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Thanks, Mara, for your comment about the fact that I'm doing better. I'd like to share more.

Yes, I seem to see very subtle changes. But they are there!

I've been on SCD for nine months and ten days. I'm very grateful to this list and to those of you who faithfully support others here every day!

These are the subtle positive changes:

--my adrenals don't hurt the way they used to and I can deal with stress a little easier. [i still can't live at all normally but I do have many stressors in my life regarding house hunting and frequent toxic exposures here in this buildng; dealing with home support workers and gov't reports; depending on the gov't and one brother for food money and shelter; living in almost complete isolation.]

--I may be recovering from toxic exposures a little faster and the exposures may be affecting me differently. [i'm in the midst of a week of painting in this building, so I'm extra shaky this week. My CNS has a lot of healing to do still.]

--during the last ten days, I feel more satisfied and full. I don't feel so hungry. Fat and broths seem to be the key. I'm also on the GAPS intro. I'm likely absorbing more nutrients from foods. [Most of the year I've needed to eat at least six times a day, had many detox symptoms, felt hungry, and also needed to take nutritional supplements and homeopathic remedies. I've had subtle hypoglycemic problems for more than 35 years.]

--there are a few subtle signs that I'm now absorbing nutrients from foods, after what I think is a life-time of malabsorption. It took me a long time to get off nutritional supplements, and it's an absolute miracle that I've been off most of them for over three weeks. I am taking some magnesium glycinate and B-12/folic acid now. But to be off my other B vitamins is a miracle. I'm also off most minerals, vitamin D, vitamin A, and I rarely take homeopathics. [i have never been able to get off them--for decades. I will likely add on some again, because I am under stress with toxins and looking at places to live. I'm still on natural compounded thyroid medication and glutathione injections.]

--there have been signs to other people that I'm able to verbalize a little easier. I sometimes can answer my phone. I still only talk on a speakerphone, and usually only when I have a phone appointment; however, I'm noticing tiny signs of improvement regarding my ability to interact, take in info, and use my voice. I also am "standing up straight" and overcoming some of my shyness regarding speaking my opinion. [i've been detoxing all year, and it's been very rough. I've had to monitor it closely and find ways to cope. My therapist has noticed a big change in me this year concerning clarity and dealing with intimate topics, even in the midst of the detox. At times, though, the detox or toxic exposures are so heavy, that I can't deal with much.]

I have not been able to afford to get the special tests I need to show the difference in adrenal function, absorption, and candida level. However, I did have routine blood and urine lab work done recently. Most everything was fine, but I was still on my nutritional supplements. There is high uric acid and compromised kidneys. My ND thinks I still have liver/kidney problems. I've got very high iron levels. One friend says my blood tests show that I have thick, rich blood and I could use an "oil change" by getting some blood taken off.

I've started doing enemas, because I'm now constipated. Likely the enemas are getting rid of some of the toxins in my body and I feel better after them.

I think that everything I eat is SCD-compliant. I'm not on probiotics most of the time. When I do take some it's tiny amounts of Kirkman's non-dairy acidophilus. I tend to get very bad eye floaters and pains in my foot, when I take it. I am able to eat small amounts of cashew milk yogurt and my home-made sauerkraut.

I'm on GAPS intro after several months of following some of GAPS.

As I start over again, I keep eliminating more and more foods and adding a few others in small amounts:


Started with 1/2 tsp of kraut juice. Now I can eat 1 tbsp of sauerkraut on top of soup. (kraut has cabbage, carrots, and celtic salt)

Started with 1 tsp. of cashew milk yogurt. Now I can eat 1 tbsp with other food, but I get eye floaters and sometimes stomach aches.

Started with 1/2 tsp of ghee. Now I can eat 1 tsp to 1 tbsp three times a day with soup or squash/nut butter squares.

Started with 1/2 avocado every other day. Now I can eat 1 avocado a day.

Started with 1 raw egg yolk in soup once a day. I've not been able to increase this without shaky symptoms, so sometimes I omit it completely and then test again.

Besides the above basics, I still eat mostly soups of fish, lamb, and turkey. I use halibut and salmon steaks or larger fish; lamb stewing bones when I can get them; and turkey drumsticks. Once in awhile I eat bison. I over-dosed on chicken and found that it increased the pain in my body, so I try not to eat much chicken any more.

My list of veggies is still very selective:



*squash (in small amounts)

*sometimes celery

*sometimes cabbage (with carrots or squash so that it doesn't interfere with thyroid function)

*sometimes cauliflower

*sometimes green beans

*sometimes onion or garlic

I just got back on a little pecan and almond butter. I'm still not eating fruits, except that I have had two small portions of cooked pear twice in the past three weeks. And once I cheated and ate dried mango. Except for ghee, I don't eat any dairy.


I am turning 64 on Christmas Day. I've had poor health all of my life. I was born during WWII, not breast-fed, and malnourished probably all of my life. I moved 5 times by the time I was 5. I've likely had food sensitivities and various allergies almost all of my life. Perhaps candida since I started on antibiotics at age 5.

My tonsils and adenoids were removed at age four. I had major bronchial problems from age 5 on. I was on antibiotics frequently for 25 years. I took laxatives and enemas as a child. I had pneumonia several times, bronchitis repeatedly, Scarlet Fever, strept throats, boils, cold sores, and depression. I was hospitalized several times for pneumonia and Scarlet Fever and lived in isolation for a couple weeks as a child. I was almost put in a special Children's Hospital to live away from family. My parents chose not to do that. I spent months away from school, and one whole year at home. But I was more or less brilliant and the highest of my high school class and college. I worked very hard at academics. Maybe I showed some signs of Aspergers. I'm not sure.

As a young adult, I received many exotic vaccinations for seven years because I trained in Mexico survival Jungle Camp and worked as a linguist/missionary in primitive villages in the Philippines. I took crippling Malaria prophylactics, which seem to have seriously harmed me. I had Malaria, undiagnosed fevers, yeast infections, and other undiagnosed health challenges for many years. I was exposed to high levels of molds and toxins. I also was experimented on with various types of hormones, tranquilizers, and antidepressants, which fortunately I couldn't tolerate.

During the past 35 years I've had an initial diagnosis of Malabsorption and Mono, and then Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, universal Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Inhalant Allergies, food sensitivities, Candida, Fibromyalgia, Osteopenia, anxiety, etc. I've lived below the poverty level for many years, and I've lived in very unhealthy housing the whole time, so my brain and body are getting more and more toxic to the extent that I can hardly speak or function. Almost all of my communication is via e-mail. I need an Extreme Home Makeover!!

Special testing in 1996 showed low adrenals, Candida, anti-bodies to Amoeba, low pancreatic enzymes, and low minerals/glutathione, etc.

I'm hanging in there! And I am seeing subtle changes happening in my body and brain--not to mention some needed weight loss of menopausal fat. :-)


That's wonderful to hear that you are doing better, Louise.


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