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Re: How does Potassium and other electrolytes work in the body?

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Potassium and sodium pass in and out of the cells. The body tries ot

keep the serum (blood) level regulated wiht the help of the kidneys and

aldosterone. When any of those sysmtemsis not funciotning right there

can be problems.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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So basically we're controlling out AF-sick bodies manually. The downside to it is thatwe don't know how much we need of everything, and of course the automatic regulation ofeverything in the body is the best way to do it! I for one, have no clue how much sea saltI should drink, or how much potassium I should consume. My heart is skipping a numberof beats today. Can that be electrolyte-related? I can't run to the ER every night, measuringmy electrolytes in serum...

Potassium and sodium pass in and out of the cells. The body tries ot

keep the serum (blood) level regulated wiht the help of the kidneys and

aldosterone. When any of those sysmtemsis not funciotning right there

can be problems.

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It takes a whie but oyu will learn what means whta wiht electrolyts. Low

sodium causes HIGH heart rate that doesn;t come down, and low potasisum

causes fluid retention.Skipped beats is more the low ferritin clashign

wiht T3 it is not able to use.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I understand, . It takes time to learn it all and to master this condition.If I can just remember these things you're saying I will have some kind of help when Ifeel weird/bad. Maybe I'll print this email out and hang it on the fridge!Thanks!It takes a whie but oyu will learn what means whta wiht electrolyts. Low

sodium causes HIGH heart rate that doesn;t come down, and low potasisum

causes fluid retention.Skipped beats is more the low ferritin clashign

wiht T3 it is not able to use.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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My heart is skipping beats often now. On and off, ever few minutes. :( It's SO scary, andwith my exteme tiredless/sleepiness that hit me at 4 am. It's now 10 pm. And I am notfeeling any better. I'm scared and don't know what to do. Should I maybe increase myT3 dose? I have been taking 20 mcg for 4 days now, including today. Will taking moreT3 cause my heart to skip even more beats? I am wondering if my heart can take theseskippings. I hav eelectrical faulty wiring in it, so.. I don't know how much it can take!Missed the concert.Maybe I need to do the IV iron ASAP to actually save my LIFE? How many days afterIV iron can I take more T3? Or do I need to do blood samples of iron, ferritin, ft3 and so onbefore I increase the T3?

It takes a whie but oyu will learn what means whta wiht electrolyts. Low

sodium causes HIGH heart rate that doesn;t come down, and low potasisum

causes fluid retention.Skipped beats is more the low ferritin clashign

wiht T3 it is not able to use.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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>Should I maybe increase my

>T3 dose? I have been taking 20 mcg for 4 days now, including today. Will taking


>T3 cause my heart to skip even more beats? I am wondering if my heart can take


>skippings. I hav eelectrical faulty wiring in it, so.. I don't know how much it

can take!

What effect did the increased dose have on Temperature, Pulse, and

how you feel??


>Missed the concert.


Sorry about that

>Maybe I need to do the IV iron ASAP to actually save my LIFE? How many days


>IV iron can I take more T3? Or do I need to do blood samples of iron, ferritin,

ft3 and so on

>before I increase the T3?

It will help you get your energy and " wellbeing " back, not many people

die of hypo or anemia in this day and ago though, it's debilitating

but rarely fatal.

They say to wait a couple of weeks after an IV before rechecking

ferritin, you could probably step up on T3 within a day or two though

and that will help you hang onto the iron.

More Ft3 tests are not going to show you much at this stage, the

" stepping up " stage is a very dynamic time and difficult to keep up

with on labs.


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A lot of skipped heart beats today. Got me quite worried.But there is no difference in temperature or pulse after the dose increase. I don't feel muchdifferent to be honest. (Except todays horrible laziness/sleepiness since 4 pm and til now1 am, and it doesn't go away either!) I have, however, felt a sensation in my heart since theincrease. Not sure if it's a good thing, I don't think so. But hey, bad feelings can just begrowing pains right? Let's hope so.I will continue do to temps, pulse and so on the in the comind days (and beyond that ofcourse) and report if anything changes.That's another thing - I don't have anemia. My blood volume has risen in the past months,and is not in the top range, or above the top range, at 17.8. (range: up to 17.0). Ok, maybeI just have a lot of blood naturally. Even if I take 1

blood sample a week. Maybe the ironI started taking 3-4 months ago (I was on and off - I am always afraid of taking something"new", supplements or medication!) made my hemoglobin go up. I hear the hemo usuallygoes down again after taking iron supplements for a while. So I am not freaking out aboutmy blood volume yet.I asked my GP about this yesterday.. Why I have low Ferritin AND high hemoglobin. Hesaid that that's just how my body is. I have a lot of blood, and can even start giving bloodto the bloodbank if I want to. I remember 10 years ago, I _was_ anemic. But I guessmy Ferritin needs to go lower (<10?) before my blood volume starts going down. Peoplehave different limits for when the blood volume starts getting affected by low Ferritin.Yeah, I read on your website a while ago how it goes with the stepping up. It sure doesn'tfeel great! That's for sure! And while I am doing this, replacing

my own thyroid gland withthe T3-only regime, these thoughts lingers in my head... .. . "What if I don't need anymeds, what if I am healthy, what if I just need to get my own thyroid working again andtake Lugol's Iodine and more selenium?"Nick, do you think I can stop taking T3 in the future, and have my gland start producingagain like it did 2 years ago when the endos wanted me to stop taking my T4/T3-meds?Not that I have high hopes for quitting all meds. I just wanna feel good regardless of whatI do. I can take meds, no prob. I just HOPE I finally end up taking Dessicated Thyroid,no HC and just.. Live a normal and relaxed life!I do question my Testosterone level at 10, which is at the very lowest of the range formen. It has been lying at around 16 for the past year or so. Now it's 10. My specialistsaid I might even need to supplement with testosterone or something. I don't know what'sgoing on. Is

this normal?T.

>Should I maybe increase my

>T3 dose? I have been taking 20 mcg for 4 days now, including today. Will taking more

>T3 cause my heart to skip even more beats? I am wondering if my heart can take these

>skippings. I hav eelectrical faulty wiring in it, so.. I don't know how much it can take!

What effect did the increased dose have on Temperature, Pulse, and

how you feel??


>Missed the concert.


Sorry about that

>Maybe I need to do the IV iron ASAP to actually save my LIFE? How many days after

>IV iron can I take more T3? Or do I need to do blood samples of iron, ferritin, ft3 and so on

>before I increase the T3?

It will help you get your energy and "wellbeing" back, not many people

die of hypo or anemia in this day and ago though, it's debilitating

but rarely fatal.

They say to wait a couple of weeks after an IV before rechecking

ferritin, you could probably step up on T3 within a day or two though

and that will help you hang onto the iron.

More Ft3 tests are not going to show you much at this stage, the

"stepping up" stage is a very dynamic time and difficult to keep up

with on labs.


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