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Re: Please don't hijack threads

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>I thought the mods consolidated threads of similar topics so that one might

find all info in one thread.

We have plenty to do without organizing that. It is done automatically

by Yahoo on subject line and message number.


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The moderators aren't doing this. In fact, they've included this issue as one

of the posting rules for this group.

" Welcome to our group. We have very easy rules to follow here but due to the

volume of posts I have to ask that certain guidelines are followed.

First: When replying to a post it is fine to hit REPLY as that keeps your

reply within the thread it is intended for. When changing the SUBJECT do NOT

just change the subject in a REPLY email as this does not start a new subject

but HYJACKS the old thread it is attached to. START a new TOPIC. If working from

your own email program rather than the web, this means creating a NEW email

addressed to the group with a new subject, NOT replying to a group email and

changing the subject.

SECOND: PLEASE stay as much ON topic as possible. A lot of related subjects

are allowed for minimal discussion here due to the very nature of thyroid

resistance that affects our recovery, BUT to keep the posts at a bearable limit

we NEED to keep VERY on topic here for Rt3 adn T3 treatment. "

Here's an example from the website. There's 6 different subject lines in this




> I thought the mods consolidated threads of similar topics so that one might

find all info in one thread.






> ________________________________


> To: RT3_T3

> Sent: Sun, January 24, 2010 10:58:17 PM

> Subject: Please don't hijack threads



> The threads on the website are becoming frustrating to use because there are

multiple subjects in a single thread.


> When you respond to a message & change the subject line, it remains in the

same thread as the original message.

> There's one recent thread that has 32 messages in it - in at least, 3

different unrelated subject lines.


> I know this has been discussed before.

> If you respond to a message & want to change the subject line (except for

Bumps), please start a new thread instead.


> Thanks.

> CD


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