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Hello to AZSoapster@... ! What's your name?

We're so glad to have you on the list. We're all addicted to soaping but

wouldn't think of entering a 12 step program for it! *LOL*



A Garden of Soap: http://www.GardenofSoap.com

A Place for Tulips: http://Tulips.tripod.com

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Hello to AZSoapster@... ! What's your name?

We're so glad to have you on the list. We're all addicted to soaping but

wouldn't think of entering a 12 step program for it! *LOL*



A Garden of Soap: http://www.GardenofSoap.com

A Place for Tulips: http://Tulips.tripod.com

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  • 10 months later...

Welcome Emma, Congratulations on your pregnancy... which branch are you


> I've joined the NCT because I don't really have many friends

Well you do now about, 100 virtual ones in any case.

The friends I have now are a completely different circle to the ones I had

before children. In fact when I worked I found that all my time was taken

up with that, and the only friends I had were people at work. In fact we

had one couple who were our outside of work friends (wow only 2 people!) -

now I have about 15 really good, true friends who would do anything at

anytime if I need them! and of course I would do anything at anytime for

them too.

Sue H.

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> Hi there,



> I feeling pretty lonely at the moment as I've only just joined the


> and haven't had my local information through yet.

Hi Emma - I'm sure you will enjoy your virtual-chat on-line as

everyone is very friendly. If you have a local number for an NCT

contact, who not phone and ask for details of any bumps'n'babies ot

coffee mornings you can go to. I did exactly that when I first joined

and am now firm firends with many of the group and many of us have

moved onto night out to the pup together as well as baby/toddler

coffee groups!!


editor Cambs newsletter, SAHM to (14), Kirsty (13) and Ben(2)

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> Welcome Emma, Congratulations on your pregnancy... which branch are


> joining?


I'm joining the Hillingdon branch.

I'm definately planning to do NCT antenatal classes as I've heard such

good things about them. It will also be nice for my husband to get to

know other dads as only one of his friends is a dad and I think

is bit confused about what having kids is going to be like!

Bless him!

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Hi Emma,

Nice to 'meet' you! You'll find us very supportive, but very busy as well. I

hope you realise just what you have let yourself in for!

If you let us know where you live, you might find people here might be able

to help you with local info.

Take care

> Hi there,


> Just joined this group today and wanted to introduce myself.


> My name's Emma, I'm 20 years old, married to and 24 weeks

> pregnant with my first baby.


> I feeling pretty lonely at the moment as I've only just joined the NCT

> and haven't had my local information through yet.


> I've joined the NCT because I don't really have many friends and none

> of them have babies or are even thinking of it for a long time yet.


> I hope I'll make friends on here!






> Live chat /chat/nct-coffee


> Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?



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Emma wrote


> I'm definately planning to do NCT antenatal classes as I've heard such

> good things about them.


Welcome Emma. You need to get your name on the list for classes as soon as

possible as they get booked up way in advance. If your local branch haven't

yet made contact phone the UK Enquiry line on 0 and ask for the

name of the Class Bookings Secretary for Hillingdon and give her a ring as

soon as you can.


Cerys Byrne

Membership Secretary & Trainee Postnatal Discussion Leader, Basingstoke


Mum to (1/12/95) & Kieran (31/12/98)

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> Just joined this group today and wanted to introduce myself.

Hi Emma and welcome,

Let us know where you are and I bet someone is close by. Anyway you

won't be lonely here, great bunch.

Great chat - we're all mad

the hatter

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> The friends I have now are a completely different circle to the ones I had

> before children. In fact when I worked I found that all my time was taken

> up with that, and the only friends I had were people at work. In fact we

> had one couple who were our outside of work friends (wow only 2 people!) -

> now I have about 15 really good, true friends who would do anything at

> anytime if I need them! and of course I would do anything at anytime for

> them too.

Same here Sue - it all takes time though - been in new house 18 months and

only just getting to know people well. Moving with child at 6 months you

loose all your ante natal " friends " . PND doesn't help in making some either

however, I have learnt that the ones who are still there are the REAL


- life looking up at last - despite week 5 of nasty cough/cold

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Thanks for the advice, Cerys. I'll ring Caroline tomorrow and get my

name down!

> >


> Welcome Emma. You need to get your name on the list for classes as

soon as

> possible as they get booked up way in advance. If your local branch


> yet made contact phone the UK Enquiry line on 0 and ask

for the

> name of the Class Bookings Secretary for Hillingdon and give her a

ring as

> soon as you can.


> Cerys


> Cerys Byrne

> Membership Secretary & Trainee Postnatal Discussion Leader,


> Branch

> Mum to (1/12/95) & Kieran (31/12/98)

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> It's Middlesex. About 10 mins from Heathrow airport!

Not a million miles away from me then

(I'm 9 minutes north from J8 of M25)

Will hopefully be organising a meet up early in the new year.

Do you work? Meets are usually weekdays.

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> Not a million miles away from me then

> (I'm 9 minutes north from J8 of M25)


> Will hopefully be organising a meet up early in the new year.

> Do you work? Meets are usually weekdays.

I don't work so that's ideal! It will be great to meet other mums!!

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It may cheer you to know, , that my cough has finally gone - ending with a

sting in the tail Pleural rub (I think). It took TEN weeks. First five were

definitely the worst - gave up trying to sleep...


who is finally getting a nice long full nights sleep!

The s wrote:

> - life looking up at last - despite week 5 of nasty cough/cold

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Emma wrote>

I'm definately planning to do NCT antenatal classes as I've heard


> good things about them.

Oh, do - that was my first contact with nct - was great socially and

practically too - Remembering Jacqui's words kept me calm as they

were trying to unwrap the cord from around dds neck (twice!)

>It will also be nice for my husband to get to

> know other dads as only one of his friends is a dad and I think

> is bit confused about what having kids is going to be like!

> Bless him!

So was I! - in fact still am!

Congrats & hello Emma, I was pregnant when i moved house, but a baby

is a real people magnet and you'll find new friends in no time - NCT,

Mums & babies groups, clinics etc - my life is now a social whirl!


SAHM to (5 months)

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Emma wrote>

I'm definately planning to do NCT antenatal classes as I've heard


> good things about them.

Oh, do - that was my first contact with nct - was great socially and

practically too - Remembering Jacqui's words kept me calm as they

were trying to unwrap the cord from around dds neck (twice!)

>It will also be nice for my husband to get to

> know other dads as only one of his friends is a dad and I think

> is bit confused about what having kids is going to be like!

> Bless him!

So was I! - in fact still am!

Congrats & hello Emma, I was pregnant when i moved house, but a baby

is a real people magnet and you'll find new friends in no time - NCT,

Mums & babies groups, clinics etc - my life is now a social whirl!


SAHM to (5 months)

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It's still not that easy if you're a bit on the shy side

and/or don't like noisy crowds, like me. It also must

depend on where you live, because here in the unfashionable

west end of London, people come up to me on the street and

coo and then I never ever see them again. Baby clinics are

chaotic at best. Mum and baby groups scared me for quite a

long time. Even baby massage was a washout, since neither

of us enjoyed it (he cried and I couldn't drag more than a

2 syllable reply out of any of the other mothers). It was

only the NCT open houses that really got me started meeting

people, so that when Calvin was big enough to enjoy a

playgroup, I already knew a few people there, so I could

handle it.

Phyllis (moved to the country when 3 months pregnant, baby

born 1/1/00)

>Congrats & hello Emma, I was pregnant when i moved house,

>but a baby

>is a real people magnet and you'll find new friends in no

>time - NCT,

>Mums & babies groups, clinics etc - my life is now a



> H

>SAHM to (5 months)


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

I dont have any answers for you, but when I read this the first thing that came

to mind was these children are scared.(of what I dont know, but I would assume

their illness and or being away from you and your husband) ...I'm not a

psychologist so I dont want to go any further with my thoughts.

I just want to give them both a Big HUG!

My best advice would be to contact a child psychologist.

Best of luck to you all , I hope you things get better with time.

Take Care,

Stein.....mom to CF (11 mo) & Tori wo/Cf (3 1/2 yr)


It was suggested that I give a small overview of who I

am... so here I am. I am , the mother of 3

beautiful little ones. Jonathon is 4 wcf, and Marissa

is 1 1/2 wcf. a is 6 months and DOES NOT have CF,

but she may have ashtma (too young to tell according

to the pulmonary docs). Life definatly IS a roller

coaster for my family. I try to work full time and

take care of these babies. Life is routine,

relentless, and honestly, about to make me lose every

bit of hair I have.

But I truly do have a question. Considering my two

olders are CFers I don't know if this is normal for

kids or what. But my two have some serious nightmares

(I didnt think 1 1/2 yr olds were capable) and do a

lot of sleepwalking and nightwandering. We have to be

very careful cuz you never know where they are going

to be when you wake up. They also seem VERY insecure.

My son tries to sneak in bed with us almost every

night (we never let him sleep with us from the day he

was born) and my daughter wont sleep unless she has an

article of our clothing in her arms. Is this what ALL

kids do? Or do our continually ill children have some

psycho problems going?



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Do your children do this all the time or can you think of something that

might have been a trigger for this behavior? You may have to think back as

far as a yearto find a trigger. Some thing my dad, who is a psychologist,

taught me is that a trigger can run in cycles. For example my oldest and

second oldest were brought to us as a foster placement in late June three

years ago. Even though they are too young to remember this, and are now

adopted and fairly well adjusted, they have terrible nightmares and acting

out in late June. We have seen this type of thing happen several times due

to certain things happening. It will take a lot of probing to figgure out

but if you persevere you can do it. these cycles can be broken. You have

to try to make good memories on what would otherwise be an anniversary of a

bad time.

That was all long term stuff. You need something for the short term so that

you can get some sleep. :-) One thing we did was buy air freshener spray

and decorated the can as " Monster Spray. " Man, monsters hate this stuff.

They can't stand nice smelling things. So let them take it to bed. Now

with cf, they might not can handle a spray so maybe try a plug in air

freshener that smells up the whole room. Unless your just totally opposed

to it, it's ok if your son sleeps in bed with you. If you don't want him to

why not make him a palate by your bed so you can hold his hand. I know it

makes your sleep not as good and you lose that intamate place you have with

your partner. (You'll learn to be more creative as a result.) But they are

only little once.

Also, not all kids have to be scared or insecure to have these kinds of

problems. I grew up in a wonderful home with loving parents, one of whom

was always home full time, and my mom still had to cover my windows with a

blanket when I was in high school because the trees blowing out side would

give me bad dreams. I didn't quit sleep walking until my parents bought my

sister and I bunk beds and I had to sleep on the top bunk. That is when my

parents discovered that I was not ever falling into that deep sleep state

that every one is supposed to go through. I still don't and maybe never

will. Don't give up hope and be strong. This to shall pass.

I've written a book now! :-) Sorry. If you want to email me privately go

ahead. I'll talk to my dad about what behavior modification tricks he used

on me; if you want that info. that is. :-)

With much understanding,



> It was suggested that I give a small overview of who I

> am... so here I am. I am , the mother of 3

> beautiful little ones. Jonathon is 4 wcf, and Marissa

> is 1 1/2 wcf. a is 6 months and DOES NOT have CF,

> but she may have ashtma (too young to tell according

> to the pulmonary docs). Life definatly IS a roller

> coaster for my family. I try to work full time and

> take care of these babies. Life is routine,

> relentless, and honestly, about to make me lose every

> bit of hair I have.

> But I truly do have a question. Considering my two

> olders are CFers I don't know if this is normal for

> kids or what. But my two have some serious nightmares

> (I didnt think 1 1/2 yr olds were capable) and do a

> lot of sleepwalking and nightwandering. We have to be

> very careful cuz you never know where they are going

> to be when you wake up. They also seem VERY insecure.

> My son tries to sneak in bed with us almost every

> night (we never let him sleep with us from the day he

> was born) and my daughter wont sleep unless she has an

> article of our clothing in her arms. Is this what ALL

> kids do? Or do our continually ill children have some

> psycho problems going?


> Jen


> __________________________________________________


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I think they just want to be near you guys. My six year old who doesnt have

cf has probably spent 10-20 nights in his life in his own bed where Eilish

who is 3 1/2 wcf doesnt mind it in her own bed, but if she comes in then so

be it. Our bed is like a commune. I know not everyone likes their kids in

the bed but were dont mind. They wont do it forever and boy I'd miss waking

up to the little whispers between themselves and the little kisses they give

to wake me up.

Maybe they could have 1 night (a special night) each week where they could

sleep in with you guys. My friend does this each Friday night with her son

as a treat.


> It was suggested that I give a small overview of who I

> am... so here I am. I am , the mother of 3

> beautiful little ones. Jonathon is 4 wcf, and Marissa

> is 1 1/2 wcf. a is 6 months and DOES NOT have CF,

> but she may have ashtma (too young to tell according

> to the pulmonary docs). Life definatly IS a roller

> coaster for my family. I try to work full time and

> take care of these babies. Life is routine,

> relentless, and honestly, about to make me lose every

> bit of hair I have.

> But I truly do have a question. Considering my two

> olders are CFers I don't know if this is normal for

> kids or what. But my two have some serious nightmares

> (I didnt think 1 1/2 yr olds were capable) and do a

> lot of sleepwalking and nightwandering. We have to be

> very careful cuz you never know where they are going

> to be when you wake up. They also seem VERY insecure.

> My son tries to sneak in bed with us almost every

> night (we never let him sleep with us from the day he

> was born) and my daughter wont sleep unless she has an

> article of our clothing in her arms. Is this what ALL

> kids do? Or do our continually ill children have some

> psycho problems going?


> Jen


> __________________________________________________


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i would check your meds. to see if that is the cause. sounds like it to me.

and if i could keep my kids out of my bed i could probably have some mom

and dad time--- thats why there is 5 years between each kid


check your meds and talk to your dr about it, get there opinion.


mom of 3

brandon 12 yrs w cf

On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 16:56:37 -0700 (PDT), cfparents wrote:

> It was suggested that I give a small overview of who I

> am... so here I am. I am , the mother of 3

> beautiful little ones. Jonathon is 4 wcf, and Marissa

> is 1 1/2 wcf. a is 6 months and DOES NOT have CF,

> but she may have ashtma (too young to tell according

> to the pulmonary docs). Life definatly IS a roller

> coaster for my family. I try to work full time and

> take care of these babies. Life is routine,

> relentless, and honestly, about to make me lose every

> bit of hair I have.

> But I truly do have a question. Considering my two

> olders are CFers I don't know if this is normal for

> kids or what. But my two have some serious nightmares

> (I didnt think 1 1/2 yr olds were capable) and do a

> lot of sleepwalking and nightwandering. We have to be

> very careful cuz you never know where they are going

> to be when you wake up. They also seem VERY insecure.

> My son tries to sneak in bed with us almost every

> night (we never let him sleep with us from the day he

> was born) and my daughter wont sleep unless she has an

> article of our clothing in her arms. Is this what ALL

> kids do? Or do our continually ill children have some

> psycho problems going?


> Jen


> __________________________________________________


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