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5 weeks post-myo experiences requested

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Hello all,

I am at just about 5 weeks post-myo and while I am doing well, I am

experiencing three things that I was wondering if others have


1. I had 2 large fibroids removed. At the time of surgery my uterus

was at about 4 months. One of the symptoms I experienced pre-myo was

the frequent urination. I am still experiencing the frequent

urination at night. Have others experienced this? Could this be

because I am still swollen (I have the well-known swollen tummy

and " ridge " ). After the swelling subsides will this end?

2. I am still experiencing the exhaustion at doing tasks. I have

tried to balance rest with tasks and have followed the drs order

regarding lifting, pushing and pulling. I am walking about a 1/2

hour a day for exercise. In the beginning I attributed the

exhaustion to the recuperation and also the lack of sleep. I am a

restless sleeper and when moving around in bed, the discomfort at

certain movements wakes me. I am still waking up in the middle of

the night due to discomfort. Am I asking for too much at week 5?

3. A new " pain " started this weekend. Below my incision (the

typical bikini cut), I am feeling very low pelvic pressure along with

discomfort at both ends of the incision. Has anyone experienced this

type of discomfort?

Am I expecting a full recovery too soon? Thank you for your thoughts

and experiences,

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I think you are expecting too much too soon. I continued to have pressure

on my bladder and even some pain during urination after the surgery. It got

better over time, but I wasn't back to 100% at 5 weeks. I assumed it was

swelling and just internal healing. I am back to 100% now (at 4 months) and

can't believe how much my bladder can hold :-).

I was still having bouts of exhaustion at 6 weeks. Tried to go back to work

after 4 weeks, could only make it half-days in the office, then went back to

work full-time at 5 weeks, felt pretty good the first week, and then the

following week had more pain and exhaustion and had to go home early 3 days

that week.

I had a lot of aches and pains internally after I went back to work though

none below the incision. Many that felt just like the pains I used to get

from my fibroids. But I told myself this was because my body was trying to

heal those stitches in the exact same place the fibroids used to be, and

just cut myself some slack, and they became less and less frequent. I still

get (I won't say pain) but discomfort at my incision. It's almost a pulling

sensation, like the skin is stretched too tight there. I put a heating pad

on and some lotion on it and it feels better. Healing hurts too.

Hope this helps,


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Great questions. I'm scheduled for a laproscopic myomectomy on 12/23/02 for

my 7cm subserosal/intramural fibroid. This lap myo follow 1.5 years after

my UAE, which had a 10cm fibroid. The reason I'm having a lap myo is

because I still wake up frequently at night to urinate, I can't last more

than 5 hours max., 2 -3 hours is common. Also my uterus and waist is the

size of 14 weeks pregnant. Finally, from my MRI I know my fibroids are

anteriorly located, therefore I believe this is putting pressure on my


So, I have the same question. Will the myo relieve my nocturia (peeing at



- Debbie

5 weeks post-myo experiences requested

Hello all,

I am at just about 5 weeks post-myo and while I am doing well, I am

experiencing three things that I was wondering if others have


1. I had 2 large fibroids removed. At the time of surgery my uterus

was at about 4 months. One of the symptoms I experienced pre-myo was

the frequent urination. I am still experiencing the frequent

urination at night. Have others experienced this? Could this be

because I am still swollen (I have the well-known swollen tummy

and " ridge " ). After the swelling subsides will this end?

2. I am still experiencing the exhaustion at doing tasks. I have

tried to balance rest with tasks and have followed the drs order

regarding lifting, pushing and pulling. I am walking about a 1/2

hour a day for exercise. In the beginning I attributed the

exhaustion to the recuperation and also the lack of sleep. I am a

restless sleeper and when moving around in bed, the discomfort at

certain movements wakes me. I am still waking up in the middle of

the night due to discomfort. Am I asking for too much at week 5?

3. A new " pain " started this weekend. Below my incision (the

typical bikini cut), I am feeling very low pelvic pressure along with

discomfort at both ends of the incision. Has anyone experienced this

type of discomfort?

Am I expecting a full recovery too soon? Thank you for your thoughts

and experiences,

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>1. I had 2 large fibroids removed. At the time of surgery my uterus

>was at about 4 months. One of the symptoms I experienced pre-myo was

>the frequent urination. I am still experiencing the frequent

>urination at night. Have others experienced this? Could this be

>because I am still swollen (I have the well-known swollen tummy

>and " ridge " ). After the swelling subsides will this end?

, I had this after myo also. In my case I think it was caused

by swelling, not just at the incision site but all over. . This was

causing my rings to feel a little tight even, so I know it was more

than just around the incision. Some of the pain meds cause swelling

(Vioxx, for instance) but according to my doctor's nurse just having

surgery causes swelling. Then when you lie down at night your body

starts getting rid of some of the extra fluid because of your


They told me to drink MORE fluid to get the swelling off quicker,

lots of water will help your body to flush out those retained fluids.

And after that subsided my night-time urination went back to what is

normal for me which is waking once during the night, usually after

5-6 hours. But that's my normal pattern, even when I was a kid I

always got up once a night...just a tiny bladder, I guess!

>2. I am still experiencing the exhaustion at doing tasks. I have

>tried to balance rest with tasks and have followed the drs order

>regarding lifting, pushing and pulling. I am walking about a 1/2

>hour a day for exercise. In the beginning I attributed the

>exhaustion to the recuperation and also the lack of sleep. I am a

>restless sleeper and when moving around in bed, the discomfort at

>certain movements wakes me. I am still waking up in the middle of

>the night due to discomfort. Am I asking for too much at week 5?

I think so, yes. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel in

just a couple more weeks. I know it's kind of discouraging when you

want to get going and get on with life. But I think that

discouragement and discontentment is actually a good sign! If you

were really bad off you wouldn't even have the desire to do more.

It'll all come back in time, it really will!

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Hi, . I had a myo on Oct 2, so I am about 8 or 9 (?) weeks post now.

You are still healing, and unfortunately full recovery at 5 months post myo

is not to be expected. After speaking to a doctor friend and other friends

who've had this and similar surgeries, there may be some occasional twinges

or discomfort for several months yet, but nothing that is really going to

affect your quality of life the way the fibroids did.

1) I did not have frequent urination after my myo, but did have some pain or

discomfort during urination because three of my fibroids were crowding my

bladder, so I'm sure that this resulted in some swelling that affected my

bladder. LIkely that something like this is causing your continued frequent


2) You are still healing, and your body is recovering from a major

procedure. Exhaustion after some tasks is to be expected and you will see

improvement over time. Even now, I still feel a little tired at times. You

may also want to check to see if you are anemic from any blood loss during

the surgery. If you're not taking Iron, taking it may improve your energy

level. You still need to rest when your body says rest, till you build back

to full strength.

3) Interesting that you mentioned the twinge or discomfort at the incision.

I also started having that at around 4 weeks, especially on one end. I

wouldn't really call it pain, just a noticeable discomfort there. Just in

the last week I've noticed improvement in that. I assume that my body is

still healing underneath the incision. My surgeon stitched up my abdomen in

several layers, so I'm assuming that they're all still coming together and

healing fully, which causes this discomfort.

Hope this helps!



> Am I expecting a full recovery too soon? Thank you for your thoughts

> and experiences,







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I had a myo in Sept of 2001 to remove a large fibroid, about the

size of a grapefruit. Proir to my myo I had freqent urination and

sudden pelvic pain. I t has been over a year since the myo and I

experienced frequent urination throughout my entire recovery an dam

still experiencing it. I also feel a pulling/streching kind of pain

around my incision. At five weeks past the surgery I could not stand

up straight or walk at a normal pace. I was extremely tired.


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I your frequent urination at least " many times " better? In other words, can

you sleep for 4 hours vs. only 2 hours pre myo? Could you please quantify

the pre myo and post myo urination difference?

I ask because I'm about to undergo a myo and I don't want it to be in vain.

- Debbie

Re: 5 weeks post-myo experiences requested


I had a myo in Sept of 2001 to remove a large fibroid, about the

size of a grapefruit. Proir to my myo I had freqent urination and

sudden pelvic pain. I t has been over a year since the myo and I

experienced frequent urination throughout my entire recovery an dam

still experiencing it. I also feel a pulling/streching kind of pain

around my incision. At five weeks past the surgery I could not stand

up straight or walk at a normal pace. I was extremely tired.


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First I would like to thank everyone for their support and responding

to me regarding how you felt 5 weeks post myo . . . I had a

difficult weekend and didn't know if what I was experiencing was

typical. Thank you . . . I found that it was. Normally, I am like

the energizer bunny . . . always full of energy and now well, getting

tired easily is not my style! And the thought of having gone through

the myo with little change was disheartening.

I also talked to my dr this week at myappointment. Along with my

list of questions for the dr, I also asked him the same questions

that I asked you. He, voiced the same words of encouragement that

you did . . . it takes time! 5 weeks time will NOT get you to

100%!!! In fact, it will take about 3 months . . . yes, a long

period of time . . . but a lot less time that what I and we have

suffered! He also told me that it takes time for your body to re-

adjust to the trama that it has suffered and that the organs need

time to settle. So I will continue to experience some of the same

symptoms as before, but they will eventually subside.

Debbie, as for your question regarding pre vs post myo urination

differences . . . some days it is better than others. Pre myo I was

getting up every one to two hours. Post and at 5 1/2 weeks about

every 2 to 4. There is some improvement, and I do expect it to get


I hope this helps and wish you well with your myo. Remember it takes

time for your body to adjust, and even with the most compassionate,

skilled dr, your body is still ungoing a trama. Healing takes time.

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