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I am new to this site so this has probably been asked already. I have

been doing extensive research on probiotics (that is how I came across

the SCD site). I have Crohn's disease and PSC. From my research it

appears that l. plantarium treats IBD and b. infantis has been proven

to reduce IBS and if given alone can almost normalize the patient. I

have also done research on Dr. Ohirra's probiotic. In contrast to this

info, Jordan Rubin who apparently cured himself of Crohn's, indicates

in his book not to take s. thermophilis. Then I find this site which

contradicts all the info I have found to date. I am so confused. I

really do not know what to do at this point. Does anyone have any

advise or recommendations?

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----- >I have Crohn's disease and PSC. From my research it

appears that l. plantarium treats IBD and b. infantis has been proven

to reduce IBS and if given alone can almost normalize the patient. I

have also done research on Dr. Ohirra's probiotic. In contrast to this

info, Jordan Rubin who apparently cured himself of Crohn's, indicates

in his book not to take s. thermophilis. Then I find this site which

contradicts all the info I have found to date. I am so confused. I

really do not know what to do at this point. Does anyone have any

advise or recommendations?<

What SCD says does not go against what you

have found out.

The idea in SCD is to starve out the " bad "

bacteria giving the good bacteria a chance to

increase their population size. Since all the

bacteria have to share the same space, making

more space for the good bacteria is a sound idea.

There are so many different kinds of bacteria and

they are all beneficial in their own way (even the

" bad " ones, as long as there are not too many

of them.)

The bacteria you mention are hopefully already

in the gut, and on the SCD diet will have a chance

to flourish.

Researchers and people get attached to different

kinds of probiotics, just like they like different

kinds of pop music, and that can sometimes

make people claim that some bacteria is more important

than other ones. It is also important for researchers

to write new articles and make their mark.

Where I live it is very trendy right now with L reuteri.

L reuteri is probably important, but the thing

to remember is that there are several hundred

important bacteria in your gut!

SCD has been used on tens of thousands of people

and is based on the common sense idea that a good

diet is the road to health. Supplements and probiotic

pills can be of help temporarily. Which probiotics

to take can be a stab in the dark. Eating a yogurt

that has been made for thousands of years is

also common sense. If yogurt has been

beneficial to people for a long time, it is probably

beneficial to us today. Some people who

start on SCD notice however that the yogurt

does not feel right for them. It makes sense

though to start with the yogurt and go from there.

SCD does not help everyone, because the

gut flora issue is not the answer to everyone's

problems. It is however a very healthy diet and

research in the evolutionary field indicates that

this kind of diet (reduced grains and only

fermented dairy products) reduces the

risk of a wide range of illnesses.


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