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Diff between UC and CD

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Dear Gay,

Thank you very much for answering these questions, they are really very useful to understand the difference, I guess I have UC even though some symptoms are common both in UC and CD and confuses the patient.

In the Pantasa (Mesalamine) manual it is written it is for both UC and CD.

I am very scared to go for the second colonoscopy so soon, so I have decided to wait for 4 more months trying the SCD .



1) What is the difference betwen Crohn Disease (CD)

CD is in the small intestines by the illum. Where the small and large colon are joined together.

and colitis (UC), how can it be diagnosed ?

UC will need to be answered by those that have this diease in their large colon.

For those who have CD, how was it diagnosed, through endoscopy or

colonoscopy ?

My CD was diagnosed by a colonoscopy.

2) Can 1 person have both CD and UC ?

Some have said that they have been diagnosed with both CD and UC

3) I am undergoing my second colonoscopy and biopsy after 1 week, from which parts should I tell my GI to take biopsies for correct diagnosis?

I do not know.

4) Could it be possible that I have both UC and CD? I am asking this becuase I have sacrificed so much food and taken Mesalamine already for 3 months, still no improvement?

Mesalamine is given for UC

http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient & aq=t & ie=UTF-8 & rlz=1T4GGIH_enUS259US260 & q=Mesalamine+drugs

5) I have read that CD can attack even the Esophagus and stomach, should I get another endoscopy done? I had the previous one done before 6 months. It had shown deodenum ulcer, inflammation in stomach due to H. Pylori Infection and GERD, Afetr 2 rounds of triple antibiotic therapy the H. Pylori got solved, then I took 4 months Nexuim (Acid supressor) to get cured from deodenum ulcer, Reflux and inflammation in stomach (the damage caused by the bacteria H. Pylori), immediately after this was curetd , I was hit by a stronger disease, chronic colitis, then my workld turned upside down, because just when I was about to cure one disease, a secdn ond disease hits my body. It is like a chain, 1 disease after another, I am not understanding what is happening to my body, my body is not under my control.

Antibiotic therapy would need to take one cup of scd yogurt two hours after taking the antibiotic.

Does it mean my immune system is weak, that is why it is happening like this ?

Yes! I think so.

But I read that UC amnd CD are caused by overactive immune system. Pls clear my doubt.

I haven't heard about the immune system being over active....???

6) I heard that in CD, the pain is acute like appendicitis pain and there is blood in stool, but I don't have such severe pain and no blood in stool. I had diarrhoea before, but after starting SCD I dont have diarrhoe, but loose stool 2-3 times a day, the symptoms are worse in the morning with loose stool, extreme fatigue and extreme nausea and no appetite to see any food.

CD is very painful and is near the appendicitis. I never had blood in the stool. Just mucas. Lots of diarrhea. Yes, very tired, nausea, weak, and cold.Was afraid to eat.

Please talk with the SCD Pals w/UC.

Pls clear my doubts, I am very confused ,

I have undergone blood tests today, I will write, if anything abnormal in my blood result.

Be sure to tell us about your blood results as soon as you get the report. Some one will know all about it I am sure. I do not know.

Thanking you always


Loving Care, Gay


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