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My chemist friends rebuttal on iron....

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My Ferritin is 58...My chemist friend continues to plead with me to stop taking

iron...I continue to do so based on Val's extensive experience and observation.

I told her hypohyroidism can cause low iron...she concedes that it can cause the

loss of other minerals but not iron.


Pardon me Harry...Just what is the mechanism by which folks lose iron when

hypothyroid. The only clients I have ever observed who lose iron are those

(especially women) who bleed a lot.

When you are sick, yes, you become anemic because iron is toxic in sick people.

Then the doc gives you a shot of iron and you die! I have seen this happen to

sick clients who went to the hospital, etc.

In the sense that cell respiration is catalyzed by iron, and thyroid works

through promoting respiration, a deadly iron deficiency limits the ability to

respond to thyroid, but such extreme starvation-anemia is rare. More often

anemia, diagnosed as iron deficiency, is really a thyroid deficiency and/or an

inflammatory (infection, cancer, or poisoning) condition, in which iron stays in

storage. Then, doctors keep poisoning the people with big doses of iron, making

the inflammation worse, creating free-radical poisoning, degenerative disease.

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