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Hi Priya,

That is not a silly question at all. Unfortunately, both kidneys are equally

effected by IgAN. If only one were, we would never reach end stage renal

disease because one kidney is more than enough to sustain good renal function as

in the case of a transplant.

I actually asked my Neph that question when I had my first biopsy.

In a message dated 11/12/2004 9:08:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,

kalyanav@... writes:

> Hi,


> I have a question...some of you might think it is silly but anyway I

> am asking it...when we have igan, do both the kidneys get affected

> at the same time??? so the glomureli (is the spelling correct) in

> both kidneys get scarred???



> priya



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Hi Kayla. My daughter is 9 and was diagnosed this year. The way they

explained this, they said when one kidney is affected, both are. Hope this





I have a question...some of you might think it is silly but anyway I

am asking it...when we have igan, do both the kidneys get affected

at the same time??? so the glomureli (is the spelling correct) in

both kidneys get scarred???


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Thank you

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Hi Priya,

Pierre had recently posted a mail on IgA and how it

affects the kidneys,

I thought I had saved it, but I haven't :(, I will

search that mail for you,,

Yes IgA affects both the kidneys,,

there are many articles in our group's - " Files "


check for this file - Primary IgAN primer.pdf by


it gives lot of details,, and also lot of info is

there in this gp's archive,,


--- kalyanav wrote:


> Hi,


> I have a question...some of you might think it is

> silly but anyway I

> am asking it...when we have igan, do both the

> kidneys get affected

> at the same time??? so the glomureli (is the

> spelling correct) in

> both kidneys get scarred???



> priya






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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I didn't do reconstruction but I did have two mastectomies. I've had "The girls and The bra " for a long time now. Normally I wear them when I go somewhere but if I know I'm going to be home all day they stay put away. My sister Donna had bilateral mastectomy also and she Never even bought The girls, just went the way she was. She never even bought a wig until a few months before her death and that was only because she was going on a cruise to Alaska. SharonBrendurall@... wrote: I had implants the day of surgery 9-23-04. I lost my implants within three months due to staph infection. I then purchased The girls and The bra, so I would have something there

on my chest in their place. Now I have had them for a little over a year, (wow, it feels good to say that.) I have decided Not to have reconstruction. I even decided that some days the girls stay home. Anyone else where I am with that issue? ren

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My daughter told me that Wal-Mart was selling bras that had water filled boobs in them. Has anyone seen those? You can get it in different sizes. So does that mean we can put water balloons in there?


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Guest guest

That would be nice!....One never knows when a water ballon could come in handy!.......LOL

Re: question

My daughter told me that Wal-Mart was selling bras that had water filled boobs in them. Has anyone seen those? You can get it in different sizes. So does that mean we can put water balloons in there? Ren

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  • 3 years later...

Quick question,

What effect will a high acid stomach issue have on thyroid absorption.

I ask for a couple of reasons which I will try to explain. And I will post a

separarte question on another thread.

But I just finished a round of prednisone...a shot in the dark at some cluster

like hedaches I have been having. However I am wondering if my headaches are

thryoid related but I will get into this on another thread with some questions

Anyway...the pred really tears up your stomach and I noticed that I was having

some bad heartburn and know I probably have had some before this round of


But knowing that for a while I have been a bad converter of t4 to t3 and have

been told I have some malabsortion issues can you tell me does a high stomach

acid contribute to blocking thryoid meds? Typically I thought hypo's have low

stomach acid.

Just thinking out loud here. (my other thought is my RT3 problem is worse and

some of these symptoms are related.


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Thanks Val.


> I do nto think it affects it much if at all I often have high acid and I

> absorb it just fine.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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For me I used to get headaches every day in the afternoon until I went on

dessicated thyroid. It's plausible...at least for me, low thyroid makes


I also find that anytime I increase or go on HC I get heartburn. It does

increase your stomach acid although usually temporarily. Except in cases when

the dose is too high. For me it usually lasts a few days when I first increase

the HC and then settles down. I have not notices the acid being a problem with

absorbing thyroid meds. If anything it should help because you will actually

have enough digestive juices to digest. Typically people with low endocrine

function do not have enough stomach acid until they begin treatment. So yes,

typically hypos have low stomach acid, until they go on HC....or pred and

correct some of the dysfunction.

Malabsorption can be from having low stomach acid previously or it can be from

chronic candida in the gut, parasites...etc.

Just some food for though...



> Quick question,


> What effect will a high acid stomach issue have on thyroid absorption.


> I ask for a couple of reasons which I will try to explain. And I will post a

separarte question on another thread.


> But I just finished a round of prednisone...a shot in the dark at some cluster

like hedaches I have been having. However I am wondering if my headaches are

thryoid related but I will get into this on another thread with some questions


> Anyway...the pred really tears up your stomach and I noticed that I was having

some bad heartburn and know I probably have had some before this round of



> But knowing that for a while I have been a bad converter of t4 to t3 and have

been told I have some malabsortion issues can you tell me does a high stomach

acid contribute to blocking thryoid meds? Typically I thought hypo's have low

stomach acid.


> Just thinking out loud here. (my other thought is my RT3 problem is worse and

some of these symptoms are related.


> Thanks



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  • 3 weeks later...



> It will be 1 week tomorrow that I stopped the T3/T4 pill. I am currently

taking 71.25mcg cYnomel & cyTomel and increasing 6.25mcg every 2-3 days

depending on my symptoms.


> My temps are averaging 98.5 for the last 5 days.


> I had the depression/feeling yucky for most of today which I haven't felt for

a few weeks now... Is this part of that T4 going out of my system? If it is, do

I need to increase the T3 even if I increased it a day or so earlier?


> Also, how much T3 is too much? I am assuming I will know by hyper symptoms?


> Thank you!


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> It will be 1 week tomorrow that I stopped the T3/T4 pill. I am currently

taking 71.25mcg cYnomel & cyTomel and increasing 6.25mcg every 2-3 days

depending on my symptoms.


> My temps are averaging 98.5 for the last 5 days.


> I had the depression/feeling yucky for most of today which I haven't felt for

a few weeks now... Is this part of that T4 going out of my system? If it is, do

I need to increase the T3 even if I increased it a day or so earlier?


> Also, how much T3 is too much? I am assuming I will know by hyper symptoms?


> Thank you!


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