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Re: Labs

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These look exactly like my labs...making you a candidate for T3 therapy.

I think they will ask you about your Ferritin and B12. Oh, I see it, your

ferretin is high enough for T3 therapy. I assume your on HC for adrenals?? That

would be the other factor for doing t3 only.

My ft4 was. 9

ft3 3.3

rt3 36

tsh 1.79

and I'm on 1/2 grain too.

I'm a long way from being Val or Nick, but you seem to be in the same boat I am

in. Needing t3 therapy.



> I finally got all my most recent labs and just wondered what you all think. I

had not taken my Armour prior to these (the last dose has been early afternoon

the day prior--well over 15 hours and it was only 1/2 grain at that).


> fT4 0.98 (0.70-1.80)


> fT3 3.2 (1.7-3.7)


> RT3 38 (11-32) included the following note: *This test was performed using a

kit that has not been cleared or approved by the FDA. The analytical

performance characteristics of this test have been determined by Quest

Diagnostics. This test should not be used for diagnosis without confirmation by

other medically established means.*


> Anti-TPO Aby <25 (0-60)


> Anti-Thyroglobulin 38 (0-60)


> TSH 3.00 (0.47-4.68)


> Ferritin 81 (5-204)


> I'm particularly wondering about the high fT3 with the low fT4 and what that

means for my RT3 treatment.




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fT4 0.98 (0.70-1.80)

fT3 3.2 (1.7-3.7)

RT3 38 (11-32)

What lab did these tests? Normally the FT3 USED to be higher than this is why I

am asking. The FT4 is right where it has always been for year but I am more and

more seeing these lower FT3 ranges and they are ridiculous! FT3 range SHOULD go

to 4.2 which would make more sense wiht your low T4. But meanwhile you have a

pretty severe RT3 problem. You rratio would be 8.42 and needs ot be at least 20.

So you do need ot go on T3 only to claear ou tthat excess RT3.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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This was Sanford Labs which is just the lab of the big medical conglomerate

here. They own about every hospital and clinic within the state of SD and in SW

Minnesota/NW Iowa.

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Anyone's guess! I tried fo r15 years wiht just Amrour or Armour and T3

nd never felt good till I went to JUST T3, but that doesn;t mean someone

else can;t do it.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Some yes and for reasons that reverse the process naturally. But some of

us seem to get STUCK in RT3 mode, we donlt knwo WHY btu that it happens

is a fact. I am there. I have tried even after clearing my RT3

comokletely out to go back ot natural thyroid and the RT3 goes high very

quickly agian so I am on T3 for life or untilk this is figured out.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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