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My Labs, Help, I am just starting out!

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FT3 3.2 pg/mL 2.0-4/4

FT4 1.28 ng/dL .82-1.77

TSH 2.67 uIU/mL .45-4.5

RT3 267 pg/mL 90-350

Ferritin 47.1 ng/mL 9-120

Very hypo feeling; hair is falling out, exhausted, can't relax at night, weak

muscles, short of breath upon exertion, salt craving. Also have enlarged liver

and spleen, and aches most of the time. Have not had EBV that I know of, but I

had my gallbladder removed 9 years ago. All sorts of other hormone imbalances.

Low Progesterone, low Testosterone, high DHEA, low HGH, low aldosterone.

Like I said before my doc. is has already prescribed and I have the ERFA

THyroid. Because of the RT3 problem. I am waiting on one last lab for Cortisol

and then will see him. I am going to ask him for HC and a Rx for T3 only. He

also wants me to get hair analysis to see if I have heavy metal toxicity, he

believes this is the cause of the high RT3. I am thinking of getting chelation

for heavy metals, and doing the T3 therapy for the 12 weeks or so to clear up

the RT3. Then starting on the ERFA Thyroid.

My only problem is in the past, not being treated for thyroid, I have tried to

use Dessicated Adrenals. AFter a few days I experience " roid rage " I am very

sensitive to any stress, stimulus, loud noises, yelling. In reaction to these

things I become extrememly angry and really want to hit back. I feel like a

caged, terrified, wild animal and my only recourse to safety is to become

physical. It's a terrible feeling, so I stopped the Adrenal supplement. I tried

it agian a few months later, after a few liver cleanses and still the same

reaction. I now believe this is my body needing more T3. But I am still scared

of using HC, although I am sure I need it. Has anyone else with AF encountered

this reaction when needing more T3?

Thanks so much to anyone who helps me .


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How about your low ferritin is causing your high RT3? Sorry but I think

detoxing adn chelating when adrneals and thyroid are not full ysupported

is dangerous. Gettiing your ferritin levels up toi 70-90 and going on T3

only, and supporting adrenals if they need it, is really what oyu need

and will do TONS of detoxing by themselves in a safe manner.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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