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Strange reactions to upping to 40 mcg T3

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Increased yesterday, and my pulse seems to have gone down today. Instead of going up! :P And I've been feeling terrible stressed this evening. But now, at 10-11 pm, I've also had some weird skipped beats. About 1 and 1 1/2 hour after taking T3, my fourth dose, at 5 mcg: It feels like the heart stops for 2-3 seconds, a bit hard, and it's a bit painful. Then it starts again. A strange variant of a skipped beat. Feeling exhausted now. Pulse is in the 60s. It's been typoically around 76-80 in the past weeks on 30-35 mcg T3.Can this slower pulse have something to do with electrolytes? Too much calcium? Too much Magnesium?

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It is most likely adrenal stress from the T3 increase. Give it a few

days and if i doesn;lt fae away, thne I would increase HC,


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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So adrenal stress lowers the heartrate? I haven't upped very fast. Well. Faster in the last few weeks with "only" 7-8 days in between increased. Earlier I waited 2+ weeks for an increase. Now around midnight I have a pulse of 60! Which is too low. I have the last T3 dose coming up now. Is it bad to do 2 hours in between some doses? Or do I just have to "feel it all" and try to understand when to take more T3? If taking mroe T3 lowers my pulse, and a low pulse normally means I can increase T3, won't that make it impossible for me to know when to add more T3? :pAlso are you sure this is NOT related to electrolytes?


It is most likely adrenal stress from the T3 increase. Give it a few

days and if i doesn;lt fae away, thne I would increase HC,

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When cortisol dips too low, sudenly thyroid no longer flows to the

cells. it si liek a shut off valve. So along wiht lwo cortils symptoms

oyu can have low thyroid symptims too. Thus pounding heart nd slower

pulse and feeling more hypo can also be from low cortisol.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Val, as for my Ferritin & iron supps; Should I increase iron further or is 89 mg ok? I was at 150 mg (but only for like 2 days) when I took my ferritin after 5 days off the iron. Ferritin: 64. I have no idea where it is Now, but I hope it hasn't fallen. Crossing my fingers for an Up! I do 89 mg iron at about 1 am before going to bed. 75 mg chelated and 14 mg in my multi!T. 

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The lowest I registered my pulse this late evening was 55... So I guess something is not right at the moment. Do you really think some more HC would help and get my pulse up? Like, it would support my adrenals and increase my BP or what?Just hating the fact that I have some faulty electrical wiring on my heart and nobody knows what this is. I am guessing that high FT3 is very, very bad for me, thus making T3-only treatment a certain risk for me.But I guess I don't have any choice? With the rT3 and all...

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When I'm low on T3, my pulse is 42-48 with irregular beats; miss one, then 3-4

quick ones, a couple normal, then repeat, very noticeable beat. And, of course

my temp is way low, I feel cold and all the rest. When my T3 is right, my pulse

is 68+/-, few or no skips, temp in low to mid 98s.Could something be blocking

your absorption/utilization of T3? Have you looked into the possibility of

deficiency of selenium, iron, cortisol or slow stomach action?



> The lowest I registered my pulse this late evening was 55... So I guess

something is not right at the moment. Do you really think some more HC would

help and get my pulse up? Like, it would support my adrenals and increase my BP

or what?

> Just hating the fact that I have some faulty electrical wiring on my heart and

nobody knows what this is. I am guessing that high FT3 is very, very bad for me,

thus making T3-only treatment a certain risk for me.

> But I guess I don't have any choice? With the rT3 and all...


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My temp is always 98.6 F (37.0 C) no matter what. On T4 only, on T3 only. The same. No HC, on 27.5 mg HC. Same temp!My Ferritin is ok, I am taking enough selenium, cortisol is fine. Stomach is not perfect though. I don't know what it is, but for 2+ years, I've had loose stools, foul (acidic) smelling, and very light in color.I've been advised to take ox bile to fix this problem. And another supp I forgot the name of.


When I'm low on T3, my pulse is 42-48 with irregular beats; miss one, then 3-4 quick ones, a couple normal, then repeat, very noticeable beat. And, of course my temp is way low, I feel cold and all the rest. When my T3 is right, my pulse is 68+/-, few or no skips, temp in low to mid 98s.Could something be blocking your absorption/utilizat ion of T3? Have you looked into the possibility of deficiency of selenium, iron, cortisol or slow stomach action?



> The lowest I registered my pulse this late evening was 55... So I guess something is not right at the moment. Do you really think some more HC would help and get my pulse up? Like, it would support my adrenals and increase my BP or what?

> Just hating the fact that I have some faulty electrical wiring on my heart and nobody knows what this is. I am guessing that high FT3 is very, very bad for me, thus making T3-only treatment a certain risk for me.

> But I guess I don't have any choice? With the rT3 and all...


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Pulse when I wake up: 60Pulse 30 minutes after taking morningdose 10 mcg T3: 68Pulse after 60 minutes taking T3: 76Dunno if this is making any sense. It also feels like I might have a bit lower BP. But I am not sure as I don't have batteries to my BP-monitor. My father works in a medical supply company so I got that BP-thing for free. Woohoo.

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Sorry Val. Hehe. I just thought 64 was "ok". I do know that only around 90 is acceptable. :) I will get Ferritin on Monday. Will be interesting to see what's up with it!Feel weird today. New kinda weird. Just very weird. Bad and good all at once. Got some strange pains in my neck that I don't like. Could be sinuses? Or, T3 affecting my cells?


I beg to differ. You r FERRITIN is NOT OK yet.


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As oftewn as oyu are testing it you are going 5 days each time with no

iron? Usually people only retest after several months on iron as it

comes up THAT slowly. T3 does not give bad reactions unless there is

something ELSE worng makin you intolerant. Low Ferritin seems ot be even

more a culprit here than even low cortisol. In fact I believe the stress

of takign thyroid wiht low ferritin is causing alot of the adrenal

fatigue people have. BTW those 70-90 ranges are generally for wqomen.

Men may need even more as thye usally have higher iron ranges than women

so oyu woudl be perfectly safe to have ti higher than that.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Yeah my specialist tells me I need to have a minimum of Ferritin at 100.I only stop taking iron for 5 days before doing the Real Ferritin test. I can test Ferritin often in the meantime too, for free, just to see what's happening.I can imagine the T3 I was taking years ago caused some adrenal stress if my Ferritin was too low. Historically it looked like it was always around 70-100 though.Do you recommend me upping iron from 89 mg daily? And is it ok to take it all in one dose at 1 am before I go to bed?


As oftewn as oyu are testing it you are going 5 days each time with no

iron? Usually people only retest after several months on iron as it

comes up THAT slowly. T3 does not give bad reactions unless there is

something ELSE worng makin you intolerant. Low Ferritin seems ot be even

more a culprit here than even low cortisol. In fact I believe the stress

of takign thyroid wiht low ferritin is causing alot of the adrenal

fatigue people have. BTW those 70-90 ranges are generally for wqomen.

Men may need even more as thye usally have higher iron ranges than women

so oyu woudl be perfectly safe to have ti higher than that.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Oh, and should I take more HC now? Isn't 30 mg HC the limit for supressing the adrenals totally? Which is not a good thing right? Mark Starr and Jefferies says so.

My head feels weird. Feels like my BP might be lowwer but I am not sure. Could also be a bad sinus infection/infection of some sort in my nose/sinus area. I have a retention-cyst in there. Hope that won't make any problems for me.

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No 30mg HC is NOT the limit, I dont; know how ANY realistic doctor cna

oput a limit on how much HC we might need at a given moment. Truth is

they donot know, and if thewy are truly honest they shouldtell you that.

Rememebr my history,. 10minths on 20mg total waste of time. 2 years on

30mg better but stil NOT WELL> Went to aLL t3 THEN RAISED TO 40MG Healed

adrenals in 3 months. My adrenals were nOT horrible to begin wiht. I

actually think they got worse oin the too low doses I was taking.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Usually for best absorbtion it is taken twice a day as ther eis nonly so

much your body CAN absorb at once. And it would be better to riase it

but aw you are gettign results raising it at this dose unless oyu want

ot raise it faster ther is no need ot change the dose.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Wow. Your story is just... Unbelievable! I think 10 months plus 2 years of "wasted time" is bad enough. Jeez. When did you start T3-only ? Well I clearly feel T3-only is doing something for me. I appreciate the clarity of my mind at the moment. However, I am stuck with many strange symptoms and hope to work them out, one by one. I think my adrenals weren't the worst either, and maybe they've become worse after 6 months on 20 mg HC. I didn't increase HC above 20 until late 2009. Yeah, so maybe I do need a raise. My headaches and bloating makes me question the raise though. But as you say, nobody knows how much HC you ned at a given moment. It all depends on the stress you're in. Me, for one, have a lot of fights with the wife, so I guess that made my adrenals worse and worse in the first place (pre-HC) and now I need to stress dose with 2.5 mg HC

(sometimes more) every now and then. ONLY due to fights. I rarely ever stress dose. I think stress dosing is scary cause I've been worried about the supposed limit of 30 mg HC (many say 20, but some good docs say 30). The truth is, noone know how much cortisol you use in a stressful situation. Maybe I need more HC now because I'm taking more T3. What would be your advice, ? I know you recently said you believe more in my Ferritin than in my HC, and that I should maybe consider going down on HC. But now I'm not so sure that's a good idea. I will have to fix my tonsils before weening off of HC one day anyway. The tonsils are definitely stealing some cortisol every day.PS! How can one tell BP is lower? Without using a BP-measuring device?


No 30mg HC is NOT the limit, I dont; know how ANY realistic doctor cna

oput a limit on how much HC we might need at a given moment. Truth is

they donot know, and if thewy are truly honest they shouldtell you that.

Rememebr my history,. 10minths on 20mg total waste of time. 2 years on

30mg better but stil NOT WELL> Went to aLL t3 THEN RAISED TO 40MG Healed

adrenals in 3 months. My adrenals were nOT horrible to begin wiht. I

actually think they got worse oin the too low doses I was taking.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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I'm thinking; more T3 helps getting Ferritin up, then I keep taking iron, thus helps T3 getting where it should go, into the cells. Ya know, the "both help each others up" thing you and Nick taught me here. I did iron 2 x daily before the Real Ferritin test, no I only do it once daily. This way I can take T3 about 3 hours apart instead of like 5 hours apart due to the 4-hour iron absorption. So 89 mg is cool? And would my Ferritin result on Monday give any clue to what is happening even if I didn't stop iron 5 days prior to drawing blood? I just feel like.. If I stop taking iron, it takes such a long time starting and upping iron again! I know I have to stop taking iron again eventually to get the Real Ferritin result though.BUT what about my very possible tonsil/sinus infections? Could that Ferritin of 64 indeed be a false high? This bugs

me constantly. Thinking about that. :\


Usually for best absorbtion it is taken twice a day as ther eis nonly so

much your body CAN absorb at once. And it would be better to riase it

but aw you are gettign results raising it at this dose unless oyu want

ot raise it faster ther is no need ot change the dose.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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gibcast@... wrote:

>My Ferritin is ok, I am taking enough selenium, cortisol is fine. Stomach is

>not perfect though. I don't know what it is, but for 2+ years, I've had loose

>stools, foul (acidic) smelling, and very light in color.

I know of two possible reasons for this:

1) You are intolerant to foods like gluten and dairy, but are still

consuming them. Either get tested, or do rounds of single-food

elimination to see if you can identify the culprit.

2) You aren't digesting protein. A surprisingly large number of adults

don't have high enough gastric output. If you aren't digesting

protein, your protein level on a CMP will show up low or low-normal.

If you don't want to go the testing route, you can just take the

remedy: Betaine HCl. This is usually sold in caps of 600mg or 750mg.

Start by taking one cap just before, or during, a protein meal, to see

what your reaction is. If you don't feel anything, then up by 1 cap

each protein meal until you can feel a bit of a warm feeling in your

stomach. It's unlikely you would need more than 3 grams with each meal;

carefully observe your symptoms and DON'T OVERDOSE!

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what factors/symptoms did you have that caused you to bump your HC to 40 mg/day?

Is 40 something you suggest to most people?

I'm feeling better on 30 mg HC, but my temp is not yet stable after 10 days nor

is it between the 98.2-98.6 range. Is this something I should consider?




> No 30mg HC is NOT the limit, I dont; know how ANY realistic doctor cna

> oput a limit on how much HC we might need at a given moment. Truth is

> they donot know, and if thewy are truly honest they shouldtell you that.

> Rememebr my history,. 10minths on 20mg total waste of time. 2 years on

> 30mg better but stil NOT WELL> Went to aLL t3 THEN RAISED TO 40MG Healed

> adrenals in 3 months. My adrenals were nOT horrible to begin wiht. I

> actually think they got worse oin the too low doses I was taking.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I went ot 40mg on my doctor's suggestion as I stil had cronic Diarrhea

and muscle and joint pain. I hmay not have needed that as I found out

soince both those symptoms responded to potassium supplementation. SO no

I do nto recommend thta much HC to people unless thye cannto stabilize

at 30-35, and then before going to 40mg they need aldosterone tested to

rukle that out as a probklem. Now MEN are another story many need 40 or

even 45mg a day.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>Pulse when I wake up: 60Pulse 30 minutes after taking morningdose 10 mcg T3:

68Pulse after 60 minutes taking T3: 76

>Dunno if this is making any sense

makes perfect sense, you are waking up hypo because you are not

taking the bedtime dose we have said about at least 10 times to you.

Take your last dose of the day as you put the light out at the same

time as your iron by letting it dissolve under your tongue. Crush it

with your teeth first to let it be absorbed faster.

It WILL get absorbed like that and the iron will not be a problem.

Sleep quality will increase and you will wake in the morning feeling

rested and because you are not hypo will not have to drag yourself out

of bed.

Taking it an hour before bed will just make it harder to get to sleep.

You are also hypo still as you keep waiting too long to raise. You can

do 5mcg raises every 4 days at the dose you are on now and you are

waiting 8 days, far too long. you end up more hypo that way which is

why you are getting the bloating, hypo causes bloating. You keep

falling behind on the chase



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Thanks, Val, that is helpful to know and will ask again if temps don't

stabilize. How long might it take/or not take for temps to stabilize?



> I went ot 40mg on my doctor's suggestion as I stil had cronic Diarrhea

> and muscle and joint pain. I hmay not have needed that as I found out

> soince both those symptoms responded to potassium supplementation. SO no

> I do nto recommend thta much HC to people unless thye cannto stabilize

> at 30-35, and then before going to 40mg they need aldosterone tested to

> rukle that out as a probklem. Now MEN are another story many need 40 or

> even 45mg a day.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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>Increased yesterday, and my pulse seems to have gone down today. Instead of

going up!

As expected and as happens before. The more hypo you get the more

adrenaline runs in your body the more it stimulates your pulse and

your mind

:P And I've been feeling terrible stressed this evening. But now, at 10-11 pm,

I've also had some weird skipped beats. About 1 and 1 1/2 hour after taking T3,

my fourth dose, at 5 mcg: It feels like the heart stops for 2-3 seconds, a bit

hard, and it's a bit painful. Then it starts again. A strange variant of a

skipped beat.

A typical hypo symptom. Those last doses are only 5 so they wear off

quicker. that will have peaked after 30 mins and been well on the way

down by the time you had that effect

>Feeling exhausted now. Pulse is in the 60s. It's been typoically around 76-80

in the past weeks on 30-35 mcg T3.


>Can this slower pulse have something to do with electrolytes? Too much calcium?

Too much Magnesium?

Too little T3, you need to raise sooner



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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>If taking mroe T3 lowers my pulse, and a low pulse normally means I can

increase T3, won't that make it impossible for me to know when to add more T3?

Not if you add enough T3 soon enough, you need to be on the up slope

going up the steps instead of falling further and further behind.

Once you are near the top of the slope you'll feel things better, you

currently have a choice between hypo or more hypo!

The skipped beats with the low pulse is hypo causing adrenal stress,

more hypo and pulse rises, that level of hypo it's skipped beats.

clear the hypo and it will go up for the right reasons


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