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5th Week on Cytomel, Brain fog is lifting alittle, gaining weight.

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Hi Val, Nick.

I am on my 5th week of Cytomel and the brain fog/cognitive issues are lifting a

little. However, I am gaing weight and not sure what to do.

I have been taking about 62mg of Cytomel split up 25mcg @ 5:30am, 12.5mcg @10am,

12.5mcg @ 2-3pm, 10-12mcg @ bedtime 10pm. I take 30mg of Glades HC split up

during the day. My Temps don't get higher than 97.6 and my blood pressure is

124/75. Pulse is 66 BPM.



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How much do I need to raise the T3?



Subject: Re: 5th Week on Cytomel, Brain fog is lifting alittle, gaining weight.To: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, February 1, 2010, 3:45 PM

With pulse thta low you are still VERY hypothyroid Raise the T3.-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WVhttp://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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