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Re: Feeling stressed after morning dose of 10 mcg T3!

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Wanted to add this: Sometimes when I eat, like today, I get something close to diarrea. Does this mean HC is not absosbed properly? It happens 30-45 minuts after eating and taking HC. God this stress is horrible! But my pulse is NOT going up! Stay sbelow 80., the mastermind of the Adrenals, what do you think this extreme stress is caused by?

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Here is a short log of my recent HC/T3/Food activities:Took the last HC and T3 doses at 00:10 am.64 mg iron at 01:10 am.Fell asleep at 04:00 am. (too late, I know. will will this soon!)Woke up at 11:00 am.Had breakfast at 11:20 am: 2 organic eggs fried in olive oil, with some real cheese on it,8 mini tomatoes, 1/3 of a cucumber, 3 salad leaves, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 2 pieces of salami, 2 leaves of fresh basil, some fresh grinded pepper, a dash of sea salt, and 2 small glasses of fresh, cold water. Haven't drunk any sea salt yet.HC at 11:25 am.T3 at 11:30 am.Stress appeared about 12:15.Lasted until 13:45. Now it's 13:50 and I feel better.You can do the math and all your magic now. I know you know these things, Val! :-)


What did you eat?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

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While this isn't horrible there is abotu 30G carbs in those tomatoes. An

why no salt in that water? BTW I et about 70G carb for the WHOLE day, so

it is a bit much for breakfast.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I can't eat tomatoes? Then there are no vegetables left. I mainly eat:Tomatoes, salad leaves, cucuber, red peppers, some celery (not while my s-potassium is high tho!) and that's pretty much it. It will be sad without the tomatoes. These tomatoes are small tho. Very small. The size of a thumb nail.I eat more carbs than that and don't get stuff like this stress. Do you think it can be my Ferritin going down? I am on 64 mg iron so far. Gonna up with 25 mg tonight.I am starting to feel stressed again, and I'm gonna take my second T3 dose for the day in just minutes. 10 mcg. I don't feel totally safe doing this now...And is it healthy to live without eating any grains? I eat glutenfree as well as trying to eat low carb!BTW: Is this a good omega product? It was recommended to me by my

naturopath!http://www.iherb.com/New-Chapter-Wholemega-Extra-Virgin-Omega-Rich-Fish-Oil-1000-mg-60-Softgel/18176?at=0Thanks!--- Subject: Re: Feeling stressed after morning dose of 10 mcg T3!To: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 2:26 PM


While this isn't horrible there is abotu 30G carbs in those tomatoes. An

why no salt in that water? BTW I et about 70G carb for the WHOLE day, so

it is a bit much for breakfast.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

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Ok.Do you recon it's safe to take my second T3 dose now, 10 mcg, (10,10,5,5,5) even if I feel stressed now, again, WITHOUT taking T3 first? Hmm! Doesn't make sense to me!


You can eat tommoates just in moderation. 3-4 instead of 8. Have another



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

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Well I can tell you that after taking the second dose of 10 mcg T3 today, (I delayed it to 4 hours instead of 3 hours apart from the first dose) I felt better. So you could be right! I have this dream... To be all healthy again! I hope it will happen one day!


I htink i ti sfine to take your T3 it may be low T3 causing some of this



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Whatever else is going on with T3 and HC, don't underestimate how much

relationships affect us human beings! BREATHE! ;-)


> My question is... WHY??? I was fine when I woke up, felt GOOD, actually. Then,

I took my first dose of 7.5 mg HC with my breakfast, and my first dose of 10 mcg

T3 today. After 45 minutes, now 1 hour, I feel STRESSED! My pulse is fine, it is

about 75-80. BUT I have this crappy feeling of superstress in my body. In my

head, chest.. It just feels wrong! What is this? Why is this happening? I was

just sitting at my computer typing and listening to nice music...


> This is my second day on 35 mcg T3.


> PS! I must att that my wife came in and started complaining about the music I

was listening to, I got annoyed, and.. Just MAYBE that has something to do with

it? I am not convinced though!


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So stress appeared after 45 min of taking HC and T3? What was your temp before and after taking HC and T3? Is it the first time you took 10mcg of T3 in the morning?Can you describe this " stress " a bit more? Is it irritability? Anxiety? Sense of doom?

If you upped T3 to 10mcg with the same amount of HC, then it could be low cortisol symptoms. When cortisol is low, your adrenalin kicks in more, so you get agitated, anxious, etc., and tired from low cortisol. Not a pretty thing. Usually my temp drops in about 30 min after taking T3 if I don't have enough cortisol. So try to take your temp before and after taking T3.

I don't think it's a good idea to take more T3 if you raised your dose and got these symptoms. I would try taking a little bit of HC instead. I do this in the morning a lot. 1.25mg to 2.5mg is just enough to get my temp back up and to keep my sanity.

BTW, eggs are high in sulfur, and sulfur feeds yeast, and you could be having diarrhea from yeast overgrowth. If you take too much HC it will raise your blood sugar, and this will feed yeast also. You might want to experiment taking less HC more frequently. I dose every 2-3 hours HC at low doses to keep the levels even.

Here is a short log of my recent HC/T3/Food activities:Took the last HC and T3 doses at 00:10 am.64 mg iron at 01:10 am.Fell asleep at 04:00 am. (too late, I know. will will this soon!)

Woke up at 11:00 am.Had breakfast at 11:20 am: 2 organic eggs fried in olive oil, with some real cheese on it,8 mini tomatoes, 1/3 of a cucumber, 3 salad leaves, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 2 pieces of salami, 2 leaves of fresh basil, some fresh grinded pepper, a dash of sea salt, and 2 small glasses of fresh, cold water. Haven't drunk any sea salt yet.

HC at 11:25 am.T3 at 11:30 am.Stress appeared about 12:15.Lasted until 13:45. Now it's 13:50 and I feel better.You can do the math and all your magic now. I know you know these things, Val! :-)

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>Well I can tell you that after taking the second dose of 10 mcg T3 today, (I

delayed it to 4 hours instead of 3 hours apart from the first dose) I felt

better. So you could be right! I have this dream... To be all healthy again! I

hope it will happen one day!

Glad to hear it.


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Thanks, and while it's great that I've been more awake today than in the previous days (shows something is going on in the body for sure!), I have developed a pain in my heart, a weak constant stinging pain, (one sting, not several ones) with some ticklishness, that has lasted for 3+ hours now. Is this a sign that T3 is entering the cells? Or the body/heart getting used to T3? I am scared as hell! :P - Thinking about everything that COULD be wrong: Too much potassium in the serum, too little natrium/potassium in the cells, too much T3 for my heart to handle, too much iron in the heart, etc. etc. :\ Any words of wisdom? I don't feel too wise at the moment! :P


>Well I can tell you that after taking the second dose of 10 mcg T3 today, (I delayed it to 4 hours instead of 3 hours apart from the first dose) I felt better. So you could be right! I have this dream... To be all healthy again! I hope it will happen one day!

Glad to hear it.


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Just a question about my heart... I have this tingling/ticklish feeling in it now. It's been like this for 4 hours this evening. This might be something that is happening because of my dose increase of T3, up from 30 to 35 mcg. I did the increase yesterday, and things went fine. Today, stress, feeling more awake (good thing), and now this horrible feeling. The reason why I get all nuts about this feeling is because it reminds me so much about that time I got Fibrillation (dunno of which kind!) in January 2008 while on 100 mcg T4 and 40 mcg T3. I am now taking almost the same amount of T3 as I took when that happened. It is more than 2 weeks since I took a FT3/FT4/TSH/rT3 blood sample. Should I do it more often? I mean, what if my FT3 is getting high, too high, for my heart to handle? And, I am still not sure my Ferritin is high enough, or Cortisol for that

matter., what is this feeling I have in my heart now?

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>Any words of wisdom? I don't feel too wise at the moment!

Take a deep breath and then breath out slowly.


If you don't feel ready for your next dose when it's time then take

the HC but delay the T3. You can make very fine adjustments to dose be

changing the spacing between the doses.



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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> am now taking almost the same amount of T3 as I took when that happened. It is

more than 2 weeks since I took a FT3/FT4/TSH/rT3 blood sample.

You will have a LOT less T4 in you when when you suffered that.

The only lab test that means anything at the stage you are at now is

an FT3, none of the others mean anything in this transitory stage you

are at..

You told us you took one of those this week when you delayed your meds

in the morning


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Hello Nick, first of all, thanks for your reply in this horrible moment for me! I remember in horror how I got that fibrillation... But I had been stressing for months prior to that! And I didn't take any HC or iron at the time. However, my metabolism had been working great til that happened to me.I was wonder... If I have "Hidden WPW Syndrome".. Could T3-meds give me fibrillation? I think I read somewhere that it can! My heart might be one of those very few hearts with a hidden WPW in it. All my ECGs show that I have faulty wiring on my heart, so... It isn't 100% impossible!My pulse is 84 and I'm breathing normally/slowly.

>Any words of wisdom? I don't feel too wise at the moment!

Take a deep breath and then breath out slowly.


If you don't feel ready for your next dose when it's time then take

the HC but delay the T3. You can make very fine adjustments to dose be

changing the spacing between the doses.



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to

www.thyroid- rt3.com

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Thanks again for your answer Nick! Every word is highly appreciated! Really!Oh yeah! I forgot. I did take that blood didn't I. A few days ago. I sent them all to my regular lab, the one with rT3-testing. To get the full picture. I also delayed HC that morning. It all comes back to me now. Guess I could've gotten the results today, but I forgot that I even took that blood! :pYes, I'm trying to calm myself down with the fact that I don't take T4-meds now, so I will have less T3 in me anyway, at any given time, compared to back then. It just scares me that I have this feeling. I really don't like it and I wish I could know what it is. Is it normal to get something like this when upping T3? I mean, pulse and temps are both normal. But this feeling is not! :pI remember one incident in the summer of 2006. It was a very healthy year for me. I

felt and looked great! I only had the occasional tachycardia (250+ bpm) in the nighttime, waking up with that (hypoglycemia?) every now and then. BUT then once in the summer of 2006, I got this horrible arrhythmia. It lasted for like 2+ minutes! I called "911" and everything while it was going on. Then it disappeared. And I didn't get anything like that again. Not until late 2008/lately. However, it has only lasted for 2-15 seconds lately. Not so much in the past days though. A few skipped beats here and there. Can mean something! (More T3 = less arrhythmia. I HOPE!)Just trying to figure out something in all this mess. It's one heck of a story I have behind me. Not as extreme as 's. Her story is just.. UNBELIEVABLE. But I have gone through some bad stuff too. Like, why on earth did I suffer from tachycardia (250+ bpm) attacks that lasted for 2-3 minutes every time, since I was 13-14 years of age, every year... Til I stopped taking T3 in

early 2008? Makes NO sense what so ever to me!!!!!!! Any takes on THAT one, Nick?T.

> am now taking almost the same amount of T3 as I took when that happened. It is more than 2 weeks since I took a FT3/FT4/TSH/ rT3 blood sample.

You will have a LOT less T4 in you when when you suffered that.

The only lab test that means anything at the stage you are at now is

an FT3, none of the others mean anything in this transitory stage you

are at..

You told us you took one of those this week when you delayed your meds

in the morning


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>My pulse is 84 and I'm breathing normally/slowly.

Then it sounds like there is not much wrong with you apart from bits

of your body " waking up " and reminding you they are there after some

horrible hypo times.

Remember that if you are feeling stressed stress dosing HC can help.

an extra 2.5 of HC will help lower the adrenaline down.

I know nothing about the WPS etc so can't help you on that one.

I am off to bed now and will leave you to it. Sleep well and remember

you can take that last dose of the day at the same time as the iron if

you do it sublingually. As you have just increased then even if the

sub lingual didn't work for you you wouldn't end up any worse off than

if you hadn't take it at all. A perfect time to try it and try a

proper " lights out " bedtime dose.


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>Like, why on earth did I suffer from tachycardia (250+ bpm) attacks that lasted

for 2-3 minutes every time, since I was 13-14 years of age, every year... Til I

stopped taking T3 in early 2008? Makes NO sense what so ever to me!!!!!!! Any

takes on THAT one, Nick?

Low cortisol and/or low ferritin both cause panic attacks where

adrenaline floods through your body and you get a very fast pulse rate

as a result.

I'm not saying that was it, it's a strong possibility though.


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I could've had low Ferritin since I was 13, no doubt about it! I think I even saw a blood sample form 1997, "the first blood sample" where my thyroid was tested. I think Ferritin might have been low, in the 20s somewhere, but I can't find that sample right now.Well. I got less tachycardia when I started taking T4 in 1997. But a year never passed without getting it every now and then! I really wonder why it would suddenly disappeared in 2008. The only change I did was to remove T3 in Jan/Feb 2008. And that's when it disappered! I got it ONCE in the summer of 2009 - Just 30-40 minutes after ingesting 1000 mg of a calcium supplement! I didn't take any calcium supps after that incicent. Could calcium be it? I think your Ferritin and/or Cortisol theories are interesting. But I don't think I had low cortisol since my early teens. I felt so great while on T4

from 1997 and upward, so... But who knows!? I was plagued by those horrible tachycardia attacks yearly up til 2008, so...And it really was 250+ beats per minute every time it happened. The heart would also beat VERY hard/strongly, like it was gonna beat out of my chest! The speed was really at least 4 beats pr second. I am a drummer so I know my beats and timing. These tachycardia attacks have occurred something like a 1000 times since they first started out when I was 13-14 years of age. I wonder if my heart has taken any damage from all those attacks. Nobody should experience so much BS with their heart for such a long time, since such an early age. It has clearly damaged my mental state in many ways too. :pWhat a riddle!

>Like, why on earth did I suffer from tachycardia (250+ bpm) attacks that lasted for 2-3 minutes every time, since I was 13-14 years of age, every year... Til I stopped taking T3 in early 2008? Makes NO sense what so ever to me!!!!!!! Any takes on THAT one, Nick?

Low cortisol and/or low ferritin both cause panic attacks where

adrenaline floods through your body and you get a very fast pulse rate

as a result.

I'm not saying that was it, it's a strong possibility though.


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Val, your take on this? Guessing you're very much into the Ferritin theory still?  All my blood samples from the years that passed, when I felt good as well, show a Ferritin of 80+ so I am not sure about it. And I couldn't have had low cortisol when I was 13-14, 20-25-26...  Only from 2007 when I was 28.. I am taking 89 mg iron daily now. Moving on up. I have also been feeling a lot more tired/sleepy/weak in the mornings in the past few days. Is that because I increase iron?

>Like, why on earth did I suffer from tachycardia (250+ bpm) attacks that lasted for 2-3 minutes every time, since I was 13-14 years of age, every year... Til I stopped taking T3 in early 2008? Makes NO sense what so ever to me!!!!!!! Any takes on THAT one, Nick?

Low cortisol and/or low ferritin both cause panic attacks where

adrenaline floods through your body and you get a very fast pulse rate

as a result.

I'm not saying that was it, it's a strong possibility though.


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I don't know? Because I had been a young and healthy boy for years back i my early teens? Hmm... But who knows.. I did test serum cortisol  many times in 2007, 2008 and 2009, and none of them came out looking anything near low. I still wonder about the 2 saliva tests I did in 2008/2009 which looked normal. Then I got one third test, near the summer, which was low...


Why couldn't you have had low cortisol then?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

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I have maybe started shaking a bit more in the past 1-2 days. Does that mean I don't have high enough Ferritin to tolerate the T3 I am taking or is it low cortisol? I am at 27.5 mg HC daily.

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