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Re: SCD and Cholesterol

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way to go marilyn

ps do you eat meat/eggs daily????




why salmon oil not cod liver????



> Thought you all might be interested in this

> year's blood work compared to last year. Last

> year, as you know, I was incubating the

> endometrial cancer. And, also, as it turns out,

> the complex sleep apnea. So my cholesterol was

> up, and the doc was all over my case for stuffing

> my face and refusing to eat healthy.


> Well, I'm eating the same way I was last year. And.....



> Test 2007 2008

> HbA1C 5.6 5.6

> (< 6.0)


> Bg 81 94

> (65-99 mg dL)


> Total Chol 259 214

> (125-200 mg / dL)


> HDL 70 70

> (> = 40 mg / dL)


> LDL 168 127

> (< 130 mg / dL)


> Triglycerides 103 87

> (< 150 mg / dL)


> I will note that this year's fasting interval was

> at least an hour shorter than last year's... they

> didn't keep me waiting as long as I anticipated,

> and I decided that doing without my

> anti-inflammatories for that long was just plain

> nuts, since I ended up missing my water therapy

> that day between a 2.5 hour wait for the blood

> draw, and then the car breaking down, and then

> another two hour wait to talk to the doctor about the tests he was



> HbA1c holding steady. (I loved the way he

> mentioned it... " At this point, you do not have

> diabetes... " almost sourly, as if he was

> disappointed not to find it at the 2004 level of

> 6.0, which I still think was caused by the knee

> injury and the 6 weeks of pain I dealt with

> before I could get an orthopedist's appointment.)


> On the cholesterol, it's interesting to note that

> the HDL is the same, while the LDL went down...

> and this corresponds with the fact that last

> year, I was taking almost six times as much

> salmon oil as an anti-inflammatory as I was this

> year. Fish oil is noted for raising LDL in

> relation to HDL, but the benefits of the Omega 3

> fatty acids are typically felt to outweigh the

> detrimental ratio. (Try telling this to a

> conventionally trained doctor, however!) I've

> been off the higher dose of salmon oil only a

> couple of weeks (thanks to my CPAP), so it will

> be interesting to see what next year's tests will

> yield. I suspect it will be back in the normal

> range it was before I started with the hip pain.

> Also here is an interesting article on the

> relationship of sleep apnea and cholesterol.

> http://www.emaxhealth.com/107/4299.html


> Apart from my vitamins and anti-inflammatory

> supplements, I'm not on any other meds.


> However, he says that my red blood cell turnover

> is higher than it should be. In point of fact,

> what's high is the RDW, or the differences

> between the sizes of the red blood cells. Given

> that the turnover of red blood cells is around 90

> days, and I had been on CPAP (Constant Positive

> Air Pressure -- therapy for the sleep apnea) for

> about a month when the sample was taken, and

> given that the red blood cells would be the most

> likely to be affected by the apnea, it seems

> reasonable to me that their might be a difference

> between healthy cells created since CPAP and

> unhealthy cells created before CPAP.


> The doc disagrees. Says this means I'm losing

> blood somewhere, and he's sending me for (oh

> joy!) a colonoscopy. I asked if it could be

> related to recovery from surgery, since the body

> can take up to a year to stabilize, and he

> insisted it was not. I also asked if it could

> have a relationship to the sleep apnea being

> newly treated, and he said that it could not be.


> My idea of entertainment does not include a

> colonoscopy for Christmas... but even less do I

> like the idea of having the d@mn thing hanging over my head. <sigh>


> Anyway, my point of all this is... before you

> blame healthy eggs, dairy, and good fats for a

> higher cholesterol, look to other facets of your health!



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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At 05:35 PM 12/10/2008, you wrote:

way to go marilyn ps do you eat

meat/eggs daily????

Yes, I eat meat and eggs daily -- though I do as much grass fed /

pastured meat as I can, and my red meat is almost all bison or ostrich.

Mostly bison, 'cause that's readily available.

I use the salmon oil for extra EPA/DHA without going overboard on my

Vitamins A & D. I do use Carlson's cod liver oil, too,



New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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do different meat have diff chol levels?? i do lean or extra lean but

know AHA says 6 oz / day i need much more meat than that!!!



> >way to go marilyn ps do you eat meat/eggs daily????


> Yes, I eat meat and eggs daily -- though I do as

> much grass fed / pastured meat as I can, and my

> red meat is almost all bison or ostrich. Mostly

> bison, 'cause that's readily available.


> I use the salmon oil for extra EPA/DHA without

> going overboard on my Vitamins A & D. I do use

> Carlson's cod liver oil, too, though.



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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At 02:10 PM 12/11/2008, you wrote:

do different meat have diff chol

levels?? i do lean or extra lean but know AHA says 6 oz / day i need much

more meat than that!!!

The AHA also thinks you need lots of grains and potatoes and other

garbage! Keep in mind that most governmental recommendations for food are

governed not by science, but by politics.

Typically, you'll find recommendations for fish and white meat chicken.

They think red meat is bad because they think it's high sat fat. See

Sally Fallon's info on fats. What's bad is grain-fed meat, not pastured.

That's why I try to make as much of my meat pastured and/or grass-fed as

I can. Ditto the dairy. It's not always possible, because I just can't

afford it.

I'm going to try to get the blood work from 2004. Didn't have any in 2005

because medical situations in the city were just nuts after Hurricane

Katrina, and I think I just skipped it in 2006. <wry grin> I hate

going to doctors!) I wonder what the difference in my cholesterol, etc.

was then? Heck, I wonder if I can shanghai the blood work back to pre-SCD

and compare....


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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i hear you -haven't met a non-scd person (nutritionist/dietician etc

that can understand - or they wonder how soon we can add grains back -

I have no intention at this point I say- and I tell them people have

been on 20 years and are fine!!!

I do eat tons of steak (every night) and probably grain -fed just

stop-n shop or shoprite meat - so if I continue to eat this much it

should be grass-fed????



> >do different meat have diff chol levels?? i do

> >lean or extra lean but know AHA says 6 oz / day

> >i need much more meat than that!!!


> The AHA also thinks you need lots of grains and

> potatoes and other garbage! Keep in mind that

> most governmental recommendations for food are

> governed not by science, but by politics.


> Typically, you'll find recommendations for fish

> and white meat chicken. They think red meat is

> bad because they think it's high sat fat. See

> Sally Fallon's info on fats. What's bad is

> grain-fed meat, not pastured. That's why I try to

> make as much of my meat pastured and/or grass-fed

> as I can. Ditto the dairy. It's not always

> possible, because I just can't afford it.


> I'm going to try to get the blood work from 2004.

> Didn't have any in 2005 because medical

> situations in the city were just nuts after

> Hurricane Katrina, and I think I just skipped it

> in 2006. <wry grin> I hate going to doctors!) I

> wonder what the difference in my cholesterol,

> etc. was then? Heck, I wonder if I can shanghai

> the blood work back to pre-SCD and compare....



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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