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, Chang to Cytomel

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I was on the 20mcg of compounded and and swithced to cytomel

7am 5mcg

10 am 5mcg

1:00 5 mcg

4:00 pm 5 mcg

10; 2 1/2mctg

I only raised by 2 1/2. I am having severe anxiety. I only switched from the

compounded to the cytomel and added 2 1/2. What is happening and what do I do.

I have been up since 3 this moring with sever anxietym



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CHanging from SR to regular is a HUGE increase anyway and oyu certainyl

shoudl not have increased the same time. Regular is abotu 2-3 TIMES as

potent as SR so lower it WAY down to 2.5mcg 4 times a day.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Ok, I had no idea. I have only taken it once today. I feel real bad.




> CHanging from SR to regular is a HUGE increase anyway and oyu certainyl

> shoudl not have increased the same time. Regular is abotu 2-3 TIMES as

> potent as SR so lower it WAY down to 2.5mcg 4 times a day.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Is oyur ferritin low? That sounds more liek a low ferritin reaction than

adrenals even knowing how bad your adrenal situation is.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Good Morning ,

My ferritin is 85, so I don't think that is it. I was just freaking out on to

much cytomel

If I does 4x a day with 2.5 mcg. of cytomel. What are the best timses; When do

I take my cortef. I don't know how to take the cortef with this schdule of T3.

I was used to only takingit 2x a day

(cortef and T3) 20 of each. Can you help me with a schedule.




> Is oyur ferritin low? That sounds more liek a low ferritin reaction than

> adrenals even knowing how bad your adrenal situation is.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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For 40mg HC a day and 10mcg T3 try this:

7am 10mg HC 2.5mg T3

10am 7.5mg HC

1PM 7.5mg HC 2.5mg T3

4PM 5mg HC

7PM 5mg HC 2.5mg T3

10PM or bedtime 5mg HC 2.5mg T3


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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