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new to list & need advice

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Hi all,I've just joined this group, but have been on the natural thyroid/adrenal group for a while now.  It's just come to my attention that you all recommend upping T3 fairly quickly.  I've been on 20 mgs for about three weeks now.  I'm on 30 mgs HC as well.  I'm having some of the pounding heart symptoms if I wake up in the night, but it's not so bad that it's waking me out of sleep.  My ferritin has gone up some due to ferritin shots, but is still low (39).  I'm doing another round of 6 shots once a week.  My temps aren't anything like stable, so I thought I shouldn't raise the T3 until that happens and my ferritin is in range.  Is this correct?  What to do to eliminate the heart symptoms?

Thanks so much!Best,Tara

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No we do nto necessarily recommend raising T3 quickly. ESPECIALLY wiht

weak adrneals and even more so with low Ferritin. You MUST go slwo wiht

low ferritin as it wil lmake the adrenal symptoms 10X worse by going too

fast. You need ot increase as your body will tolerate it. If oyu feel

anxiety from an increae ti si mor than your body can handle. The heart

sympotoms are mainly from the low ferritin and will go away as you raise



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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But I shouldn't be raising until my temps are stable, correct?

It's interesting that I'm just getting the heart symptoms now, however, even

though my ferritin has increased.




> No we do nto necessarily recommend raising T3 quickly. ESPECIALLY wiht

> weak adrneals and even more so with low Ferritin. You MUST go slwo wiht

> low ferritin as it wil lmake the adrenal symptoms 10X worse by going too

> fast. You need ot increase as your body will tolerate it. If oyu feel

> anxiety from an increae ti si mor than your body can handle. The heart

> sympotoms are mainly from the low ferritin and will go away as you raise

> it.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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