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Register of Counterexamples to T4-only therapy.

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I am in the process of compiling a world-wide Register of Counterexamples to the

levothyroxine sodium (T4)-only therapy. The objective is to draw to the

attention of those responsible authorities the dire need for an urgent

re-examination of the existing protocol for the treatment of the symptoms of


This register is to find the vast number of people world-wide who have been

prescribed T4 - only therapy, which has failed to alleviate or eliminate their

symptoms of hypothyroidism. It is to find those who were then prescribed a T3

containing product, (either in combination with T4 or T3 alone), which

alleviated or eliminated their symptoms. The list will also show those who

were prescribed a T3 containing hormone product that was stopped by their doctor

and who replaced the T3 prescription with one for T4-only, resulting in a return

of their symptoms.

A copy of the completed 'Register of Counterexamples' to the levothyroxine-only

therapy will be sent to the Deans of all Medical Schools, the Presidents/Heads

of all Medical Boards, World Health Organisation, all authors of guidelines on

the diagnosis and management of hypothyroidism, endocrine/thyroid associations

etc. throughout the world.

We are in the process of compiling a list of THE EMAIL ADDRESSES of all the

owners of Internet Thyroid Support groups and the owners of thyroid web sites

world-wide (a massive job) to enable us to send a very short questionnaire to

them, asking that they post the link on their web site and/or their forum

members urging them to complete it online. As we need thousands of names on this

Register to be able to prove our point, we need a massive search from a lot of

people to find them all - not just the big ones, but all those who are running

their own small local thyroid support forums. TPA-UK has made a start on this

and some of my members have already found the email addresses of 379 web site

and Internet forum owners - but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I will also be sending a short 'Letter to the Editor' of every National and

Local Newspaper and Magazine (in the UK) giving a link to the online

questionnaire to say why such a Register of Counterexamples to the T4 only

therapy is so vital. Medical practice refuses to recognise medical science

(which has been available for over 50 years) and the proper and ethical

diagnostics and therapies for the continuing symptoms of hypothyroidism, leaving

potentially 100,000 to 1,000,000 undiagnosed and untreated in the UK alone, and

globally, at least 5 times as many. Such a Register cannot be ignored.

Please will you help. We need the EMAIL address of every thyroid web site and

every Internet Thyroid Support Forum. We do not need the URL to these. You may

well have to open the web site to find the CONTACT details, and these should be

listed and sent to me sheila@... . We also need somebody to take charge of

sending a 'Letter to the Editor' in your own country to reach as many sufferers

of the symptoms of hypothyroidism as we can. You need to find and download all

the email addresses of the 'Letters to the Editor' of all the national and local

papers in your country. Please don't worry about duplications, there are bound

to be lots, but these will be eliminated on the excel spreadsheet easily.

If you are an owner of an Internet Thyroid Support Forum, it would be great if

you, or somebody volunteering to help you, would be prepared to send out a copy

of the link to the Register to ALL your members INDIVIDUALLY - which would help

us to reach as many people as we can. I have 1436 members, yet only a bunch of

them are on the forum at any one time reading the messages, so leaving one

message on the message board hoping they will all see it is not sufficient.

All that is required is for you to download your members email addresses, add a

semi-colon after each email address and when the time comes, to copy and paste

approximately 50 email addresses into the Bcc box and 'send'. My server only

allows me to send 400 messages a day, anymore is considered Spam.

This is one opportunity for each and everyone of us to do something to help this

appalling predicament - and perhaps at last, we might get the media attention

that we are so desperate for.

This is a start - but this Register is only to find those of us who's symptoms

did not go away with T4 - only therapy, but did go away with a T3 containing

product, and for those who had their T3 prescription taken away, to be replaced

with a prescription for thyroxine-only, which resulted in a return of their


If you are able to help with this massive project, please let me know




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