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Re: Re: Test results/Val

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I am not sur eof the mechanisms involved btu ther ARE times when low

aldosteorne can caus high BP and Florinef may help bring it down. I

assume it si the adaptation of losing potassium that raises BP when you

are low in sodium/aldosterone. This si why you would ned to rais

potassium before even satrting Florinef. The potassium allows sodium to

go into the cells and thus lowers sodium in the BLOOD. It is sodoium in

the blood thta maintinas BP not so much the cellular sodium. When you

take potasium it lowers the blood sodium and you need aldosterone to

maintina those levels so it doesnlt quickly fall too low.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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DO you take progesterone? DHEA? Estrogen? Gues what? All steroids. Yes

Florinef is another steroid but it is a mineralcorticoid not a

glucocorticoid. They work differntly and you need both.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I don't take Progesterone. I am unable to tolerate it. Probably due to it being high. I am not on Estrogen as of yet, but I do take Testosterone cream. That one I only stopped for a day; when I filled the saliva tubes. Do you have to stop that longer?

Re: Re: Test results/Val

DO you take progesterone? DHEA? Estrogen? Gues what? All steroids. Yes Florinef is another steroid but it is a mineralcorticoid not a glucocorticoid. They work differntly and you need both.-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WVhttp://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/

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Disregard....I think I was responding to someone elses. Sorry, forgot my subject line....

Re: Re: Test results/Val

DO you take progesterone? DHEA? Estrogen? Gues what? All steroids. Yes Florinef is another steroid but it is a mineralcorticoid not a glucocorticoid. They work differntly and you need both.-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WVhttp://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/

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