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Severe migraines=low ferritin?

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I keep getting severe migraines still would this be related to low ferritin? I

cannot think of any other reason as to why I am still getting them so often and


My energy is improving now that I have been on T3 only for nearly 5 weeks now

and I am grateful for that its very encouraging but the migraines had improved

but the past couple of weeks I am getting them more frequently and they are

pretty severe, lasting a day and a half.

I am on 37.5 mcg T3 when I upped by 6.2 I had some overstimulation 2 hours after

the 6 pm dose and when I went to bed had a lot of insomnia and anxiety plus

heart pounding/sweating so have dropped back. The next day... another severe



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Are you currently taking iron? I don't know how ferritin relates to migraines as

such, but a while ago I tried floradix liquid iron to bring my ferritin up, and

the stuff gave me awful migraines. I suspect it wasn't anything to do with the

iron itself, because I was fine with iron in other forms, but rather some

additive or flavouring in the liquid; it was the same kind of migraine I get

from artificial sweeteners.

This may or may not be relevant to your situation, but just in case it helps!


> I keep getting severe migraines still would this be related to low ferritin?

I cannot think of any other reason as to why I am still getting them so often

and badly.


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> Are you currently taking iron? I don't know how ferritin relates to migraines

as such, but a while ago I tried floradix liquid iron to bring my ferritin up,

and the stuff gave me awful migraines. I suspect it wasn't anything to do with

the iron itself, because I was fine with iron in other forms, but rather some

additive or flavouring in the liquid; it was the same kind of migraine I get

from artificial sweeteners.


> This may or may not be relevant to your situation, but just in case it helps!


Thanks for that info, I am taking ferrous sulphate 400 mg in one dose daily. It

is a sugar coated pill and I am very sensitive to sugar so I try and wash as

much as possible off before taking it.

I could try a different type of iron perhaps.


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Pam, I have been in the same boat the past several months with these God awful

headaches. I am pretty sure they are related to thyroid dose issues, but I can't

qui8te seem to figure it out, either.

They do seem to be better when I am able to increase the t3.

They let up once I got to 31.75 mcg Cynomel and right now I, too, am only at

37.5 t3 and it is touch and go with the headaches. But I do think it is low t3

causing them.

We might be at a place where our own thyroid production is low enough that we

need to get our t3 for our pills and we're not yet on a high enough dose. But

I'm like you -- I haven't been able to successfully raise yet. I went up too

quickly last week to 62.5 and gave myself some terrible heart pounding and

anxiety, so had to drop back to 37.5 again. I think it was low cortisol from

going up on t3 too quickly. Maybe that is what happened to you when you tried to

raise, too??

I know it is sooo hard trying to get it right!



> I keep getting severe migraines still would this be related to low ferritin?

I cannot think of any other reason as to why I am still getting them so often

and badly.


> My energy is improving now that I have been on T3 only for nearly 5 weeks now

and I am grateful for that its very encouraging but the migraines had improved

but the past couple of weeks I am getting them more frequently and they are

pretty severe, lasting a day and a half.


> I am on 37.5 mcg T3 when I upped by 6.2 I had some overstimulation 2 hours

after the 6 pm dose and when I went to bed had a lot of insomnia and anxiety

plus heart pounding/sweating so have dropped back. The next day... another

severe migraine.


> Pam


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> Pam, I have been in the same boat the past several months with these God awful

headaches. I am pretty sure they are related to thyroid dose issues, but I can't

qui8te seem to figure it out, either.


> They do seem to be better when I am able to increase the t3.

> They let up once I got to 31.75 mcg Cynomel and right now I, too, am only at

37.5 t3 and it is touch and go with the headaches. But I do think it is low t3

causing them.


> We might be at a place where our own thyroid production is low enough that we

need to get our t3 for our pills and we're not yet on a high enough dose. But

I'm like you -- I haven't been able to successfully raise yet. I went up too

quickly last week to 62.5 and gave myself some terrible heart pounding and

anxiety, so had to drop back to 37.5 again. I think it was low cortisol from

going up on t3 too quickly. Maybe that is what happened to you when you tried to

raise, too??

Hi Kathleen

Thanks for replying but sorry to hear you are having a similar problem. I had

ferritin and thyroid test done this past Wednesday plus Reverse T3 so I should

get a better idea soon what is going on. I really haven't been very good at all


Looking back at my diary last year when I was on 1 1/2 grain Armour plus 12.5 T3

plus the same dose of steroid as now I was doing miles better, much stronger

muscles, much better stamina and energy but I still got aweful migraines if I

overdid it. However it does seem that if one I could tolerate dessicated I do

better on it with some T3. Since my adrenal/toxic crash on 23 October I haven't

been able to tolerate it at all though even though free T4 was only 7 in

November and don't think my ferritin would have changed much. Its very strange.

I do have a diagnosis of ME/CFS and there is a new retrovirus involved in this

illness researchers at Nevada have just found so I wonder if in fact I am

infected with this and it would be the reason why I have never been able to get

well on thyroid and adrenal meds since starting them in 2002.

Will have a blood test later in the year to see if in fact this is the case but

meanwhile will carry on wtih the T3 route but there is no getting away from it

plain T3 causes me lots of real problems like high bp, sweating and lack of

stamina at the moment and I cannot get above 37.5 though today its only 32.5 cos

took my first dose later than usual and unable to tolerate taking it more often

than 6 hours.

Hope you soon get your problems sorted.


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It's interesting you brought this up, because I was just going to mention it!

I've had problems the past several years as well never being able to tolerate t3

for any steady period of time, or any other thyroid med for that matter,

although I also did okay on Armour at first. I would feel better for a while and

then crash or not be able to tolerate the thyroid meds. It really feels/felt

like my adrenals couldn't handle it and I got worse and worse.

I finally discovered I have very high EBV titers and this constant nasal

infection for about 9 years now probably isn't helping anything, either. I think

with those of us who just can't seem to get dose right orgo up on t3 or

whatever, that we really need to investigate other issues holding us back.

Besides ferritin, of course, which is a given.

So, yes, I think investigating that virus or any other one you may have is a

good idea.

I also had small intestine bacterial overgrowth which I had to address and

seemed to help me a lot. Going gluten free also seems to have helped. I think

all these things stress the adrenals so badly we can't get well and they

probably just contribute to making us never feel truly well all on their own,

too. Oh, and there's the blood coagulation problem that many with viruses have

and can keep you feeling crappy, too. I think this is easily treatable now with

special enzymes like lumbrokinase.

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, but keep trying! I've been on this

journey a long time and only now feel that I can maybe see a light at the end of

this long tunnel! I agree that the t3 part is very important and we should

definitely continue that, even if it's hard or you can only take a little bit. I

have had to stop and start several times due to the adrenal stress, so I know

how you feel, but now that I'm actively attacking these other issues, I'm hoping

that will not be the case this time. In fact, I wonder if these other issues are

what causes our rt3 problem? It would be interesting to see what happens after

we get the viruses and any other issues in check. Maybe then you could go back

on the natural thyroid and feel truly well. :-)


> I do have a diagnosis of ME/CFS and there is a new retrovirus involved in this

illness researchers at Nevada have just found so I wonder if in fact I am

infected with this and it would be the reason why I have never been able to get

well on thyroid and adrenal meds since starting them in 2002.


> Will have a blood test later in the year to see if in fact this is the case

but meanwhile will carry on wtih the T3 route but there is no getting away from

it plain T3 causes me lots of real problems like high bp, sweating and lack of

stamina at the moment and I cannot get above 37.5 though today its only 32.5 cos

took my first dose later than usual and unable to tolerate taking it more often

than 6 hours.


> Hope you soon get your problems sorted.

> Pam


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