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Re: Hi Nick...need some advice please

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>Sorry to bombard you with so much. Val normally helps me and she kind of knows

my history but with her absence this week I would really appreciate your

thoughts. Plus I figure since you have gone through all of this last minute

tweeking stuff too that you might have some suggestions. Maybe I need to even

go back down some...just don't know what to do.


Back to basics. Temperature and pulse.

If they are OK then there is nothing wrong with an FT3 of 7, I am

sure mine is higher than that but have not tested it.

RT3 is not the only cause of Thyroid resistance, there are other ones

as well I am sure but we don't know how to treat them yet.

I am taking 150 a day of T3 and feel well on it, vital signs are fine

and I have no intention of testing blood numbers.

The time labs are useful is if you don't feel well and are trying to

find if you are high or low. Once you are near then how you feel is

the most important thing.

The temperatures page off the web site is worth a re-read.



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Well you read my mind. I had seen you post repeatedly about how you go by the way you feel and I almost ask you today if you ever get labs done. My temps have been averaging 98.5-98.6 lately. My pulse is always nice and perfect. My temps are also good unless I try something different and then I have to figure out what to do to get the temps back up...like take extra Isocort or Cortef. Well today I experiemented and took an extra 6.25mcg of T3 to see how I do. My temps did fall about an hour after I took it but I just gave myself an extra boost of Isocort. I remember from before when I would raise that it normally took about three days to get my temps back to normal. My back does seem to be a little better...might be too soon to know but it DOES feel better. So for now I

will just continue to raise the extra 6.25mcg for the next few days and see how I feel. It really makes me feel better to have you say that the FT3 of 7 is not that bad if I'm not experiencing the high pulse or elevated temps. Thank you so much for your response and advice!

Subject: Re: Hi Nick...need some advice pleaseTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, January 18, 2010, 4:39 PM

>Sorry to bombard you with so much. Val normally helps me and she kind of knows my history but with her absence this week I would really appreciate your thoughts. Plus I figure since you have gone through all of this last minute tweeking stuff too that you might have some suggestions. Maybe I need to even go back down some...just don't know what to do. > Back to basics. Temperature and pulse.If they are OK then there is nothing wrong with an FT3 of 7, I amsure mine is higher than that but have not tested it.RT3 is not the only cause of Thyroid resistance, there are other onesas well I am sure but we don't know how to treat them yet.I am taking 150 a day of T3 and feel well on it, vital signs are fineand I have no intention of testing blood numbers.The time labs are useful is if you don't feel well and are trying tofind if you are

high or low. Once you are near then how you feel isthe most important thing.The temperatures page off the web site is worth a re-read.http://thyroid- rt3.com/temperat .htmNick

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>Well you read my mind.  I had seen you post repeatedly about how you go by the

way you feel and I almost ask you today if you ever get labs done.   My temps

have been averaging 98.5-98.6 lately.   My pulse is always nice and perfect.  My

temps are also good unless I try something different and then I have to figure

out what to do to get the temps back up

You are getting there. After a while you can feel if you are off the

sweet spot. Most of the day my resting pulse is 88, much under that

and I need more T3.

Temperature and pulse are reflecting what your metabolism actually

does. Lab ranges are those of a quantity of people (including

undiagnosed hypo patients!)


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BTW: This is not true for all people. Not for me. My temps are 37.0 C (98.6) pretty much all the time during the day and evening. Regardless of how little or much hypo I am. WEIRD? Yes.... Why? Nobody knows.Maybe I'm not Hypothyroid at all............................

Temperature and pulse are reflecting what your metabolism actually

does. Lab ranges are those of a quantity of people (including

undiagnosed hypo patients!)


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>BTW: This is not true for all people. Not for me. My temps are 37.0 C (98.6)

pretty much all the time during the day and evening. Regardless of how little or

much hypo I am. WEIRD? Yes.... Why? Nobody knows.

Thought for the day. Infection raises temperature. You keep telling us

you have a tonsil problem that you have been putting off having

treated for years.

If you raise temperature due to an infection from a low number you can

end up at 37 while ill


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Hi Nick,

Well I took my T3 back up to 100mcg from 93.75...it is day two. I've gotten to

the point where I can barely take my isocort now without the bloating. This

morning when I took my T3 my temps kind of took a hit...not a bad decrease but

low 98's, which does not normally happen but I did not take my Isocort this

morning to sort of experiment. I had terrible bloating yesterday on only two

isocort pellets in the morning with first T3 dose. I exercise three days a week

and went this morning. I realize the temps will fall after exercise but today I

have not been able to get the temps above 98.2. As I said, I can't seem to

take too much HC or I'll get the bloating.

My question is should I hold here for another day and see if things subside or

do you think that I have taken it too far on the T3, since my level was at 7.0

when I was taking 100mcg previously. This tweeking stuff is very diffcult for

me. I can't seem to find that sweet spot. And I have terrible lower back, pain

between my shoulder and neck pain posterior and on the sides up to my ears. I

just don't know what is causing this....is it too much T3, too little T3 or is

it an adrenal factor. I had the back pain when I was down at 81.25mcg T3, but I

can say that the pain has progressively worsened since increasing the T3. Or

maybe it's the lack of HC that's causing the pain. I'm so confused as to what

to do. Please help if you can.



> >Well you read my mind.  I had seen you post repeatedly about how you go by

the way you feel and I almost ask you today if you ever get labs done.   My

temps have been averaging 98.5-98.6 lately.   My pulse is always nice and

perfect.  My temps are also good unless I try something different and then I

have to figure out what to do to get the temps back up


> You are getting there. After a while you can feel if you are off the

> sweet spot. Most of the day my resting pulse is 88, much under that

> and I need more T3.


> Temperature and pulse are reflecting what your metabolism actually

> does. Lab ranges are those of a quantity of people (including

> undiagnosed hypo patients!)


> Nick


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>I'm so confused as to what to do. Please help if you can.

Sorry, I can't help more, you are in that fine tuneing stage of trying

to find the sweet spot and it's getting the right combination that's


If in doubt drop the T3 back down to about 85 for 2 or 3 days and

check temperature averages to see if they are stable, that will give

you feedback on whether it's enough Isocort. If they are unstable then

you know you need to increase adrenal support before going back up on



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Ok, thank you Nick. I understand and I know it is such a personal tweek for each one of us. I appreciate the advice. That's about the only thing I haven't done....to go back down on the T3 with the change from HC to my new isocort dose. I was taking much more and HC at the time that I was down in the 80's dose range. I will try that tomorrow and see. I just hope I haven't given my adrenals a bad hit where I'll end up having to take HC again to help them out.

>I'm so confused as to what to do. Please help if you can.Sorry, I can't help more, you are in that fine tuneing stage of tryingto find the sweet spot and it's getting the right combination that'sdifficult.If in doubt drop the T3 back down to about 85 for 2 or 3 days andcheck temperature averages to see if they are stable, that will giveyou feedback on whether it's enough Isocort. If they are unstable thenyou know you need to increase adrenal support before going back up onT3Nick

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Sorry to bug you again. Shortly after I got your email my whole body all of a sudden went warm, checked temps and it was 98.7. Ok, sounds good but my whole body is shakey now. I can barely type this post. Any clue what this is?? Too high T3 or my own cortisol kicking in? Pulse is a tad elevated but not what I would call high...88bpm.

>I'm so confused as to what to do. Please help if you can.Sorry, I can't help more, you are in that fine tuneing stage of tryingto find the sweet spot and it's getting the right combination that'sdifficult.If in doubt drop the T3 back down to about 85 for 2 or 3 days andcheck temperature averages to see if they are stable, that will giveyou feedback on whether it's enough Isocort. If they are unstable thenyou know you need to increase adrenal support before going back up onT3Nick

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>Sorry to bug you again.   Shortly after I got your email my whole body all of a

sudden went warm, checked temps and it was 98.7.    Ok, sounds good but my whole

body is shakey now.  I can barely type this post.   Any clue what this is??  Too

high T3 or my own cortisol kicking in?  Pulse is a tad elevated but not what I

would call high...88bpm.

Maybe some adrenaline plus cortisol letting some " pooled " T3 in??

Not sure

Got a feeling drop T3 a little, stabilise temperatures, and go up

again on T3 is the way to go


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Thank you. I only took two isocort today and I know that my cortisol seems to be fine in the afternoon. My temps got up to 99.5 and then finally leveled back off and the shaking stopped. I think I will take only one isocort in the morning and I will back off the T3 as well and see how it goes. Thanks again.

>>Sorry to bug you again. Shortly after I got your email my whole body all of a sudden went warm, checked temps and it was 98.7. Ok, sounds good but my whole body is shakey now. I can barely type this post. Any clue what this is?? Too high T3 or my own cortisol kicking in? Pulse is a tad elevated but not what I would call high...88bpm.Maybe some adrenaline plus cortisol letting some "pooled" T3 in??Not sureGot a feeling drop T3 a little, stabilise temperatures, and go upagain on T3 is the way to goNick

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