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Trying to figure out these symptoms

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Hi, I'm on week 7 now of T3 and HC. If anything I'm getting worse with many

weird symptoms. I am taking 25mg of HC and am up to 125mcg of Cynomel.

I am wondering if my HC dose is not high enough, my temps are all over the place

during the day, from 95.1 to 97.8 but never as high as 98. I've got a return of

my POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) where my HR will get up

around 140 when I stand. Also my heart pounds at times and I'm definitely very

fatigued, unmotivated and have worsening fibromyalgia tender points, wrist pain

etc. I was actually feeling a lot better than this when I was on 2 gr or Erfa.

What's strange is my last saliva cortisol test showed pretty normal amounts of

cortisol during the day, only slightly low in range in the am so I was assuming

I didn't have a major adrenal fatigue issue going on. Does adding T3 stress the

adrenals and now they are out of whack?

I keep hoping for a breakthrough of the T3 to alleviate the hypo symptoms but am

also wondering if I need to do anything differently. Keep raising the T3 so I

can get more functional? Increase the dose of HC? I also don't understand the

physiology of why I'm more hypo on T3 than I was on Erfa. Any ideas?


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>What's strange is my last saliva cortisol test showed pretty normal amounts of

cortisol during the day, only slightly low in range in the am so I was assuming

I didn't have a major adrenal fatigue issue going on. Does adding T3 stress the

adrenals and now they are out of whack?

Were these saliva tests taken while on HC??


>I keep hoping for a breakthrough of the T3 to alleviate the hypo symptoms but

am also wondering if I need to do anything differently. Keep raising the T3 so

I can get more functional? Increase the dose of HC? I also don't understand

the physiology of why I'm more hypo on T3 than I was on Erfa. Any ideas?

It sounds to me like you have major addrenal issues still and that you

are on too much T3 for tthe adrenals to cope with.

What dosing are you taking HC on at the moment??

I am expecting you to need to back off to 75 of T3 and then the next

day (after the excess T3 in the blood has decayed) increase the HC

significantly and keep increasing every few days until average

temperatures are stable. When they are stable then you can increase T3

again to clear hypo.

If you post your HC dosing someone can advise a change.

What was your last Ferritiin??



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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My last cortisol test was before starting on HC.

Oct 09 (ZRT)

Morning: 5.5 (3.7-9.5)

Noon: 1.9 (1.2-3.0)

Dinnertime: .7 (0.6-1.9)

Bedtime: .7 (0.4-1.0)

I'm currently on 25mg of Pharm HC. I've heard that the generics aren't

as strong as Cortef (been unable to find affordable Cortef to self-order). My

last ferritin was 173 (back last spring).

Yesterday my POTS was pretty bad, standing HR 148, today not as bad, standing HR

120-130. I just don't get why my adrenals went downhill so quickly (if this is

adrenal, which I think it is).


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>Yesterday my POTS was pretty bad, standing HR 148, today not as bad, standing

HR 120-130. I just don't get why my adrenals went downhill so quickly (if this

is adrenal, which I think it is).

There is an effect with people who have adrenal issues where the

bodies " feedback loop " which regulates the levels gets disturbed and

too low a level leaves you worse off than none.

If that is being badly absorbed or is otherwise weak then it

may be putting you in that place. This is why Val recommends 20mg of

Cortef as a starting dose.



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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> If that is being badly absorbed or is otherwise weak then it

> may be putting you in that place. This is why Val recommends 20mg of

> Cortef as a starting dose.



Ge this makes me wonder if I should have not gone on HC after all. Oh well, I'm

stuck with it now. I'll raise my dose and see if that helps. Thanks.

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>Ge this makes me wonder if I should have not gone on HC after all. Oh well,

I'm stuck with it now. I'll raise my dose and see if that helps. Thanks.

It's difficult to tell, temperature stability will tell you if you are

in the right place but not necessarily show if it's too much or not




for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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