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Re: Should I dose T3 for pulse or hypo symptoms?

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I'm feeling absolutely crummy -- NO energy and I have two reports I have to

write. As I'm hanging out checking to see if someone might have some helpful

advice in response to my first email, I'm seeing the dramatic differences people

are having with Paddock T3 v. Cynomel, and I'm wondering if maybe that's what's

going on with me.

I can't correlate the change exactly, but in the last 10 days I switched from a

compounding pharmacy's T3 to Paddock T3 -- so much cheaper from Costco while I

was waiting for my Cynomel to arrive. I've gotten the Cynomel but figured I'd

finish the Paddock's T3 first -- now after reading all this today, perhaps I

need to break open the Cynomel and see what my body does. I am thinking that I

should try a lower dosage than what I've been on, because of the difference in

strength or absorption. Does that sound right?

I haven't gained weight on Paddock, but I also have stopped losing weight like I

was on the compounding pharmacy T3.

I've got so much work to do! How do people manage to make it through this and

hang on to a job?

Thanks to all,



> Finishing Up 7th Week of T3


> The first weeks I did a combination of upping as suggested and upping

according to hypo symptoms. I was feeling SO good most days --energy, clear

thinking, happiness. My temps were gradually climbing and my pulse stayed in the

mid 80's. I'd get a feeling in my head and knew I needed another dose.


> The last week or so, I seemed to have hit a wall. I've got hypo symptoms in

spades, but as I've tried increasing T3, my pulse has gone up to 100, I feel my

pulse in my head, and have little endurance and strength. I'm taking 200 mcg of

T3 currently. Do I increase? Do I decrease?


> Thanks for your help,

> Jeanne


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Beats me. I haven't been able to have a normal job for some time now. Thank God

I work at home!

I would give up that Paddock though if people are havign such terrible

experience. Maybe take a tiny bit of the good stuff right now if you need to be

up a while??


> >

> > Finishing Up 7th Week of T3

> >

> > The first weeks I did a combination of upping as suggested and upping

according to hypo symptoms. I was feeling SO good most days --energy, clear

thinking, happiness. My temps were gradually climbing and my pulse stayed in the

mid 80's. I'd get a feeling in my head and knew I needed another dose.

> >

> > The last week or so, I seemed to have hit a wall. I've got hypo symptoms in

spades, but as I've tried increasing T3, my pulse has gone up to 100, I feel my

pulse in my head, and have little endurance and strength. I'm taking 200 mcg of

T3 currently. Do I increase? Do I decrease?

> >

> > Thanks for your help,

> > Jeanne

> >


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Thanks, Kathleen, for the suggestion and for responding.

I get to do much of my work from home, or I don't think I could earn any income

at all.

I think I'm going to take a smaller than normal dose of the good stuff and

hopefully wake up with a little energy in the morning.

Take care,


> > >

> > > Finishing Up 7th Week of T3

> > >

> > > The first weeks I did a combination of upping as suggested and upping

according to hypo symptoms. I was feeling SO good most days --energy, clear

thinking, happiness. My temps were gradually climbing and my pulse stayed in the

mid 80's. I'd get a feeling in my head and knew I needed another dose.

> > >

> > > The last week or so, I seemed to have hit a wall. I've got hypo symptoms

in spades, but as I've tried increasing T3, my pulse has gone up to 100, I feel

my pulse in my head, and have little endurance and strength. I'm taking 200 mcg

of T3 currently. Do I increase? Do I decrease?

> > >

> > > Thanks for your help,

> > > Jeanne

> > >

> >


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> now after reading all this today, perhaps I need to break open the Cynomel and

see what my body does. I am thinking that I should try a lower dosage than what

I've been on, because of the difference in strength or absorption. Does that

sound right?

That sounds a plan. The Grossman is good stuff, start at half the

Paddock dose for the first day and then edge up daily from there by

1/4 or 1/2 tablet a day depending how you feel.


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>The last week or so, I seemed to have hit a wall. I've got hypo symptoms in

spades, but as I've tried increasing T3, my pulse has gone up to 100, I feel my

pulse in my head, and have little endurance and strength. I'm taking 200 mcg of

T3 currently. Do I increase? Do I decrease?


Drop back a bit, do temperature averages for a few days and graph


My gut feeling is you have run into the limit of your adrenals and

don't have enough cortisol to utilise that dose and hence adrenaline

is being pumped out instead.

How are you spreading out that 200?? What thyroid were you on before,

that is a big dose and you must have severe resistance to need that

much to be unhypo. It may be you have gone too fast and overshot the

right place.


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Thanks, Nick, for your thoughts and counsel.

My 200 mcg has been spread out like this:

7 am 75

10 am 25-50, depending on how I'm feeling

1 pm 25-50, depending on how I'm feeling

5 pm 25-50

Bedtime 50

Though you see the variation over the course of the day, I haven't gone over 200

per day.

As I look at my charting, up till Jan 10th, when I started the Paddock, I was

adjusting up regularly with T3 from the compounding pharmacy (don't know the

exact brand) and doing well. With the Paddock, however,I've felt like I've been

in a losing battle chasing the hypo symptoms. I think you're right, I've

increased too quickly trying to get the healthy feelings from the compounding

pharmacy T3. Last night I started 1/2 dose of Cynomel and will continue the

half dosing, as you suggest, and build up gradually.

I've had hypo symptoms 25 years with typical bloodwork showing nothing

wrong(right!, with doctors who offered me antidepressants, sleep medication,

etc., but never thyroid). Symptoms got worse with menopause 3 years ago, and a

naturopath has treated me with progesterone, DHEA, Vit D, etc., for while now,

so when we finally figured out the RT3 issue, I think I was in a pretty good

place to get started. However, it is possible I need adrenal support at this

point, especially after the bad T3.

I did talk to my naturopath about Isocort, which she is not jazzed about, but I

think I'll wait to see what the Cynomel does (so far today I'm feeling 50%

better). I do remember reading that a low dose of HC is worse than none at all.

Is this true? Where can I go to learn about HC if I end up needing it?

Thanks again,



> >The last week or so, I seemed to have hit a wall. I've got hypo symptoms in

spades, but as I've tried increasing T3, my pulse has gone up to 100, I feel my

pulse in my head, and have little endurance and strength. I'm taking 200 mcg of

T3 currently. Do I increase? Do I decrease?

> >


> Drop back a bit, do temperature averages for a few days and graph

> them.


> My gut feeling is you have run into the limit of your adrenals and

> don't have enough cortisol to utilise that dose and hence adrenaline

> is being pumped out instead.


> How are you spreading out that 200?? What thyroid were you on before,

> that is a big dose and you must have severe resistance to need that

> much to be unhypo. It may be you have gone too fast and overshot the

> right place.


> Nick


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>My 200 mcg has been spread out like this:


>7 am 75

>10 am 25-50, depending on how I'm feeling

>1 pm 25-50, depending on how I'm feeling

>5 pm 25-50

>Bedtime 50

Take it down to 25 at every dose when you go cynomel.

If I front load that heavily then my adrenals collapse and I feel hypo

all day.

Spreading it evenly may well work best.

After a day or two try increasing if you feel you need it but I found

I was better off dosing more often then increasing the dose on any one


I count out the day's worth into a bottle that I carry round with me

all day, that way I know if I have missed one or not.

I also keep spare in the car, at work, and in my computer bag in case

I go out the house without " the days bottle " .



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I switched to the Cynomel night before last and am feeling MUCH better. My

pulse has come down, and all the hypo aches and pains and fog are better, though

in following the lower dosage because of being cautious, I felt cold yesterday

afternoon. Haven't felt that in weeks. Today I know I can increase some and

continue to get back on track.

Nick, I hear you when you say your adrenals can't handle front loading in the

morning, but so far, if I don't, my entire morning is a waste. Perhaps my

adrenals are at their best in the morning?



> >My 200 mcg has been spread out like this:

> >

> >7 am 75

> >10 am 25-50, depending on how I'm feeling

> >1 pm 25-50, depending on how I'm feeling

> >5 pm 25-50

> >Bedtime 50


> Take it down to 25 at every dose when you go cynomel.


> If I front load that heavily then my adrenals collapse and I feel hypo

> all day.


> Spreading it evenly may well work best.


> After a day or two try increasing if you feel you need it but I found

> I was better off dosing more often then increasing the dose on any one

> dose.


> I count out the day's worth into a bottle that I carry round with me

> all day, that way I know if I have missed one or not.


> I also keep spare in the car, at work, and in my computer bag in case

> I go out the house without " the days bottle " .


> Nick

> >


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>Nick, I hear you when you say your adrenals can't handle front loading in the

morning, but so far, if I don't, my entire morning is a waste. Perhaps my

adrenals are at their best in the morning?

We are all different, try it and see

Hopefully if you get it up high enough in the day the bed time dose

will last through and you won't have the morning lack


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Thanks, Nick, I'll keep at it, learning to pay attention to my body.

I hear you saying the morning is low because bedtime T3 isn't lasting the night.

Since I normally wake up between 3 and 5, should I take a dose then? or perhaps

a half dose? Or take more at bedtime?

The questions never end...



> >Nick, I hear you when you say your adrenals can't handle front loading in the

morning, but so far, if I don't, my entire morning is a waste. Perhaps my

adrenals are at their best in the morning?


> We are all different, try it and see


> Hopefully if you get it up high enough in the day the bed time dose

> will last through and you won't have the morning lack


> Nick


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>I hear you saying the morning is low because bedtime T3 isn't lasting the

night. Since I normally wake up between 3 and 5, should I take a dose then? or

perhaps a half dose? Or take more at bedtime?


>The questions never end...

Try it and see if it works for you


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