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Re: Contradictions & hair analysis

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My specialist tells me today that I need to take 1500 mg Potassium daily if my hair mineral analysis shows I'm low on Potassium and Sodium. She tells me to watch my Serum Potassium while I do so. So it works like.. I take potassium, it goes to serum, then into my cells, and then the serum lowers?Subject: ContradictionsTo: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 12:56 PM


I was told to take zinc this summer. I did. Now the hairmineral analysis shows excess zinc compared to my copper, which is way low. Low copper can give irregular heartbeat. I am now told by my natureopath to take copper, and 5-6 other supplements, and to remove zinc, lower my Vitamin C, B-Complex and other things I've been on for 8 months now.

Low copper: http://www.diagnose -me.com/cond/ C542179.htmlI am experiencing arrhythmias and skipped heartbeats these days.At the moment I feel extremely unwell, with pressure in the head, headache, twitching eyelid, last night I had severe pain in my left eye, I have a slightly stuck nose (I always have that), I feel hungry thought I'm eating, and I feel I never get the right food even if I eat very healthy (lots of salad), I feel and look fatter than I was before, and more...I am at 27.5 mg HC. I got the same head symptoms when I was on it last time, and went down to 25 mg beause of these pains. Could've been a coincidence - Could've been the sinuses or something giving me this pain. Maybe I shouldn't blame HC. But I don't know what to do. I am in too much pain to think normally!My specialsit tells me to take more HC, especially before the operation. 40 mg she

says. If 27.5 mg HC makes me feel like THIS, then what will 40 mg HC make me feel like then, plus the operation??? She also tells me to take at least 30 mg HC to tolerate T3.So how much HC do I need to tolerate 80+ mg of T3 daily? I don't feel T3-only is safe for me.Or maybe a higher Ferritin will solve ALL problems. Who knows.Or maybe my thick blood, with a hematocrit of 52% (40 to 50% is the range) is giving me a blood clot in my brain. I don't know. I just hate being so scared and insecure all the time. And I feel it's not getting easier with more and more T3, uncertainty about HC doses, irregular heartbeats and skipped beats too, plus plus plus. ALL THIS PAIN!!!I feel like giving up. So I might as well do a laser surgery on my tonsils. Can't POSSIBLY hurt me MORE now can it. If I survive the operation, I might feel a lot (?) better after a few weeks/months. This is my small,

small hope. That somehow the laser sugery will give me my health back with 25% or maybe more.

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Hair test done by what lab? Usually low sodium/potassium indicates adrenal

fatigue. I find it very difficult for practitioners to use these tests to gauge

supplementation because the results often do not mean what they look like. And

in some cases the minerals are deranged by mercury. My hair test book says that

hair potassium is not relevant to body potassium. But rather the relation of

potassium hair levels to other minerals indicate things like slow thyroids or

adrenal fatigue. Very low or very elevated hair potassium suggests thyroid

problems. The ratio of sodium to potassium is usually more informative of

endocrine function....

but not for diagnosing potassium deficiency.

(see the book Hair Test Interpretations by Hall Cutler)


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>My specialist tells me today that I need to take 1500 mg Potassium daily if my

hair mineral analysis shows I'm low on Potassium and Sodium. She tells me to

watch my Serum Potassium while I do so. So it works like.. I take potassium, it

goes to serum, then into my cells, and then the serum lowers?

No, should stay similar in serum while passing into the cells.

As another poster pointed out hair may not be a good way of setting

potassium dose.


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>My specialist tells me today that I need to take 1500 mg Potassium daily if my

hair mineral analysis shows I'm low on Potassium and Sodium. She tells me to

watch my Serum Potassium while I do so. So it works like.. I take potassium, it

goes to serum, then into my cells, and then the serum lowers?

I trust serum of RBC potassium more than I do hair. By it's nature

hair is going back in time.


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