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Re: Belly

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Yes it is probably the HC causing that. As we are fairly certain your

issues with thyroid intolerance are from low Ferirint I would cut the HC

back a bit. SLOWLY so oyu do not go bnackwards. Cortisoll belly usually

goes away pretty quickly or it did for me and I ahve had it several

times and have alot of troubel losing weight. I woudl drop 2.5mg now and

in a week drop another 2.5mg and see how that goes.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Thanks for your advice, !But my specialist says I need more HC (30-40 mg) to tolerate T3! She is afraid I will get fibrillation again, and suspects that this happened because of low cortisol back in January 2008. I can try to cut down on HC, for sure. Do you think it's possible to get fibrillation from having low Ferritin? I just don't want to get fibrillation again! All I know is that T3 pooled in my blood back then...


Yes it is probably the HC causing that. As we are fairly certain your

issues with thyroid intolerance are from low Ferirint I would cut the HC

back a bit. SLOWLY so oyu do not go bnackwards. Cortisoll belly usually

goes away pretty quickly or it did for me and I ahve had it several

times and have alot of troubel losing weight. I woudl drop 2.5mg now and

in a week drop another 2.5mg and see how that goes.

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I am not an expert, but I thought that with Cushing's disease (excess cortisol) that was a typical body appearance, thin limbs, with excess weight in the belly, round face and a buffalo hump (fat pad on the back of the neck). So not sure what to say...

From: Gibcast

Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 11:19 AM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Belly

When will my belly shrink? Has it become this huge because of HC, inactivity or a combo of those? My belly now sticks out A LOT - clearly the fattest part of my body! arms and legs are skinny! face is a bit round. Is this HC doing this to me? I wasn't like this prior to starting with HC. My weight was 50 lbs less the day I started HC. Now it's 50 lbs more. Isn't it dangerous to have so much fat on the belly?

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I have told you 3 or 4x's times I have read studies that YES low ferritin CAN cause afibrillation.


From: Gibcast

Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 12:37 PM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Belly

Thanks for your advice, !But my specialist says I need more HC (30-40 mg) to tolerate T3! She is afraid I will get fibrillation again, and suspects that this happened because of low cortisol back in January 2008. I can try to cut down on HC, for sure. Do you think it's possible to get fibrillation from having low Ferritin? I just don't want to get fibrillation again! All I know is that T3 pooled in my blood back then...

Yes it is probably the HC causing that. As we are fairly certain your issues with thyroid intolerance are from low Ferirint I would cut the HC back a bit. SLOWLY so oyu do not go bnackwards. Cortisoll belly usually goes away pretty quickly or it did for me and I ahve had it several times and have alot of troubel losing weight. I woudl drop 2.5mg now and in a week drop another 2.5mg and see how that goes.

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How long did it take to gain 50 lbs? I thought you just started hc in late Oct or Nov?Sent from my iPhone

When will my belly shrink? Has it become this huge because of HC, inactivity or a combo of those? My belly now sticks out A LOT - clearly the fattest part of my body! arms and legs are skinny! face is a bit round. Is this HC doing this to me? I wasn't like this prior to starting with HC. My weight was 50 lbs less the day I started HC. Now it's 50 lbs more. Isn't it dangerous to have so much fat on the belly?

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I started HC in June 2009. My weight was approx 200 lbs at the time. I had been lowering my T4-meds since February 2008, and gained about 15 lbs during the next 1 1/2 years up til the point where HC started in June 2009. However, after starting HC, I have gained another 35 lbs. NOT 50 lbs like I wrote. I have gained a TOTAL of 50 lbs from 2007 when I was healthy, til today. Been very sick from early 2008.It took less than 2 years to gain 50 lbs, but only 5-6 months on HC to gain those 35 lbs.Maybe I need less HC...... But I am afraid I will get fibrillation from taking less HC and upping T3 at the same time!


When will my belly shrink? Has it become this huge because of HC, inactivity or a combo of those? My belly now sticks out A LOT - clearly the fattest part of my body! arms and legs are skinny! face is a bit round. Is this HC doing this to me? I wasn't like this prior to starting with HC. My weight was 50 lbs less the day I started HC. Now it's 50 lbs more. Isn't it dangerous to have so much fat on the belly?

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I remember you said that now. Sorry, a little "slow" these days. :P But low cortisol can also cause fibrillation cause T3 pools in the blood instead of going to the cells. Am i right? So overall, we need enough HC _and_ high enough Ferritin to get T3 where it should!


Yes it is probably the HC causing that. As we are fairly certain your issues with thyroid intolerance are from low Ferirint I would cut the HC back a bit. SLOWLY so oyu do not go bnackwards. Cortisoll belly usually goes away pretty quickly or it did for me and I ahve had it several times and have alot of troubel losing weight. I woudl drop 2.5mg now and in a week drop another 2.5mg and see how that goes.

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I do remember seeing Ferritin values around 80-100 from the past 4-5 years on my blood samples. I don't think these results were all false highs due to infection. However, my last reading around the times when I got the Fibrillation was at 166 and is a possible false high. However, the real Ferritin might have been like 80-100. So... I just can't accept the thought that I got the fib beause of low Ferritin. I was majorly stressed at the time = adrenaline from low cortisol?


Yes it is not pnly possible it is likly it was th elow ferritin .


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Could also be low aldosterone, sodium(another adrenal hormone).



























> Yes it is not pnly possible it is likly it was th elow ferritin .




> --


> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/


> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo



> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/


> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/


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