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Diabetes Type 2 & Mimics of Hypothyroidism

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Strictly speaking Diabetes Type 2 and Hypothyroidism are not related. However,

in a more liberal sense they are.

Diabetes Type 1 and Hypothyroidism are similar in that neither produces

sufficient amounts of insulin and thyroxine respectively.

Diabetes Type 2 is the inability to use insulin. Medical practice refuses to

recognize the corresponding causes for the inability to use thyroxine. They

believe that peripheral metabolism does not fail or become deficient in anybody

at any time. Then they ignore the reception of the T3 by the body's cells for

use in the cells' nuclei. Or they claim that deficient reception can not be

treated. They also ignore the potential deficiencies in enzymes used in the

peripheral metabolism of T4 to T3 and the subsequent use of T3 by the nuclei.

They ignore the potential measurements of waste products from the nuclei as they

are cleared from the blood. The ignore all hormone clearance from the blood

into the body's waste systems.

However, Dr. Mark Starr and some others have drawn a parallel between Diabetes

Type 2 and these mimics of hypothyroidism because both share the inability to

use the triiodothyronine (T3).

And just to make this picture bleaker, if you develop any mimic of

hypothyroidism without developing deficient secretion of thyroxine by the

thyroid gland, then you will not be diagnosed properly. You will be told that

you are A OK because the medical doctors instructed to ignore the above mimics

of hypothyroidism and the recommended diagnostics institutionalize this


There is a 1960 paper by Dr. Marshall Goldberg that makes a case for euthyroid

hypometabolism. We at TPA-UK have extended that a bit to Chemically Euthyroid

Hypometabolism. In short, you have a case of dragging butt, but your thyroid is

OK or is hormone replaced to seem to be OK.

This mimic of hypothyroidism has virtually the same set of symptoms as

hypothyroidism does. However, medical practice has done nothing to guide the

proper differential diagnosis between hypothyroidsm and chemically euthyroid

hypometabolism or any other mimic of hypothyroidism.

Incidentally, Dr. Goldberg cites papers that note the inability of thyroxine to

manage the symptoms of hypothyroidism. One was published in 1947 and the other

in 1954. So we have been victims for more than a half century.

Have a great day, Pritchard

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" Diabetes Type 2 is the inability to use insulin. "

Only in the beginning.When I was diagnosed I a=had LOW insulin but still

diagnosed a type 2. But since gettign my adrenals funciotnal and getting my

ANDROGENS higher than they think a post meno womean should be my OWJN insulin is

pumping out again, adn I am NOW a real typw 2 with insuline resistance adn high



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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