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Re: Iodine & rT3

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Well let's turn this around. I avoid iodine like the plague affter my

horrid reaction to it. I have had insecticide poisoning and exposed to

chlorine and bromine 3/4 of my life. By those doctors idea I shoudl not

be able to get well. BUT take ENOUGH T3 whihc contains ALL the iodine

my body needs and can use. I have NO mucin, it is all gone, I have NO

Hashi antibodies thye are fully supressed to undetectable levels adn I

feel good enough to hold down a veyr 0physical full time job and I

nearly died form hypothyroidism. Type 2 as i have always had a NORMAL ot

supressed TSH.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Impressive, Val.Mucin. I first heard this word when watching Mark Starr's speeks on a DVD from last year. He was speakign in Sweden about Hypothyroidism, dessicated thyroid, iodine, how you can't blindly trust blood samples, Type 2 Hypothyroidism etc. I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?If I can take multi with iodine, does that mean I can take Lugol's 5% Iodine solution as well?


Well let's turn this around. I avoid iodine like the plague affter my

horrid reaction to it. I have had insecticide poisoning and exposed to

chlorine and bromine 3/4 of my life. By those doctors idea I shoudl not

be able to get well. BUT take ENOUGH T3 whihc contains ALL the iodine

my body needs and can use. I have NO mucin, it is all gone, I have NO

Hashi antibodies thye are fully supressed to undetectable levels adn I

feel good enough to hold down a veyr 0physical full time job and I

nearly died form hypothyroidism. Type 2 as i have always had a NORMAL ot

supressed TSH.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Impressive, Val.Mucin. I first heard this word when watching Mark Starr's speeks on a DVD from last year. He was speakign in Sweden about Hypothyroidism, dessicated thyroid, iodine, how you can't blindly trust blood samples, Type 2 Hypothyroidism etc. I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?If I can take multi with iodine, does that mean I can take Lugol's 5% Iodine solution as well?


Well let's turn this around. I avoid iodine like the plague affter my

horrid reaction to it. I have had insecticide poisoning and exposed to

chlorine and bromine 3/4 of my life. By those doctors idea I shoudl not

be able to get well. BUT take ENOUGH T3 whihc contains ALL the iodine

my body needs and can use. I have NO mucin, it is all gone, I have NO

Hashi antibodies thye are fully supressed to undetectable levels adn I

feel good enough to hold down a veyr 0physical full time job and I

nearly died form hypothyroidism. Type 2 as i have always had a NORMAL ot

supressed TSH.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Dear ,

I take iodine and do T3 therapy. I do iodine because I have breast cancer in my family and I am in a high risk group for breast cancer for various other reasons. My advice to you if you do not have a cancer risk is to sort out the adrenals and RT3 issues first, then start iodine. That is what I would have done if I did not have a breast cancer risk.

Also taking small amounts of iodine can be worse than taking high ones (See Dr B's book for further explanation). So be careful what you take. If you have Hashi's as well or it is high on your list of things that could happen, you need to get informed before taking any iodine. Dr Brownstein advises taking iodine within the framework of a protocol which should be fully understood before embarking upon it.

MacGilchrist P.S. I tried to mail you off list but Yahoo didn't want to send if for some reason. I do not think this forum is the appropriate place for discussion about iodine. You can mail me off list if you have anything to ask.

To: rt3_t3 Sent: Sun, 7 February, 2010 15:04:05Subject: Iodine & rT3

I was once again advised today by my specialist to take Lugol's Iodine. Mark Starr, one of the worlds premier Hypothyroidism specialists is one of the doctors who recommends Hypothyroid people to take Iodine supplements. I can see the need for Iodine when converting from T4 to T3. And I know that the body has a need for Iodine in general. Iodine is extremely anti-bacterial and does wonders for many conditions. However, we don't need Iodine from the T3-only regime directly, as T3 doesn't need Iodine to get converted. BUT Iodine protects the hormones. If there is no Iodine in the body, toxins like fluoride can carry the metabolism hormones thus making them worthless for the body - And there we have Hypothyroidism Type 2. You have good blood samples, but all the Hypothyroid symptoms. I am also reading Dr. Brownsteins book at the moment and find it very interesting. I have on doubt that we need Iodine to retain optimal health. Maybe Iodine is

what I need to "clear up" my hormones and make T3 get "built" properly in my system, with Iodine around the hormone instea of fluoride and other toxins? Maybe Iodine is the answer to my riddle? Then we have Vitamin D3 and Ferritin. I remember one blood sample from 1997 where I had low D3 _and_ low Ferritin. Both in the 20s. Maybe THAT'S why I was Hypo at the moment. I was put on T4 only and became much better for the next 10 years. But never 100% well.

However, I wonder if Iodine can do anything that makes rT3 go up? I don't know, but maybe knows? I also know can't take Iodine. So it's not for everyone. Maybe I should start taking Lugul's Iodine. I already take a multivitamin with 150 mcg Iodine in it.

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>I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a

biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?

No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goes


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Ok, I was just thinking in the lines of Proving I have Hypothyroidism. And if MUCIN can prove that, well, then we all should take that biopsy while being Hypo! It can mean so much to us! People will finally believe us, with Hypo Type 2!

>I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?

No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goes


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What is mucin. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryDate: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 16:46:55 +0000To: <RT3_T3 >Subject: Re: Iodine rT3 >I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goesNick

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It's a firm substance "fat/goo" only found in Hypothyroid people. According to doctor Mark Starr (author of the best book on the technical terms of Hypothyroidism, which also covers Type 2), this will be the number 1 weapon in getting endos all over the world to understand that Hypothyroid people can exist even with perfect TSH, FT4 and FT3 blood samples.

>I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?

No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goes


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I am assuming this is under the skin. What does it look like? lumps, bumps?

From: Gibcast

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:53 AM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Iodine & rT3

It's a firm substance "fat/goo" only found in Hypothyroid people. According to doctor Mark Starr (author of the best book on the technical terms of Hypothyroidism, which also covers Type 2), this will be the number 1 weapon in getting endos all over the world to understand that Hypothyroid people can exist even with perfect TSH, FT4 and FT3 blood samples.

>I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goesNick

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Well it feels kinda of.. Firm or hard.. It's under the skin.. It's the skin getting thick undernearh the surface. I have some on my thighs. It makes it impossible to pinch your skin between your fingers! I want to do a biopsy of it to prove to people I really am hypothyroid! With correct medication it goes away!>I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goesNick

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Hmmmm, sounds interesting. I just poked all over my legs and don't seem to have that. Though I do have one spot about 2" above my ankle. My doctor always said it was a fat deposit. So many this is one of those mucin things. I guess I will find out when I am optimal and if it goes away I will know it's thyroid related.

Learn something new every day!



From: Gibcast

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 9:31 AM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Iodine & rT3

Well it feels kinda of.. Firm or hard.. It's under the skin.. It's the skin getting thick undernearh the surface. I have some on my thighs. It makes it impossible to pinch your skin between your fingers! I want to do a biopsy of it to prove to people I really am hypothyroid! With correct medication it goes away!>I believe I have some mucin on my thighs. Can I, and should I, go and do a biopsy of this? Isn't mucin ONLY found in Hypothyroid people?No point, just clear the hypo and see how it goesNick

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I have these hard lumps all over my thighs. Some of them hurt when I press down. I thought they were calcium deposits. Do you think it's worth having a doctor do a biopsy? It's not like they can do much except I'd like ones that hurt removed (not very many).

Well it feels kinda of.. Firm or hard.. It's under the skin.. It's the skin getting thick undernearh the surface. I have some on my thighs. It makes it impossible to pinch your skin between your fingers! I want to do a biopsy of it to prove to people I really am hypothyroid! With correct medication it goes away!

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LUMPS are nto mucin. It may be fatty tumours btu mucin is a layter under

the skin that is actually attached to the skin. You test for mucin by

pinching a fold of skin on arms or below buttocks oin your thighs. if

you can pull up JUST skin it si not low thyroid or mucin but of you only

pinch 1/2 to 3/4 inch and cannto get JIUST thin skin, you have mucin.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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