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Re: New person - looking for insights...

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I just thought I would update this thread. My initial suspicion has been

confirmed. The reason my endo thought a FT4 of 7 was 'normal' is due to

incompetence. She was giving me someone elses results. great!


> HI. I'll introduce myself first as I'm new to this group.

> I'm Sam (), I'm 38.


> I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer a year ago and Hypothyroidism. I had half

of my thyroid removed and tested and they found that they'd made a mistake and I

had hashi's not cancer (yes very merry christmas last year! - diagnosos 22nd

dec, operation 10th jan).

> So I was put on T4 as usual.


> Looking back I think I have had hashis for at least 20 years. I remember my

mum noticing my neck was swollen when I was 17 or 18. I just thought I had a

fat neck! I had a breakdown in 2007 after having severe recurrent depression

for about 20 years. I had repeated TFT's which of course came back 'normal'


> After the T4 didn't help, I have been reading up and managed to persuade my

doctor to give me T3 + T4. When that didn't help much he insited I see an endo.

I got my saliva cortisol tests done which showed below range for 9am and bumping

along the bottom of the normal range for the rest of the day. My DHEA was high.

Doctor wouldn't accept these tests and said it all looked normal to him. -



> So I took my results to the endo who also wouldn't accept them saying that

they weren't standardised blah blah blah. So she did an ACTH test (short

synacten test).


> here are the results:

> Mins Cortisol (nmol/L)

> 0 212

> 30 624

> 60 681


> She said this was all fine and no need to treat adrenals.

> i think she is wrong.


> She then did a fasting glucose and TFT.

> Glucose was fine - 4.7 mmol/L (3.6 - 6.0)


> Thyroids however were:

> Free T4 7.0 pmol/L (11.5 - 22.7)

> TSH 0.77

> She didn't test FT3!


> Her comments were: " your most recent thyroid function tests were normal "


> At the time of the test I was on 100mcg T4 and 20mcg T3 both of which she

knew about.


> Can anyone tell me why the T4 would be classed as a normal level given my dose

of Levo? (apart from the obvious - incompetence!)


> Thank you for reading this far! If anyone can explain my test results I'd be

very grateful!


> Sam


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