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Still getting hypoglycemia symptoms in the morning

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Dear Nick or Val,

I am still waking up feeling hypoglycemic.  I have managed to get it pushed

forward from 4 in the morning until 6-6.30.  But I still feel rotten when I get


Here is my tablet schedule :

    7AM 11AM 3PM 7PM 10PM

T3  25,  25,     12.5, 12.5 12.5

HC 10,  7.5,       5,    2.5,  2.5

Do you think it would help if I took some more HC at bed time?  I already eat a

good meal at 7PM and then two hard boiled eggs just before bedtime.


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It night help to take more HC at bedtime but 7:30PM ois toolate for

dinner wiht carbs. NO carbs after abotu 7PM will prevent many people's

middle of the night bypoglycemia along wiht the protein ND ADD some fat

to those eggs. Make it devilied eggs or smear some mayo on them. That

will make the sugar stable longer.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Thank you I shall try that. There was a time when I couldn't stay awake if I didn't eat. Now I've got to eat to stay asleep.. Does all this go away?


To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, 30 January, 2010 17:04:30Subject: Re: Still getting hypoglycemia symptoms in the morning

It night help to take more HC at bedtime but 7:30PM ois toolate for dinner wiht carbs.. NO carbs after abotu 7PM will prevent many people's middle of the night bypoglycemia along wiht the protein ND ADD some fat to those eggs. Make it devilied eggs or smear some mayo on them. That will make the sugar stable longer.-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WVhttp://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/http://groups. yahoo.com/


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By carbs do you mean ALL flours, pasta, sugars etc. Or is the unrefined stuff OK?


To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, 30 January, 2010 17:04:30Subject: Re: Still getting hypoglycemia symptoms in the morning

It night help to take more HC at bedtime but 7:30PM ois toolate for dinner wiht carbs. NO carbs after abotu 7PM will prevent many people's middle of the night bypoglycemia along wiht the protein ND ADD some fat to those eggs. Make it devilied eggs or smear some mayo on them. That will make the sugar stable longer.-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WVhttp://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/http://groups. yahoo.com/


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Thanks for the precision. I was having a quick read on the net about carbs between 1st and 2nd e-mail. There seems to be some difference of opinion about what is high carb food and low carb food and this was making me confused. Shall do exactly as you recommend and just eat no carbs at all and stop splitting hairs!

Have a good weekend,


To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, 30 January, 2010 17:30:37Subject: Re: Still getting hypoglycemia symptoms in the morning

To get rid of hypoglycemia ALL carbs in the evening have to go.-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WVhttp://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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ly with beinga Diabetic that is VERY sensitive to carbs and track

my glucose before and after EVERY meal, I can tell you alot of the Good

carb/bad carb is BUNK! A carb is a carb! Carbs require insulin . The so

called GOOD carbs are ones that hit the blood stream slower than bad

ones. But they ALL hit the blod stream as sugar and require insulin the

same for good as bad just the hit of insulin will bne less at one time

for good carbs. Which really doesn;t help at all if you have

hypoglycemia or Diabetes , so what? LOL Good carbs I end up taking two

smaller insulin shots for whiel the bad ones I take one bigger shot for.

12 or a dozen.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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