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> > I do think it's a bit sad when people carry on to have a girl,

I'm very very happy with my boys>

> Which I don't, I just want a healthy baby. I know with Jonty I got all

sorts of silly comments like....

> Oh was it a mistake?

> Oh is it a 2nd Marriage?

> Oh I expects you want a girl this time don't you?

> You must be mad or stupid.

> Was it planned?

> Oh your a bit old aren't you what if it's got downs?

> Gosh your house is a bit small, are you going to move then.

> So you will be giving up childminding then I take it!!!!

> Still trying for a girl then!

> I could go on.


I've been there and had all that too. There is 21 months between DS1 and


then almost 4 years between DS2 & DS3. That was very intentional at first,

and then it became a now or never situation and we decided now.

To add to it my children look nothing alike, as in:-

DS1 brown hair brown eyes, tall and very very thin

DS2 Strawberry blond blue eyes, small for his age and freckles

DS3 Ginger almost green eyes, well built (!) but not fat and fairly tall

You can see people thinking and often asking " do they all have the same

father? "


SAHM to 3 boys

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Trisha said: You can see people thinking and often asking " do they all have

the same

father? "

Ooh yes, mine are like this too:

DS1 Ginger hair, pale skin, bluey green eyes, quite big

DS2 Mousey hair with a blond streak (mark of the Devil maybe) and brown

eyes, tall and thin

DS3 Brown hair, big brown eyes, bloody massive for his age (definite future

rugby player)

DS4 Blond hair, green eyes, small for his age (but very noisy with it)

I had fun with the ingratiating estate agent last year who commented on

their differences - she didn't know what to say when I claimed they did have

different fathers!


SAHM to four boys

Sunbury & Shepperton Branch

Trainee ANT & Mem Sec (till the AGM next week - at my house I was reminded

this morning)

PS Hello Jo and . Shouldn't you both be writing essays??

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I have had all the comments about having more than 2 children, especially as we

have chosen to have them close together. I seem to find myself explaining to all

and sundry about why we have done it this way.

When I was pregnant with DS3, i got so many negative comments and when he was

born people said I must be disappointed as he wasn't a girl.

Why can't people see that we wanted 4 children, not a particular mix, just 4


I get through the day, I don't have family to help out, nor child care. Mine is

certainly not the tidy house it should be, but I say if we are all fed, clean

and tidy then I can't be doing such a bad job. We get compliments on the

behaviour of our children so that is how I judge my success, though sometimes I

wonder if it is my children they are talking about!!


SAHM 6, Olivia 3, 1, 15/3/00

Nearly Ex-Editor Wallingford and District

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>I have had all the comments about having more than 2 children,

It's taken almost 4 years but I am finally starting to get the comments

about only having one child. Ah well. If I had another and it was

female I'd have to put up with being asked if I was disappointed I

didn't get a boy etc.

Stuff 'em, that's what I say. No-one's business but mine.



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McCarthy wrote:

> We get compliments on the behaviour of our children so that is how I judge my

success, though sometimes I wonder if it is my children they are talking about!!


Me too! In fact, 's nursery teacher commented today that didn't

say please when he asked her for some glue today - said she was gobsmacked as he

is normally so polite. She said she must have looked shocked because

apologised and said 'Sorry for not saying please'!

Why are they such beasts at home?


See pictures of us all at:


Password: Wisley

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> Carr

> SAHM to four boys

> Sunbury & Shepperton Branch

> Trainee ANT & Mem Sec (till the AGM next week - at my house I was


> this morning)


> PS Hello Jo and . Shouldn't you both be writing essays??


Very droll! You're quite right, I better stop reading these emails. See

you on the 18th.


Trainee ANT

(my house has just been volunteered for an EGM!)

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----- Original Message -----

We get compliments on the behaviour of our children so that is how I judge

my success, though sometimes I wonder if it is my children they are talking



> Mc

> SAHM 6, Olivia 3, 1, 15/3/00

> Nearly Ex-Editor Wallingford and District

I'm afraid we're the other type of parents .... people look at us askance

whenever we go anywhere because they're such tearaways. It's impossible to

go shopping with them. We went to a lighting warehouse on Saturday. It was

huge with loads of floor space and just a few small displays of lamps. Of

course the space was like a red rag to a bull and they all started running

about. Despite our protestations and frequent tellings off, the shop

assistant still asked us to stop them. I was so hassled I told him I was

trying, but as he knew children didn't always do as they were told. We left

shortly afterwards without buying anything and then took it in turns to

visit some other shops.

Most of the time I'm quite relaxed about them being high spirited as long as

they're not endangering lives/property, but people seem to think small

children should stand quietly and meekly next to my side.


SAHM to 6, 4, Dominic 2

Trainee ANT, Southend

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Oh great! Another mum with 3 hotheaded tearaways. Are your boys clones of

mine, or vice versa, Jo?! Same ages too.

I spend my life being frazzled and barely in control of my temper (I originally

typed " bearly " - Freudian slip do you think?!) as my 3 terrorise everything in

sight - normally adults - with their full-on, energetic and high-spirited

behaviour. Mind you, I must give a totally different impression, because other

parents are always coming up to me and telling me how much they admire my calm

reaction to whatever the little b****rs are up to.

There is always this little temptation to go for another baby just in case it

might be a girl, but, knowing my luck I'd have twin boys.....


I'm afraid we're the other type of parents .... people look at us askance

whenever we go anywhere because they're such tearaways. It's impossible to

go shopping with them. We went to a lighting warehouse on Saturday. It was

huge with loads of floor space and just a few small displays of lamps. Of

course the space was like a red rag to a bull and they all started running

about. Despite our protestations and frequent tellings off, the shop

assistant still asked us to stop them. I was so hassled I told him I was

trying, but as he knew children didn't always do as they were told. We left

shortly afterwards without buying anything and then took it in turns to

visit some other shops.

Most of the time I'm quite relaxed about them being high spirited as long as

they're not endangering lives/property, but people seem to think small

children should stand quietly and meekly next to my side.


SAHM to 6, 4, Dominic 2

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now of course it's are you happy with another boy?, had you been hoping for a

girl? etc, one day when I'm in a bad mood I will be seriously rude to someone.


Co-chair, MVA, Valley cushion agent, bookings clerk and homebirth rep, Selby

Rural NCT

SAHM to Tim (7), Matt (5), (2) and Philip (2 weeks today)


I like you choice of names by the way. So how is Philip behaving himself then,

and you have time to surf as well I'm impressed.

Friends are starting to ask now, " oh are you going to have another one? " I

immediately say oh yes I should think so, but not until Jonty's at nursery. This

will mean a four year gap between them instead of a 3 year and 10 days between

Matt & Chris. Which I personally believe is the ideal age gap. But if we have

two under four, this will considerably reduce our earning ability (we're both

Registered Childminders) so I will just have to wait another year.

Although if DH is anything to go by it might be sooner, if he gets his wicked

way that is.

Did you know you were having another boy this time? I went for a scan at 16


1. to see if it was a multiple birth because midwife thought I was a little

large for my dates and because she was convinced she'd heard two heart beats.

2. Because we had a NNS the following week, and as I'd sold " ALL " of my baby

stuff I needed to know what I was having.

One of my Aunts came with me for the scan apparently when they told me it was

only one I went very white, I think it was a relief, I know we would of coped

with twins but it would of been very hard work. Then she said oh yes it

defiantly a boy. Basically because he was peeing everywhere. I was just so

chuffed. I really honestly didn't want a girl, I childmind lots of lovely little

girls, but just couldn't see a girl fitting into the Tupman family unit.

When we left the hospital I telephoned DH to let him know the news, the relief

in his voice when I said it's only one was amazing and then the joy when I said

it's another boy was fantastic.

We sat the boys down that evening after tea and told them our news. Matt just

laughed, he thought we were having him on. thought it was brilliant. Matt

came back about an hour later and asked " Mum where is this baby goanna sleep " .

I was waiting for this question you see the boys had always shared a bedroom,

until about six months before when we had a loft conversion and Matt was

upgraded into the loft. He was worried he was going to loose his cool pad.

Once we'd assured him this would not be the case as he'd be staying with mum and

dad until he a year old at least he was cool about having another brother.

(he's still in our room now, although we are in the poses of converting my

office into a bedroom for him, but that's been ongoing since August) was

just chuffed that he was going to have a baby brother.

We told them they were goanna have a brother and named him , in fact

when anybody asked how the baby/bump was I'd always say " Oh 's fine,

thanks " . I think a few people found it a little bazaar that we not only knew

what we were having but that we'd named him as well.

But when he was finally born, it was as if he'd always been part of the family

because we been using his name. The boys would come in from school and ask if

had had a good day etc it was very sweet. They'd go off to school and

tell him to behave himself, no somersaults or kicking mum etc. :-)

Sorry I've gone on a bit haven't I.


Mum to Matt 13, 10, Jonty 14 months & Phil 35

NCT Houseswap Register Coordinator

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It may not get any easier but it doesn't necessarily get worse!! As I've

said before, I really, really like the teenage yrs.......send your babies to

me when they turn 13!!



Shall I bring DS1 with me tomorrow then, and you can take him home after the

R1 AGM?????

- thought you were safe to make such a wild offer living so far north eh?

Liz Goudie

(Who has dived into coffee to try and get a perspective on life)

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Yeah, go on, I'm up for it! But remember, a la and ,

(Fank-you-very-much-Mrs-.) your 'orrible little br*ts are darling

little angels when in someone else's company!!

Lesley (who ought to be in bed as I have to leave by 7.30 am to reach

Edinburgh in time for the AGM!!)



Liz said.....Shall I bring DS1 with me tomorrow then, and you can take him

home after the

R1 AGM?????

- thought you were safe to make such a wild offer living so far north eh?

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I wrote.....your 'orrible little br*ts are darling

little angels when in someone else's company!!


Sorry, Liz, I didn't mean your 'orrible little br*ts, as in *yours*, but as

in general.........or something!!! Signing off now B4 I dig myself into an

even deeper hole, :-(


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Sorry Angi - didn't see this earlier - perhaps we should have a badge

printed 'Membership Secretary Survivor' - only don't tell cos

she's taking over from me!!


SAHM to four boys

Sunbury & Shepperton Branch

Trainee ANT & Mem Sec

Re: Re: Supermums

> Carr

>Trainee ANT & Mem Sec (till the AGM next week -

hey sarah -just like me!!-


trainee ant & memb sec for 12 more days....!!

Live chat /chat/nct-coffee

Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?

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