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male with high rt3 and very low E2

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I'm a guy, 50 reasonally fit. I'm on testosterone therapy. my rt3 is 410, my

testosterone is 537 and Estradiol is 4. 4 is very low. Should be around 20-25.

My adrenals are normal in the morning then at the bottom of the range the rest

of the day.

The doctor that I'm seeing is supposed to be well versed in hormones. Although

he won't say, I don't think he has a clue as to how to proceed. Does anyone have

any insite to this problem?

I'm currently on compounded T and hcg. Nothing for adrenal support or rt3

problem. I don't want to piss the doc off, but I just don't see any positive

course of action. I've only been with them 4 months but in that 4 months most of

my numbers have gotten worse. I don't know how long I should stay with this

office. They're supposed to be good, just maybe not in my case.

Thanks very much.

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Low estradiol in a guy canb definitly cause symptoms. And I suspect it

is fomr low DHEA. Have you had saliva cortios labs run? How about your

other thyroid hormone levels? Why worry abotu pissing off a doctor that

is not helping you? UM as in what good is he? LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>I'm currently on compounded T and hcg. Nothing for adrenal support or rt3

problem. I don't want to piss the doc off, but I just don't see any positive

course of action.

Sounds like you either need to change Doc or keep him for the existing

prescriptions and self treat for the RT3 issues.



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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Quite possibly you know this doctor. My last saliva cortisol showed:

morning .96 range .27-1.18

11am .08 range .10-.41

3pm .06 range .05-.27

10pm <.03 range .03-.14

DHEA Cortisol ratio 118 range 115-1188

DHEA 7-9am 113 range 71- 640


T4 free 1.58 range .82-1.77

T4 8.7 range 4.5-12.0

T3 135 range 83-200

RT3 410 range 90-350 HIGH

Other tests:

Norepinephrine 771 range 0-399 THRU THE ROOF

Catecholamine 826 range 0-642 THRU THE ROOF

This doctor and his assistant tout themselves as being major players in the

hormone world.


> Low estradiol in a guy canb definitly cause symptoms. And I suspect it

> is fomr low DHEA. Have you had saliva cortios labs run? How about your

> other thyroid hormone levels? Why worry abotu pissing off a doctor that

> is not helping you? UM as in what good is he? LOL


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Yes, i'm starting to think along this line.


> >I'm currently on compounded T and hcg. Nothing for adrenal support or rt3

problem. I don't want to piss the doc off, but I just don't see any positive

course of action.


> Sounds like you either need to change Doc or keep him for the existing

> prescriptions and self treat for the RT3 issues.


> Nick


> --


> for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


> www.thyroid-rt3.com


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morning .96 range .27-1.18

11am .08 range .10-.41

3pm .06 range .05-.27

10pm <.03 range .03-.14

DHEA Cortisol ratio 118 range 115-1188

DHEA 7-9am 113 range 71- 640


T4 free 1.58 range .82-1.77

T4 8.7 range 4.5-12.0

T3 135 range 83-200

RT3 410 range 90-350 HIGH

While your cortils is not bad it si not perfect either. I would think oyu would

benefit fro at the least Isocort if not HC. Your FT4 is toohigh either from poor

conversion or from too much NT oir T4 meds. At either cause it needs to be no

higher than 1.4. Over that creates Rt3 in everyoine I have seen it in. Your T3

is HORRIBLY low. With a TT3/RT3 ratio of 3.29 and needs ot be at least 10 (Using

total T3 insteead of FT3) you indeed have a really bad RT3 problem and need T3



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Hello Val,

Thank you for responding to the numers. I saw the doc today. They gave me a

script for cytomel starting 5mcg 1x/day for 10 days. Then 5 mcg 2x/day. They

said this should fix the rt3. They didn't seem concerned about the other thyroid


As for the adrenals, I have inquired in the past with them on HC. They didn't

think I needed it. I'm going to talk to them about isocort.

Thanks again for your time.


> morning .96 range .27-1.18

> 11am .08 range .10-.41

> 3pm .06 range .05-.27

> 10pm <.03 range .03-.14

> DHEA Cortisol ratio 118 range 115-1188

> DHEA 7-9am 113 range 71- 640


> Thyroid:

> T4 free 1.58 range .82-1.77

> T4 8.7 range 4.5-12.0

> T3 135 range 83-200

> RT3 410 range 90-350 HIGH


> While your cortils is not bad it si not perfect either. I would think oyu

would benefit fro at the least Isocort if not HC. Your FT4 is toohigh either

from poor conversion or from too much NT oir T4 meds. At either cause it needs

to be no higher than 1.4. Over that creates Rt3 in everyoine I have seen it in.

Your T3 is HORRIBLY low. With a TT3/RT3 ratio of 3.29 and needs ot be at least

10 (Using total T3 insteead of FT3) you indeed have a really bad RT3 problem and

need T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Isocort is an OTC med and doesn;t require a script to buuy it but it is

seldom available in lovcal stores. Do a Google search and you will find

places to buy it. Is the 10mcg T3 in addition to other thyroi dmeds? If

not you will need to stop any other thyroid meds you are taking and you

DO need mroethan 10mcg to clear this up.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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