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Re: Supplementing with potassium

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If potassium is low and sodium is not you have an imbalance to correct

thne oy uneed alot of potasisum to the amount of sodium (yes Celtic sea

sal tis ownderful source of sodium) But what usually happens is when

adrenals are weak and aldosterone is even a little low, th ebody cannot

hold on to sodium so it falls, and when your sodium levels fall the body

will DUMP potasisum to try to avoid this imbalance. SO then taking JUST

salt will not work. The body is already in potasisum dumping mode and

suddenly it has allthis sdium and the potasisum is still low, so it

dumps SALT. Viscious cycle. So the best way to supplement either is to

take BOTH. You will alomst always need ALOT more potassium thsan sodium.

but the best way to learn hwo to adjust this is with regular SMALL dose

changes and regular electrolyte testing.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Just wanted to say that.. Wow it's so hard to learn all this and to trial and error and everything! I have had a bad headache for 3 days now, and it could be from some imbalance of the electrolytes. Did the electrolyte panel on Thursday, will get the result on Monday. Without blood samples, it's impossible to know what to take more or less of. I am NOT taking potassium supplements. Should I?


If potassium is low and sodium is not you have an imbalance to correct

thne oy uneed alot of potasisum to the amount of sodium (yes Celtic sea

sal tis ownderful source of sodium) But what usually happens is when

adrenals are weak and aldosterone is even a little low, th ebody cannot

hold on to sodium so it falls, and when your sodium levels fall the body

will DUMP potasisum to try to avoid this imbalance. SO then taking JUST

salt will not work. The body is already in potasisum dumping mode and

suddenly it has allthis sdium and the potasisum is still low, so it

dumps SALT. Viscious cycle. So the best way to supplement either is to

take BOTH. You will alomst always need ALOT more potassium thsan sodium.

but the best way to learn hwo to adjust this is with regular SMALL dose

changes and regular electrolyte testing.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

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So, if you're taking both HC and fludro and your labs are:

sodium 141 (range: 135-146)

potassium 5.1 (range: 3.5 - 5.3)

AND I was taking 600mg of potassium (though stopped 2 days before test) and had

every once in a while being doing a 1/2 tsp sea salt (again, stopped 2 days

before test).

do I keep supping with potassium because it's keeping the fludro from wasting it

and keep up with sea salt?? Or, is the potassium too high?

It gets confusing! Thanks much.


> If potassium is low and sodium is not you have an imbalance to correct

> thne oy uneed alot of potasisum to the amount of sodium (yes Celtic sea

> sal tis ownderful source of sodium) But what usually happens is when

> adrenals are weak and aldosterone is even a little low, th ebody cannot

> hold on to sodium so it falls, and when your sodium levels fall the body

> will DUMP potasisum to try to avoid this imbalance. SO then taking JUST

> salt will not work. The body is already in potasisum dumping mode and

> suddenly it has allthis sdium and the potasisum is still low, so it

> dumps SALT. Viscious cycle. So the best way to supplement either is to

> take BOTH. You will alomst always need ALOT more potassium thsan sodium.

> but the best way to learn hwo to adjust this is with regular SMALL dose

> changes and regular electrolyte testing.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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sodium 141 (range: 135-146)

potassium 5.1 (range: 3.5 - 5.3)

With these labs I owuld NOT continue supplementing potassium. I would increase

salt a bit.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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thanks, val. increase sodium to, say, 1 tsp/day? (going off the potassium

while being on fludro won't make it drop too much? just need to make sure. i've

heard horror stories re. low potassium)

i also think i might set up a phone consult with you (again). my temps and sxs

are not making sense - to me, anyway!


> sodium 141 (range: 135-146)

> potassium 5.1 (range: 3.5 - 5.3)


> With these labs I owuld NOT continue supplementing potassium. I would increase

salt a bit.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I hear you, loud and clear!! I have stopped the potassium! Any symptoms happen

when pot. is at the top of the range? Maybe that's a piece of my weird sx

presentation. I'll go up to 1/2 tsp sea salt twice a day (second dose maybe

before my daily afternoon crash) unless you think that's a bad idea.

Thanks, Val. Sounds like you're burnt with your recent move and fielding all

our emails. Hope you are getting some time to just sit back and enjoy your new

place. ~ CarolN (there are several Carols on the list, so I guess I'll

identify myself now as CarolN!!)


> Not everyone needs potassium wiht Florinef and serum levels at th etop

> of the potasisum range are DANGEROUS.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Yes I am just tired. Stressing due to lack of work which is weather

related and spending too much time on the computer doesnlt help! LOL My

concentration is not what it shoud be with these things going on either.

SO anyway...

Yes salt several times a day is needed to really help raise sodium

inside the cells.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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