

was also able to find that this does make ones> stool smell like burnt rubber which is exactly what hers smells like. > > (anyone else have this experience?)> > Her fistula is a concern to us but the GI dr. said it wasn't life> threatening and I've read several places that they can heal on their> own but that they take awhile. I'll have to look into that further.> You say my daughter sounds really sick, is it the fistula that makes> you say this? She normally uses the bathroom 2x, has absolutely no> pain, lots of energy, great mood ,etc. You would never guess she has a> disease. (we've actually been doing the "caveman's diet" for a month> previous).> > I'm not against medication. Where it's such heavy-duty medication> we're dealing with I really want to make sure that I make an informed> decision and so far, with all the serious

side effects, the increase> of reported cancer in children (Not to mention that we don't even know> the long term effects), etc., I haven't felt comfortable with going> that direction yet. Our GI dr. was unwilling to work with us. The only> option he gave us was remicade and that once on it, she wouldn't be> able to get off it. When the direction we're currently going no longer> works then it will be time for remicade.> > Sometimes I worry if I'm going the right direction but deep down, for> now anyways, I know that I am. I'm learning to put my faith and trust> in God. I pray daily, several times, for direction and inspiration. My> prayers have been heard and answered so it's with that that I keep> praying and seeking guidance, while monitoring my daughter very> closely. I'm not against medicine. It's just not the direction I

feel> we need to go at this point. > > Thanks again,> > ~Kathy>

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