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Hyper Heart Rate with Hypo Temps

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I increased my Cynomel to 62.5mcg on Tuesday, Feb 2nd (so a little more than a

week ago). My heart rate was normal all last week. I failed to check it over the

weekend. But for the past four days it has been high - 98, 96, 89 and 106. So

you would think I've gone hyper. BUT I ovulated on Sunday, so am in my luteal

phase...and I still have hypo daily average temps - 98.4, 98.3, 98.3, 98.3. What

the heck?

I've been feeling really tired lately then today all of a sudden I felt great.

My labs from a month ago while on 50mcg were:

01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)

Any idea what's going on or what I should be doing next? I've been on Cynomel

only for 6 months now.


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 62.5mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)

You are definitly stil hypo. This low a FT3 even with good T4 levels would be

hyo so on T3 onyl it certainly is. Are oyu certain it is not sodium raising your

opulse or high cortisol? When I came off HC I was amazed at how it lowered my



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I don't see how it could be sodium. I've been taking 3/4tsp per day for a couple

of months now and I haven't changed my potassium dosage in a month. I just

recently got my electrolytes to my highest set point:

02.02.10 Potassium - 4.0 (range 3.5 - 5.2)

02.02.10 Sodium - 139 (range 135 - 145)

Those are with supplementing 3/4tsp sea salt, 6750mg Potassium and 1 tab

Florinef. Or can your sodium requirements change like that all of a sudden?

I'm still sleeping well, so didn't think my HC was too high, but it's possible.

My temps have been stable for quite awhile. But I'm a bit scared to raise T3 and

lower HC at the same time. Do you think I should concentrate on temps more than

pulse right now, then once temps come up try lowering HC? Or should I go ahead

and lower HC? I'm currently dosing HC 10-10-5-2.5.

Thanks Val!


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 62.5mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com


> 01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

> 01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

> 01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)


> You are definitly stil hypo. This low a FT3 even with good T4 levels would be

hyo so on T3 onyl it certainly is. Are oyu certain it is not sodium raising your

opulse or high cortisol? When I came off HC I was amazed at how it lowered my



> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Welp, I lowered my HC by 2.5mg on Friday, 2/12, but sadly haven't made any

progress from it. My heart rate is still high (103 today). My sleep hasn't

improved any and I had a day of unstable temps as well...so I'm guessing I

should raise back up to 27.5mg. What do you think?

I also raised Cynomel from 62.5mcg to 68.75mcg on Friday, and temps have

improved slightly, but aren't perfect yet - 98.4, 98.6, 98.3, 98.5. Should I go

ahead and raise to 75mcg or stay where I am a bit longer?

Honestly I've been feeling pretty hypo lately...and it's so disappointing after

all the progress I had previously made. I really don't see how halving my dose

for 10 days could've set me back THIS far, but I can't figure out what else

could be going on. Especially when I first get up in the morning - I'm exhausted

and get really dizzy when I stand up. I feel so sluggish...just walking up the

stairs is a chore. It usually gets better during the day, then in the evening

the tiredness comes back. And some days it never really goes away and I end up

having to take a nap.

I was thinking of testing RBC potassium to see if perhaps my electrolyte labs

aren't telling me the full story there. Are there any other tests I should have

run? There's no chance I could still have RT3 issues since I've been on T3 only

for more than 6 months...right?

And if it is sodium causing my high heart rate...should I just decrease sodium

or should I decrease Florinef?

Sorry for all the questions...so confused right now :(


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 68.75mcg, HC 25mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com


> I would lower the HC probabyl the second dose to 7.5mg


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Sorry, one more detail...around the same time that I was trying to recover from

the Cynomel shortage, I drastically changed my diet. I cut out all processed

sugar, and went from a low fat/high carb diet to a high fat/low carb diet. And I

made the switch within a matter of days instead of slowly transitioning. Could I

be feeling rotten because of this change?


> >

> > I would lower the HC probabyl the second dose to 7.5mg

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/

> >


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There is always the possibility. Coming off of processed foods with sugar, flour, etc...it's like a detox for your body and that alone could make you feel horrible, never mind the shortage you had with the Cynomel. It could be a combination, but again that is just my .02 worth!


From: rainbow00brite

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:30 PM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Hyper Heart Rate with Hypo Temps

Sorry, one more detail...around the same time that I was trying to recover from the Cynomel shortage, I drastically changed my diet. I cut out all processed sugar, and went from a low fat/high carb diet to a high fat/low carb diet. And I made the switch within a matter of days instead of slowly transitioning. Could I be feeling rotten because of this change? ~Rainbow~> >> > I would lower the HC probabyl the second dose to 7.5mg> > > > -- > > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV> > > > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/> >>

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Have you had your ferritin levels checked lately?

The reason I ask is that in Oct. mine were 138 with no other iron tests run. So

all of a sudden, in late January, I was having all these hypo symptoms and

couldn't figure it out, being freezing, shaky, heart pounding, etc.

I thought that it had to be low ferritin again, so I started supping.

Things have turned around and my pulse has come down from being in the high 90's

to 77 today. Still waiting for blood test results, though, to confirm which is

why I haven't posted this.

Anyway, check that. Deb in MI

-> Welp, I lowered my HC by 2.5mg on Friday, 2/12, but sadly haven't made any

progress from it. My heart rate is still high (103 today). My sleep hasn't

improved any and I had a day of unstable temps as well...so I'm guessing I

should raise back up to 27.5mg. What do you think?


> I also raised Cynomel from 62.5mcg to 68.75mcg on Friday, and temps have

improved slightly, but aren't perfect yet - 98.4, 98.6, 98.3, 98.5. Should I go

ahead and raise to 75mcg or stay where I am a bit longer?


> Honestly I've been feeling pretty hypo lately...and it's so disappointing

after all the progress I had previously made. I really don't see how halving my

dose for 10 days could've set me back THIS far, but I can't figure out what else

could be going on. Especially when I first get up in the morning - I'm exhausted

and get really dizzy when I stand up. I feel so sluggish...just walking up the

stairs is a chore. It usually gets better during the day, then in the evening

the tiredness comes back. And some days it never really goes away and I end up

having to take a nap.


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> There is always the possibility. Coming off of processed

> foods with sugar, flour, etc...it's like a detox for your

> body and that alone could make you feel horrible, never

> mind the shortage you had with the Cynomel. It could be

> a combination, but again that is just my .02 worth!

This seems to be the common denominator for when this started happening. After

some more research, I'm thinking I could be suffering from the " induction flu "

from the switch. My husband, who has also been slowly changing his diet to match

mine, has also been feeling more tired than usual lately...so this makes the

most sense. Hopefully soon my body will adjust and things will improve. I've

felt quite good today...so perhaps it's a turn for the better. Wish me luck! :)


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 68.75mcg, HC 25mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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> Have you had your ferritin levels checked lately?

It's been a little over a month since I had it checked:

01.04.10 Ferritin - 74 (range 10 - 291)

Since then, I've been supping iron twice a week to maintain it, but it's

possible that that isn't enough. That's a good idea to get it rechecked soon.

Thanks! :)

I've also realized that some of the foods from my new diet are quite high in

sodium...so combine that with the sea salt I was already supping, it's very

likely that I am getting too much. I'm gonna cut my sea salt down by 1/4tsp and

see if that makes a difference in my heart rate.

And my stupid 2pm temp of 97.97 today is adding to my belief that I need to

raise Cynomel again. Maybe 75mcg will be my magic dose!


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 68.75mcg, HC 25mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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Wait a minute...I've got it backwards with sodium, don't I? It's too LITTLE

sodium that causes high heart rate...not too much...right? Guess I can try

increasing a bit and see what happens. Heart rate is still 103 today :(

How long do you need to stay on a dose of Cynomel before a Free T3 test will be

accurate? That's the only other thing I can think of...that I'm on too much,

even though my temps don't reflect that. Hmmmm.


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com


> > Have you had your ferritin levels checked lately?


> It's been a little over a month since I had it checked:


> 01.04.10 Ferritin - 74 (range 10 - 291)


> Since then, I've been supping iron twice a week to maintain it, but it's

possible that that isn't enough. That's a good idea to get it rechecked soon.

Thanks! :)


> I've also realized that some of the foods from my new diet are quite high in

sodium...so combine that with the sea salt I was already supping, it's very

likely that I am getting too much. I'm gonna cut my sea salt down by 1/4tsp and

see if that makes a difference in my heart rate.


> And my stupid 2pm temp of 97.97 today is adding to my belief that I need to

raise Cynomel again. Maybe 75mcg will be my magic dose!


> ~Rainbow~

> 30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

> Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

> Rx/OTC: Cynomel 68.75mcg, HC 25mg, Florinef 1tab,

> Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

> My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

> My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com


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Its such a tightrope walk figuring out all these things.

I just got my results back, and my ferritin was 100. Does this mean

some of us feel better at a higher number? I stopped supplementing, though.

My FT3 was 660 at 100 mcg cynomel. I had upped my dose a week ago and feel

better on that higher dose. Plus my potassium had dropped a point on 80 MEQ for

the first time.

I guess I will take the feeling somewhat better as a signal to stay at my

current dose of cynomel. (I cleaned the tub for the first time in a long time

and wasn't wiped out!) So, is it the higher fat diet I am on (how do you

measure that?), or is it the higher dose of cynomel. I guess time, temp

graphing, BP, pulse, etc. will tell me. I would love to have answers now,


My temps still bounce if I am out and about and at meetings, so I guess that

means adrenals are not healed yet after a year on HC.

They are stable if I am at home and relatively quiet.

I've given up trying to explain anything to anyone as its just too complicated

and there are so many factors.

Thanks for listening, Deb in MI


> > Have you had your ferritin levels checked lately?


> It's been a little over a month since I had it checked:


> 01.04.10 Ferritin - 74 (range 10 - 291)


> Since then, I've been supping iron twice a week to maintain it, but it's

possible that that isn't enough. That's a good idea to get it rechecked soon.

Thanks! :)


> I've also realized that some of the foods from my new diet are quite high in

sodium...so combine that with the sea salt I was already supping, it's very

likely that I am getting too much. I'm gonna cut my sea salt down by 1/4tsp and

see if that makes a difference in my heart rate.


> And my stupid 2pm temp of 97.97 today is adding to my belief that I need to

raise Cynomel again. Maybe 75mcg will be my magic dose!


> ~Rainbow~


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Rainbow, I have to agree with Val that maybe it's time to lower HC. If

increasing salt and potassium doesn't help and a stress dose doesn't help then

it could mean you're going in the wrong direction. I know it's a strange idea

to wrap your brain around because it just seems like it can't be. Same thing

happened to me. I ran out of things that it could be and boom, I lowered HC and

heart rate came down and guess what, temps went up. It's a strange thing when

it's time to lower HC. I'll give you an example of what happened when I needed

to lower HC. I raised T3 and what happens at about 2.5-3 hours (T3 peaking),

higher heart rate, shaky feeling, " low cortisol " feeling yet no way was it low

cortisol because temps were stable. It was the T3 rushing in and lowering

cortisol for that moment. Yes, lower cortisol from to much cortisol. Like I

said, a very strange thing to understand. Trial and error.

But......before trying that make sure it's not the sodium. If I remember

correctly your sodium is not that spectacular.

It's natural to think it's the T3 but it most often is not. With those labs, no

way can you be hyper. It's just not possible. I do not want you to get

confused with the advise is giving you on thyroid. You have been around

long enough to know that s doesn't work. I agree that she is very smart

about a number of things but with all due respect she does not know adrenals and

does not know thyroid enough. You can not muck around with thyroid meds with

this up and down BS. Remember what happened last time you lowered you T3?

Especially with Hashi's you must completely suppress TSH and that's not going to

happen by lowering T3.

I hope this helps a bit. I know, you want to rip your hair out because it's not

this or that or that or this.


> I increased my Cynomel to 62.5mcg on Tuesday, Feb 2nd (so a little more than a

week ago). My heart rate was normal all last week. I failed to check it over the

weekend. But for the past four days it has been high - 98, 96, 89 and 106. So

you would think I've gone hyper. BUT I ovulated on Sunday, so am in my luteal

phase...and I still have hypo daily average temps - 98.4, 98.3, 98.3, 98.3. What

the heck?


> I've been feeling really tired lately then today all of a sudden I felt great.

My labs from a month ago while on 50mcg were:


> 01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

> 01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

> 01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)


> Any idea what's going on or what I should be doing next? I've been on Cynomel

only for 6 months now.


> ~Rainbow~

> 30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

> Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

> Rx/OTC: Cynomel 62.5mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

> Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

> My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

> My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com


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01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

> 01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

> 01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)

WHat I see here looking at these numbers is INTOLERANCE to the T3 still. Your

TSH is too supressed for no higher than your FT3 is.. have you rechecked

ferritin recently?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I lowered my HC by 2.5mg for several days, but sadly it didn't make any

difference. My heart rate stayed high, my sleep stayed about the same and I had

a day of unstable temps. So I raised back to 27.5mg and saw my sleep improve.

I increased my sea salt by 1/4tsp yesterday and my pulse was a little better

this morning (83, 91 and 98) but now it's back up to 103 again. So perhaps I'll

try even more sea salt today and see what happens. I thought I had finally

gotten my electrolytes under control, but perhaps this new diet is throwing

everything off.

And I know you're probably right about the 's stuff. I'm glad it worked

for her, but she doesn't have the experience of hundreds of thyroid patients to

draw on like Val does. But I keep thinking there's something " weird " about my

body that's making it respond differently than most people's. Like my TSH being

sooo suppressed on only 50mcg. It doesn't make any sense.

This is one time I don't want to be unique! lol


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

> >

> > I increased my Cynomel to 62.5mcg on Tuesday, Feb 2nd (so a little more than

a week ago). My heart rate was normal all last week. I failed to check it over

the weekend. But for the past four days it has been high - 98, 96, 89 and 106.

So you would think I've gone hyper. BUT I ovulated on Sunday, so am in my luteal

phase...and I still have hypo daily average temps - 98.4, 98.3, 98.3, 98.3. What

the heck?

> >

> > I've been feeling really tired lately then today all of a sudden I felt

great. My labs from a month ago while on 50mcg were:

> >

> > 01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

> > 01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

> > 01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)

> >

> > Any idea what's going on or what I should be doing next? I've been on

Cynomel only for 6 months now.

> >

> > ~Rainbow~

> > 30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

> > Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

> > Rx/OTC: Cynomel 62.5mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

> > Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

> > My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

> > My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

> >


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Shoot.....sorry to hear that the lowering didn't work.  Darnit.  Here's another thought.  Could you possibly need a bit more Florinef.  Happened to me too.  Added 1/4, pulse dropped.  You could try it and see.  Wasn't your sodium 139 something.  Not that great with 1 florinef.  Or, as you said raise your sodium.  I do 2 tea of salt.  You don't do that much, right?

The very suppressed TSH doesn't make sense, you are right.


I lowered my HC by 2.5mg for several days, but sadly it didn't make any difference. My heart rate stayed high, my sleep stayed about the same and I had a day of unstable temps. So I raised back to 27.5mg and saw my sleep improve.

I increased my sea salt by 1/4tsp yesterday and my pulse was a little better this morning (83, 91 and 98) but now it's back up to 103 again. So perhaps I'll try even more sea salt today and see what happens. I thought I had finally gotten my electrolytes under control, but perhaps this new diet is throwing everything off.

And I know you're probably right about the 's stuff. I'm glad it worked for her, but she doesn't have the experience of hundreds of thyroid patients to draw on like Val does. But I keep thinking there's something " weird " about my body that's making it respond differently than most people's. Like my TSH being sooo suppressed on only 50mcg. It doesn't make any sense.

This is one time I don't want to be unique! lol


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

       Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

> >

> > I increased my Cynomel to 62.5mcg on Tuesday, Feb 2nd (so a little more than a week ago). My heart rate was normal all last week. I failed to check it over the weekend. But for the past four days it has been high - 98, 96, 89 and 106. So you would think I've gone hyper. BUT I ovulated on Sunday, so am in my luteal phase...and I still have hypo daily average temps - 98.4, 98.3, 98.3, 98.3. What the heck?

> >

> > I've been feeling really tired lately then today all of a sudden I felt great. My labs from a month ago while on 50mcg were:

> >

> > 01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

> > 01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

> > 01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)

> >

> > Any idea what's going on or what I should be doing next? I've been on Cynomel only for 6 months now.

> >

> > ~Rainbow~

> > 30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

> > Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

> > Rx/OTC: Cynomel 62.5mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

> >         Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

> > My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

> > My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

> >



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> > 01.05.10 TSH - 0.014 L (range 0.450 - 4.500

> > 01.05.10 T4, Free - 0.17 L (range 0.02 - 1.77)

> > 01.05.10 T3, Free - 3.7 (range 2.3 - 4.2)


> WHat I see here looking at these numbers is INTOLERANCE to

> the T3 still. Your TSH is too supressed for no higher than

> your FT3 is.. have you rechecked ferritin recently?

I checked it a little over a month ago:

01.04.10 Ferritin - 74 (range 10 - 291)

and have been supping iron twice a week since then in an effort to maintain that

level. I can't imagine it has dropped much, if at all. But I'll check it again

next week to make sure my assumption is correct...and to make sure it hasn't

gone high or something funky. I'll go ahead and retest FT3 too just to see what

it looks like on 75mcg. I will have been on that dose for 5 days by Monday -

that should be enough time to get an accurate result, shouldn't it? Can you

think of any other tests I should run while I'm at it?

If ferritin isn't the problem and my adrenals are well supported, what else

could cause T3 intolerance?


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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I am hoping it actually is your ferritin. And IU am very suspicious it

is., I am reading so many articles abotu false elevation of serum

ferritin when we are hypothyroid froim the inflammation in our bodies

from hyo. the rest oif the iron panel would be the ponly other tests I

could think of that I would run.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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> OK what new diet? Fill me in I have been MIA lately!

Teehee :) I hope you're feeling better by the way!

About a month ago I switched to what's called the Optimal Diet - high fat,

moderate protein, low carb. It's similar to Atkins, but not as restrictive on

carbs and more restrictive on protein. I'm currently eating at least 1732

calories per day, made up of a minimum of 148g fat, maximum of 41g carbs and max

59g protein (these numbers were based on my height of 5'6 " which gives me an

ideal weight of 130).

It's almost completely opposite from what I was eating before (lots of cereal,

bread, potatoes, pasta and sugary items) and I think it made me feel worse at

first...the induction period I guess. But I've felt pretty good over the last

few days, so maybe I'm over that now. I've already lost 4.5 pounds (and half an

inch). Plus my skin is clearer and my throat isn't as " gunky " as it used to be.

And my husband (who is slowly switching over) has lost NINE pounds already.


But since it's such a big change, I bet it's throwing my body for a bit of a

loop. I really should've waited until I got myself optimized before doing this,

but as usual I jumped the gun. I'm just so ready to be well! But something is

still holding me back :(


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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Well that is not a bad diet but I can never see lwoering protein when

you are tryin got gain metabolism and energy.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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> Here's another thought. Could you possibly need a bit more

> Florinef. Happened to me too. Added 1/4, pulse dropped. You

> could try it and see. Wasn't your sodium 139 something. Not

> that great with 1 florinef. Or, as you said raise your sodium.

> I do 2 tea of salt. You don't do that much, right?

You've got a good memory :) Yes, my last sodium test was 139 and the highest

I've been able to get it to since last summer was 140. I think in the past an

extra 1/4 tab of Florinef caused water retention (swollen ankles), but it's

worth trying again. Thanks for the suggestion :) And you're correct - I've only

been supping 3/4tsp of sea salt because taking more never helped my sodium



30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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When I first started Florinef I had to try and go from 1/2 to 3/4 3 times before I figured out that the swollen ankles that came with the raise were from LOW potassium.  Increased potassium, swollen ankles gone.I would increase your salt to 2 tea a day and see if that doesn't do something.

That doesn't explain the TSH thing but maybe the pulse will come down.

> Here's another thought.  Could you possibly need a bit more

> Florinef.  Happened to me too.  Added 1/4, pulse dropped.  You

> could try it and see.  Wasn't your sodium 139 something.  Not

> that great with 1 florinef.  Or, as you said raise your sodium.

> I do 2 tea of salt.  You don't do that much, right?

You've got a good memory :) Yes, my last sodium test was 139 and the highest I've been able to get it to since last summer was 140. I think in the past an extra 1/4 tab of Florinef caused water retention (swollen ankles), but it's worth trying again. Thanks for the suggestion :) And you're correct - I've only been supping 3/4tsp of sea salt because taking more never helped my sodium number.


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

       Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com


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> Well that is not a bad diet but I can never see lwoering protein when

> you are tryin got gain metabolism and energy.

I know there is a reason for the protein restriction, but for the life of me I

can't remember what it is...lol. When I find out I'll let you know :)


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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> When I first started Florinef I had to try and go from 1/2 to

> 3/4 3 times before I figured out that the swollen ankles that

> came with the raise were from LOW potassium. Increased

> potassium, swollen ankles gone.

Interesting! I'll have to try that if it happens again.

> I would increase your salt to 2 tea a day and see if that doesn't do

> something.

Do you think I should raise the salt and Florinef at the same time? Or should I

try just raising salt first and see if that takes care of it?

Thanks Birrdyy!


30 year old Female 5'6 " 135lbs

Dx: Hashi's, AF, Wheat Sensitivity

Rx/OTC: Cynomel 75mcg, HC 27.5mg, Florinef 1tab,

Potassium 90mEq, Sea Salt 3/4tsp

My Log and Labs: http://tinyurl.com/pvgjmb

My Blog: http://hyporainbow.wordpress.com

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