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dairy--can this be? help with a not-so-verbal child

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I have been "MIA" since.. months now. I am over my head with cooking... and dealing... with my son's diet.. (MY HUSBAND SAYS WE NOW EAT LIKE HOBBITS..) and now my older boy has adopted much of diet strictly...which is good.. but VERY pricey...and a lot of work...

anyhoo... My 11 yr old son with autism was having dairy since beginning 11/14/07... no issues to note regarding THAT... but MANY issues on other things... then, May, after tolerating 1 cup of goatmilk yogurt a day, plus cheeses... butter.... a special ice cream... (all organic... mostly unpasturized, unhomo )

so... then I try to address his fungal overgrowth.. it looked promising and then wham! got a rash from hell. Lasted from May to August. it cost me probably 1-2 thousand in remedies, air conditioning, creams, stress, sleeplessness, etc.

and endless suffering for both of us... no pool, etc. anyhoo...

in August, I did testing that now showed dairy was causing a severe inflammatory reaction - and so after discussing with doctor, took him off dairy.


cleared up rash


stopped wetting bed(also going on for several months)

I was soo disappointed that dairy is a nono.. but confused. WHYWHY??

Does dairy cause a RASH or bedwetting in anyone else out there??

when he was okay from NOV to MAY... why all of a sudden??!

My doctor thinks it's temporary... that he may need to heal a bit and then reintroduce.

I feel like this thing is SOOO impossible.. he cannot talk to me with any clarity or detail. Can anyone shed light on this??

Also... I gave him a slice on SCD pizza during a birthday pizza thing (with cheese ) on Sat. Then went right back to no dairy.

He was very hyper yesterday and pinchy... no rash no bedwetting. (but... it could be his ears... a nasal drip... other symptoms he's HAD prior to pizza).... any thoughts?

I have a Halloween tradition for past .... I dunno... 40 years? I goto my mom's after trick or treating and we get a pizza as all are tired and hungry. I was thinking of allowing another "one time" infraction, then returning to regiment. Any thoughts?

Please... if you have a issue with dairy and can verbalize what you feel, how you act if u eat it... it would help me watch for his symptoms to look for a reaction. I see things and think... could be a reaction... could be nothing.

Of course, my OTHER way to figure is to GIVE him it again on Halloween.. then watch again.. and if symptoms are repeating from yesterday and today... I will know?

I hate to make him feel crappy though... if I know, I won't. But he does miss pizza...


Take care!

mom of 3 - 6, 11 (ASD), Randy 20SCD since 11/14/2007household SCD modified, but not all following

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