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Shomon's column about a Today Show segment

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>Some of you may find this amusing. Personally, I find it sad that American

>medicine is so bumbling and inept:

Thanks for that, an interesting link..

If it's any consolation it's even worse in Britain with some

considering that a TSH of 10 is a suitable treatment threshold.


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That's a Pediatric Endcrinologist told my son when he was in kindergarten. He tested positive for antibodies and his TSH was 8, but he wouldn' treat unless it was over 10. I changed drs., he's 13 now, and my 9 year daughter has hashis also. We really do have a good Ped. ENdo, who believes in Armour (old stuff), and doesn't go by TSH, but frees'. I feel fortunate. D---------- Original Message ----------To: RT3_T3 Subject: Re: Shomon's column about a "Today" Show segmentDate: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 17:41:20 +0000>>Some of you may find this amusing. Personally, I find it sad that American>medicine is so bumbling and inept:Thanks for that, an interesting link..If it's any consolation it's even worse in Britain with someconsidering that a TSH of 10 is a suitable treatment threshold.Nick------------------------------------

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