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intro and question

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Hi all,

I was on the original Long Island list years ago when my son was little (age 1 to 4). We did the SCD for three years. He had a lot of food allergies/intolerances and intestinal symptoms that seemed a lot like celiac disease. We did a gluten free diet at first, which helped some, but was not the total answer. Then we discovered SCD, and he slept through the night for the first time in his entire life! He also had an immediate change in his stools. It was a long road, but ultimately, the SCD helped him immensely. The list at that time was so incredibly helpful, and I remember you, Marilyn, who always took so much time to answer questions. I don't know if you would remember me or not, but thank you for making this list possible. Returning to SCD, it is so cool to see people I remember from the list before now have these wonderful, beautiful cookbooks! I am so excited the word has spread so wide! I truly miss Elaine, she was such a guiding light to so many, and my heart was so saddened when I heard of her passing. She would be happy to know that all this is happening though, I'm sure.

We did the SCD fanatically (yes, really and truly fanatically, down to every last detail) for three years, then chose to slowly add in foods, as he had been doing well for a long time. We mostly stuck to a traditional foods diet, when I added in grains I made sure they were soaked/sprouted, etc. But over time I allowed in the occassional treats, like eating the cake at a birthday party, for example. He did fine for a while. However, we are having some setbacks now, due to a round of antibiotics that I wish I had never given him.

My questions:

I started the SCD intro diet this past week, because I am still nursing my youngest child, who is also having some intestinal problems. Did the intro for two days, then slowly started to add in a few soft cooked fruits and vegs, but limited them. No dairy, I was mostly eating meat and broth. Last night, I began to have this VERY incredibly itchy rash in my right armpit. It is so uncomfortable. I also wake every morning wiht that thick white coating in my mouth, that I normally would only have after eating a lot of carbs on a normal diet.

I simply cannot do the intro diet for very long. I have no intestinal symptoms, though I probably do have yeats/bacteria issues. But on the intro diet, I just can't do it for too long, I start to get slightly constipated and have symptoms of low blood sugar. I have to start adding in some things at least in small amounts, like, soft cooked apples, butternut squash, 1/4 of a ripe banana. So, do you think this rash and the white coating in my mouth could be die-off and the yeast getting worse before it gets better?

Since the time we were on the diet, the pecan bread website has become a wonderful resource to people, but we didn't have these stages before. How important is that if you are not dealing with active D or C? For my 9 yo, I am wondering if I can just do the intro for a few days and then advance a little more quickly with things like fruit and almond butter. He is pretty skinny, and I cannot afford for him to lose any more weight. He has already lost a few pounds.

I realize this is a very busy list, but I appreciate any feedback.

All the best,


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It's nice to know SCD worked so well for you -- but a pity that you've

ended up with setbacks. Of course, that's one of the reasons for having a

successor list to the Long Island List which was such a tremendous help

to me when I was in my early days on SCD.

You're smart to be doing SCD when nursing a small one with gut


I love all the lovely cook books. <rueful grin> Just wish mine was

one of them! I think that Elaine would be amazed and delighted if she

could see them -- and to know that her legacy of healing continues.

(Heck, what am I talking about: of course she knows it continues! I

don't, for one minute, doubt that her spirit watches over us!)

We did the SCD fanatically (yes, really and truly fanatically, down to

every last detail) for three years, then chose to slowly add in foods, as

he had been doing well for a long time. We mostly stuck to a

traditional foods diet, when I added in grains I made sure they were

soaked/sprouted, etc. But over time I allowed in the occassional

treats, like eating the cake at a birthday party, for example. He

did fine for a while. However, we are having some setbacks now, due

to a round of antibiotics that I wish I had never given him.

The rash and the coating in your mouth could be die off. Have you tried

taking an Epsom salt bath before bedtime?

The intro diet is isn't intended to be used for more than 2-5 days, and

the additions of small amounts of cooked (presumably without the peel)

apples, the squash, or the ripe banana should be OK. You'll want to

balance the quantities if your issue is yeast.

The Pecan Bread stages are a wonderful resource insofar as helping people

decide what to add next, but keep in mind that they are aimed primarily

at those who are doing the diet dairy free initially, and who are doing

it for ASD, rather than IBS or IBD.

As you've indicated, you're well aware that everyone is different. My

standard point on this is that I didn't tolerate the Stage One carrots

for a good six months when I started, but was munching down on broccoli

and cauliflower well before than -- and both of those are supposed to be

more difficult to digest than the carrots. Not MY gut -- it had to be


A couple of days on the Intro is generally OK for most people. (pause

while I expect to hear from a dozen and one people who had trouble

getting off intro... 'cause everyone is different!)

Keep in mind that you're not limited on quantities of the easier to

digest foods and can eat every couple of hours if necessary. You probably

aren't surprised by ordinary 9 year old appetites, but you may be amazed

by how much a 9 year old with a healing gut can pack away! Include lots

of good fats, if tolerated, which is also a way to add calories -- things

like avocado, butter on all your cooked vegetables, coconut oil added to

things -- to help reduce the calorie deficit.

And I'm sure those who have stayed on the easier to digest foods can

chime in with thoughts on upping the calorie count in those stages!


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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> I started the SCD intro diet this past week, because I am still nursing my

> youngest child, who is also having some intestinal problems. Did the

> intro

> for two days, then slowly started to add in a few soft cooked fruits and

> vegs, but limited them. No dairy, I was mostly eating meat and broth.

> Last

> night, I began to have this VERY incredibly itchy rash in my right armpit.

> It is so uncomfortable.

Women can often get itchy during pregnancy because their digestion slows

down and their liver works less well. I think when you switch diet that can

happen too. Women who have given birth are also more likely to have

gallbladder stones which can make them their output of bile more sensitive.

I get very itchy armpits when my liver isn't doing it's job.

I drink half a glass of olive oil before bed, or take 2 tbp for breakfast

and 2 at night. That helps my liver get going again, but people are



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Thanks all. I guess I was thinking that I just couldn't have salad and the like at all, because it was raw. So maybe I should just move more quickly through the intro diet and the stages. I was eating a LOT of meat, because I was so hungry.

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