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Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice

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I'm not the expert, but it may be that you were on slow release, which is

weaker, which would indicate you need to start at a lower dose. I was taking 3

grains Thyroid-S and started on 28.5 mcg of T3. I increased by 6.25 mcg per

week until I got up to 100 mcg. I have adrenal problems but I never had an

issue with T3 at this rate. (I do now because I'm at the 12 week mark - so I'm

sure RT3 has now cleared).

Maybe start with 12.5 twice a day, and increase 6.25 each week?


> On Sunday, I started Cytomel (started with generic -- switched to brand name

on Tuesday) after being on an T3/T4 slow release comb. equivalent to 2 grains

of Armour. So, I am 5 days into T3 only. According to the dosing chart, I

should start with 25mcg and spread it throughout the day. I have tried doing

this, but my chest has been very tight and my heart seems to race at times. My

pulse increases to higher than is comfortable for me -- when mine gets into the

80 bpm range -- that is when my heart feels funny and fluttery. I keep dropping

my dose back and spreading it out -- am down to 18.75 mcg per day (6.25 mcg per

dose) and still having these sypmtoms. Am confused because don't know if I

have just started with too high a dose of T3 or if I should consider some

other reason for intolerance given that 25 mcg should seem to be a reasonable

starting dose. Am wondering if I should get a Cytomel prescription for 5 mcg/ 5

times per

> day? The heart stuff scares me. I am in very good physical shape as I run

5-6 miles 6 days a week. Any thoughts? My original FT3/RT3 ratio was 10. When

my pulse is up, my temps do seem to go up also.


> Any help is appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Beth


> Thanks,

> Beth


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Thank you -- that makes sense and is what I was wondering. Since Sunday, I have seen more 98.4 and 98.6 temps than ever before which makes me think I am headed in the right direction. The increased pulse and chest pain is what scared me. I just talked with my doc and he is going to call in a 5 mcg/ prescription with up to 5 pills a day. You are correct that the t3/t4 I was on was compounded slow release which does absorb less -- I hadn't thought about that -- that would explain why 25 mcg was too high to begin with. It helps consulting with others on this and I appreciate your thoughts.



To: RT3_T3 Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 11:09:59 AMSubject: Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice

I'm not the expert, but it may be that you were on slow release, which is weaker, which would indicate you need to start at a lower dose. I was taking 3 grains Thyroid-S and started on 28.5 mcg of T3. I increased by 6.25 mcg per week until I got up to 100 mcg. I have adrenal problems but I never had an issue with T3 at this rate. (I do now because I'm at the 12 week mark - so I'm sure RT3 has now cleared).Maybe start with 12.5 twice a day, and increase 6.25 each week?>> On Sunday, I started Cytomel (started with generic -- switched to brand name on Tuesday) after being on an T3/T4 slow release comb. equivalent to 2 grains of Armour. So, I am 5 days into T3 only. According to the dosing chart, I should start with

25mcg and spread it throughout the day. I have tried doing this, but my chest has been very tight and my heart seems to race at times. My pulse increases to higher than is comfortable for me -- when mine gets into the 80 bpm range -- that is when my heart feels funny and fluttery. I keep dropping my dose back and spreading it out -- am down to 18.75 mcg per day (6.25 mcg per dose) and still having these sypmtoms. Am confused because don't know if I have just started with too high a dose of T3 or if I should consider some other reason for intolerance given that 25 mcg should seem to be a reasonable starting dose. Am wondering if I should get a Cytomel prescription for 5 mcg/ 5 times per> day? The heart stuff scares me. I am in very good physical shape as I run 5-6 miles 6 days a week. Any thoughts? My original FT3/RT3 ratio was 10. When my pulse is up, my

temps do seem to go up also. > > Any help is appreciated.> > Thanks,> Beth> > Thanks,> Beth>

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Nick, can you get hypo sxs from too much HC, btw?


> >

> >Any help is appreciated.


> How are adrenals and ferritin???


> How much your body is used to depends on how good the compounding was

> in the T4/T3 mix.


> Nick


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>Any help is appreciated. Really not sure how to proceed with dosage. Afraid

to stop all together, but afraid to take more with increased bpm.

Sometimes (with the emphasis on sometimes) low T3 can cause adrenals

to try and make up for it. They fail to put our cortisol and end up

putting out adrenaline instead.

This gives rise to a fast pulse and sometimes a pounding too.

I have seen cases where more T3 corrects this and actually drops pulse

as a result.

Does this feel plausible for you??


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I wondered the same thing, so last night at 10pm when bpm was up and I hadn't had a dose in 8 hrs (and a small dose at that) I wondered if was actually low T3. So, I took another 5 mcg at 10:15and bpm got even higher and heart pounded harder. It was scary. This am -- I've started out with 2.5 mcg and will see how that does (that was an hour ago and so far so good -- but not sure this is a high enough dose to get my temps up)-- maybe I could try this low dose, but more frequently.

If that doesn't help -- should I try some Isocort? and if so, how should I dose it? However, if I had low cortisol or low adrenals, wouldn't I be fatigued and low energy? I sleep well, feel good re: energy which makes me think it is not adrenals. Before starting Armour 2 years ago I was EXHAUSTED and did not get restful sleep. Since starting thyroid Tx have felt 100% better. Am almost tempted to start back with T3/T4 combo given I had gradually improving temps and bpm was more stable.

Thanks with help trying to figure out this puzzle.


To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, January 23, 2010 4:30:10 AMSubject: Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice

>Any help is appreciated. Really not sure how to proceed with dosage. Afraid to stop all together, but afraid to take more with increased bpm. Sometimes (with the emphasis on sometimes) low T3 can cause adrenalsto try and make up for it. They fail to put our cortisol and end upputting out adrenaline instead.This gives rise to a fast pulse and sometimes a pounding too.I have seen cases where more T3 corrects this and actually drops pulseas a result.Does this feel plausible for you??Nick

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Me again. Sorry to bother you again, but I am so baffled by my reaction to low doses of Cytomel. Ok, so it is now 9:30 -- two hours after taking 2.5 mcg Cytomel (brand name). My chest is tight and I feel a little labored when I breathe. My pulse is almost 80 bpm and my temp. is up to 98.3 (which is good for me). My waking temp was 97.1 and bpm was 62. I can't really go any lower in dose than 2.5 mcg. Last dose before this morning was 5mcg last night at 10:30. I did have 2-3 glasses of wine last night -- could that have any effect? Although that is the only night I have had wine this week and tightness has been there all week. So confused.



To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, January 23, 2010 8:05:23 AMSubject: Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice


I wondered the same thing, so last night at 10pm when bpm was up and I hadn't had a dose in 8 hrs (and a small dose at that) I wondered if was actually low T3. So, I took another 5 mcg at 10:15and bpm got even higher and heart pounded harder. It was scary. This am -- I've started out with 2.5 mcg and will see how that does (that was an hour ago and so far so good -- but not sure this is a high enough dose to get my temps up)-- maybe I could try this low dose, but more frequently.

If that doesn't help -- should I try some Isocort? and if so, how should I dose it? However, if I had low cortisol or low adrenals, wouldn't I be fatigued and low energy? I sleep well, feel good re: energy which makes me think it is not adrenals. Before starting Armour 2 years ago I was EXHAUSTED and did not get restful sleep. Since starting thyroid Tx have felt 100% better. Am almost tempted to start back with T3/T4 combo given I had gradually improving temps and bpm was more stable.

Thanks with help trying to figure out this puzzle.


From: Nick Foot <lists@oakfield- icelandics. co.uk>To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Sat, January 23, 2010 4:30:10 AMSubject: Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice

>Any help is appreciated. Really not sure how to proceed with dosage. Afraid to stop all together, but afraid to take more with increased bpm. Sometimes (with the emphasis on sometimes) low T3 can cause adrenalsto try and make up for it. They fail to put our cortisol and end upputting out adrenaline instead.This gives rise to a fast pulse and sometimes a pounding too.I have seen cases where more T3 corrects this and actually drops pulseas a result.Does this feel plausible for you??Nick

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>Me again. Sorry to bother you again, but I am so baffled by my reaction to

low doses of Cytomel. Ok, so it is now 9:30 -- two hours after taking 2.5 mcg

Cytomel (brand name). My chest is tight and I feel a little labored when I

breathe. My pulse is almost 80 bpm and my temp. is up to 98.3 (which is good

for me). My waking temp was 97.1 and bpm was 62. I can't really go any lower

in dose than 2.5 mcg

A pulse of 80 and temp of 98.3 is still hypo, just less hypo than you

are used to.

the Chest issue may be hypo still, as the hypo clears in different

parts of you it is possible that it feels strange.

It could also be adrenal symptoms brought on by the extra T3 using

more cortisol

I wonder what would happen if you took small doses of t3 more often,

get your body used to it without stressing adrenals. The variation in

level is what may be causing strange things.

Something like 2.5 every 4 hours to start with and then bring it

closer together over a week or so until you are taking them every 2




for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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>I wondered the same thing, so last night at 10pm when bpm was up and I hadn't

had a dose in 8 hrs (and a small dose at that) I wondered if was actually low

T3. So, I took another 5 mcg at 10:15

>and bpm got even higher and heart pounded harder. It was scary.

I am thinking that the T3 is taking adrenal levels down and causing

adrenaline to be produced instead of cortisol


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So funny, I didn't check my e-mails until now -- but I was thinking exactly the same thing and have been doing that today -- have had 3 doses of 2.5 four hours apart and so far so good. There was some tightness again in right side of my chest this morning, but I took ibuprofen and that seemed to help. Right side of chest pain is more pulmonary than heart related I think.

How long does it usually take for T4 to clear? I wonder if I will be able to tolerate more T3 when T4 clears. Just curious when to anticipate this?

It really helps to have someone to consult about all this and particularly helpful when my gut tells me which way to go and then you confirm it with your advice. I really do appreciate your help.



To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sun, January 24, 2010 5:53:49 AMSubject: Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice

>Me again. Sorry to bother you again, but I am so baffled by my reaction to low doses of Cytomel. Ok, so it is now 9:30 -- two hours after taking 2.5 mcg Cytomel (brand name). My chest is tight and I feel a little labored when I breathe. My pulse is almost 80 bpm and my temp. is up to 98.3 (which is good for me). My waking temp was 97.1 and bpm was 62. I can't really go any lower in dose than 2.5 mcgA pulse of 80 and temp of 98.3 is still hypo, just less hypo than youare used to.the Chest issue may be hypo still, as the hypo clears in differentparts of you it is possible that it feels strange.It could also be adrenal symptoms brought on by the extra T3 usingmore cortisolI wonder what would happen if you took small doses of t3 more often,get your body used to it without stressing adrenals. The

variation inlevel is what may be causing strange things.Something like 2.5 every 4 hours to start with and then bring itcloser together over a week or so until you are taking them every 2hours.Nick-- for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to www.thyroid- rt3.com

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>It really helps to have someone to consult about all this and particularly

helpful when my gut tells me which way to go and then you confirm it with your

advice. I really do appreciate your help.

Glad it's helping,


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So, what should I do if this is the case? What about the Dessicated Adrenal Gland supplement (bovine) that Venezia was talking about. Should I supplement with something like this to help adrenals or do I need something to supplement cortisol? I have been spacing Cytomel 2.5 mcg doses every 4 hours and this is working much better.

To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sun, January 24, 2010 5:55:18 AMSubject: Re: Confused about T3 dose and need advice

>I wondered the same thing, so last night at 10pm when bpm was up and I hadn't had a dose in 8 hrs (and a small dose at that) I wondered if was actually low T3. So, I took another 5 mcg at 10:15>and bpm got even higher and heart pounded harder. It was scary.I am thinking that the T3 is taking adrenal levels down and causingadrenaline to be produced instead of cortisolNick

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>So, what should I do if this is the  case?  What about the Dessicated Adrenal

Gland supplement (bovine) that Venezia was talking about.  Should I supplement

with something like this to help adrenals or do I need something to supplement

cortisol?  I have been spacing Cytomel 2.5 mcg doses every 4 hours and this is

working much better. 

Glad that's working better

Isocort is the usual over the counter " help the adrenals a bit "


Val can help you more about dosing than I can

You might want to take an adrenal saliva test at this T3 dosing and

see how they look.


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