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Starting with HC, do I need to stop T3

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I am not sure how best to deal with this. I know thyroid dumps can happen. I am

only on 7.5 mcg of T3 (x2 daily) since upping to 15 mcg caused problems (major

irritability, emotional detachment, loss of libido, etc. like early PMS). So I

have stayed on 7.5 and have some improvement, though instead of having more

intense irritability for two weeks a month, I now have chronic low level

irritability, dull headaches, and hot flashes.

My kinesiologist says the T3 is too high and I should only be doing 10 mcg total

a day, for what that's worth. But my doctor wants me to stay at the 7.5 mcg.

Now I need to add HC since I have underlying adrenal fatigue that has only been

supported through natural means and I think that is the missing piece for

optimizing the T3 dosage.

So should I stop the T3 and get to the 20 mg HC dose, and then add the T3 back?

I don't feel the risk to drop it is big since I am on such a low dose. Any




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On that minute dose I doubt you need to drop it to start HC. But have

you checked FERRITIN levels? Low ferritin can cause bith adrenal

symtpooms and actual adrenal stress, and it is vital to have good

ferritin levels to tolerate T3. FINALLY I have a referec for this!



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Thanks for the link. It was very helpful because I also have MS, so the

following paragraph also applies to me.

So should I get that figured out BEFORE I start the HC? I am pretty sure I need

the HC, but not sure about the Ferritin. I was going to get it checked after I

started the HC.

I also am nervous about iron supplements since my mother was allergic to iron

supplements but I may be able to find something I can tolerate. Her allergic

reaction was so severe when they tried to do an iron IV infusion, she almost

died. But she could tolerate some oral forms of supplementation. I don't have

any history similar to hers, but I also have never taken iron outside of a


Any other thoughts?




> On that minute dose I doubt you need to drop it to start HC. But have

> you checked FERRITIN levels? Low ferritin can cause bith adrenal

> symtpooms and actual adrenal stress, and it is vital to have good

> ferritin levels to tolerate T3. FINALLY I have a referec for this!

> http://nahypothyroidism.org/deiodinases/#iron%20deficiency


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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The one we recommend the most is Blue Bonnet iron bisglycinate which

seems ot be gentler in the system than alot of others.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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