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New/ In a Nutshell

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Hello Everyone,

I am new and enjoying your posts. They are very helpful. Wondering if you

could give me some advice. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis about 6

years ago.

2 years ago, I found out that I had RT3 and started a gluten-free diet.

I have high cortisol, esp. at night with wakings at 4 AM (am on Relora and

Ashwaghanda for adrenal support)

I have low iron and have been on 27/ day x 2 years, now 100 mg x 2 weeks

I am on D3 1000 mg/ day x 1 month (was on 3,000 per week x 2 years)

I have low potassium (sodium is fine, I think)

I have lower leg 1+ edema/swelling

My AM temps run 96.6, no higher than 97.0 (my feet/hands are always cold)

I was on American Biologics raw thyroid 1/2 tab per day until I started reading

about T3 meds and stopped (please send the source list to me off line at


I am trying to get my iron level up and then start T3. Anything else I should

be doing in the mean time? I am going this alone as my hubby is unemployed and

we don't have health insurance. I am working, but make just enough to squeak




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Unless oyur Votamin D is over 100 I would increase it to 5000 a day. It

is really helopfukl especiall y wiht hig coritls is supporting oyur

immune system. You proabbyl alos need to take soe SR potassium and

Melatonin at bedtime, 1-3 mg onyl might help wiht sleep


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Where do I get the SR potassium and what dose should I start on? Thanks, PamTo: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 12:40:27 PMSubject: Re: New/ In a Nutshell

Unless oyur Votamin D is over 100 I would increase it to 5000 a day. It

is really helopfukl especiall y wiht hig coritls is supporting oyur

immune system. You proabbyl alos need to take soe SR potassium and

Melatonin at bedtime, 1-3 mg onyl might help wiht sleep


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Thanks Val for the info. I have three more questions:1. Can someone send me the source list off line for the T3 meds? It seems it take a while for them to arrive. I'd like to have some for when I am ready to start.2. I tried increasing my Vit D last week and I had a headache, almost as if I were swinging toward Hyperthyroid with my Hashimoto's... Should I try it again? Maybe I should increase more slowly...3. I wake up almost every night at 4 AM hot, lightly sweaty, heart rate is noticable but not racing, hungry and my mind wide awake. I usually need to take 12.5 mg Benedryl and an Ashwaghanda to get back to sleep, which takes a while. Then when the alarm goes off at 6 AM, I have to drag myself out of bed... Any

suggestions? My Dr. told me that was my high cortisol waking me up. Agree? I have also read that it could be hypoglycemia.Thanks for any help...Pam cats4123@...From: To: RT3_T3 Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 12:40:27 PMSubject: Re: New/ In a Nutshell

Unless oyur Votamin D is over 100 I would increase it to 5000 a day. It

is really helopfukl especiall y wiht hig coritls is supporting oyur

immune system. You proabbyl alos need to take soe SR potassium and

Melatonin at bedtime, 1-3 mg onyl might help wiht sleep


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Yes I would try the vitamin D slowly. Some people seem to be very

sensitive to it and others not at all. The 4AM wakign you need ot figure

out which is causing it. I would try eatign NO carbs after 7PM adn then

right at bedtime have some protein and fats,. I use a sugar free

peanutbutter or eggs wiht mayo or cheese. This should hel;p if it is

hypoglycemia, but if oyu see no improvements, then elatonin at bedtime

may eb helpful, 1-3 mg.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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" Pam Sheckler " cats4123@... wrote:

>2. I tried increasing my Vit D last week and I had a headache, almost as if I

>were swinging toward Hyperthyroid with my Hashimoto's... Should I try it

>again? Maybe I should increase more slowly...

I've run across this problem with vitamin D3 also. It is not real rare.

I've come across a site cfs-recovery.org where the writer goes into his

experience with D3 in great detail, and I've queried about this on other

boards and received responses from people saying they felt anxious, or

they got headaches, etc. etc. after taking large doses of D3.

I haven't been able to prove what my response is related to, but I have

a hunch. D tickles the immune system, and the health of your immune

system is related to your antioxidant levels. I recently took the

Comprehensive Nutritional Panel from spectracell.com and found one

problem: that my total antioxidant level was 56, less than their

desireable threshold of 65. So I'm starting on a course of n-acetyl

cysteine, CoQ10, and R-alpha lipoic acid to correct that. The response

to this program is obvious and positive. After I've been on this awhile,

I'm going to try large D3 doses again to see what happens.

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Pam cats4123@... wrote:

>3. I wake up almost every night at 4 AM hot, lightly sweaty, heart rate is

>noticable but not racing, hungry and my mind wide awake. I usually need to

>take 12.5 mg Benedryl and an Ashwaghanda to get back to sleep, which takes a

>while. Then when the alarm goes off at 6 AM, I have to drag myself out of

>bed... Any suggestions? My Dr. told me that was my high cortisol waking me

>up. Agree? I have also read that it could be hypoglycemia.

This is a problem I've also had. I had a NeuroScience saliva test done

one morning at 0330 and it showed cortisol running 17x higher than normal

for that hour. I concluded that I have adrenal arrhythmia, but various

remedies I've tried for this have not provided a full solution. Which

probably isn't surprising, because I was hypothyroid for at least 25

years and my adrenals were flat-lined for probably 15 years. Supplementing

HC is not a solution for this problem for me; it does nothing.

I do know that vigorous exercise in the afternoon, where I break a full

sweat and push peak heart-rate to ~175, tends to give me natural sleep

later into the early morning.

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Can someone send me the source list off line, please? address is-- cats4123@...Thanks,PamTo: RT3_T3 Sent: Sun, February 14, 2010 3:03:46 PMSubject: Re: New/ In a Nutshell

Thanks Val for the info. I have three more questions:1. Can someone send me the source list off line for the T3 meds? It seems it take a while for them to arrive. I'd like to have some for when I am ready to start.2. I tried increasing my Vit D last week and I had a headache, almost as if I were swinging toward Hyperthyroid with my Hashimoto's. .. Should I try it again? Maybe I should increase more slowly...3. I wake up almost every night at 4 AM hot, lightly sweaty, heart rate is noticable but not racing, hungry and my mind wide awake. I usually need to take 12.5 mg Benedryl and an Ashwaghanda to get back to sleep, which takes a while. Then when the alarm goes off at 6 AM, I have to drag myself out of bed... Any

suggestions? My Dr. told me that was my high cortisol waking me up. Agree? I have also read that it could be hypoglycemia.Thanks for any help...Pam cats4123yahoo (DOT) comFrom: <artisticgroomer@ jfwebs.com>To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Sat, February 13, 2010 12:40:27 PMSubject: Re: New/ In a Nutshell

Unless oyur Votamin D is over 100 I would increase it to 5000 a day. It

is really helopfukl especiall y wiht hig coritls is supporting oyur

immune system. You proabbyl alos need to take soe SR potassium and

Melatonin at bedtime, 1-3 mg onyl might help wiht sleep


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Ed--I have been reading Datis Kharrazian who says that more than 90% of people with Hashimoto's have a genetic defect affecting their ability to process Vit D and thus may need higher amounts to maintain health. Seeing that Hashi's is an autoimmune disease, I think you are onto something. Seems strange to be so sensitive to it... Wish I weren't. I am going to try again to up my dose slowly. PamFrom: Ed


I haven't been able to prove what my response is related to, but I have

a hunch. D tickles the immune system, and the health of your immune

system is related to your antioxidant levels. I recently took the

Comprehensive Nutritional Panel from spectracell. com and found one

problem: that my total antioxidant level was 56, less than their

desireable threshold of 65. So I'm starting on a course of n-acetyl

cysteine, CoQ10, and R-alpha lipoic acid to correct that. The response

to this program is obvious and positive. After I've been on this awhile,

I'm going to try large D3 doses again to see what happens.

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>This is a problem I've also had. I had a NeuroScience saliva test done

>one morning at 0330 and it showed cortisol running 17x higher than normal

>for that hour. I concluded that I have adrenal arrhythmia, but various

>remedies I've tried for this have not provided a full solution.

Val's the one to speak to on that, repost when she is back

It may be that getting thyroid straightened out will sort out the


You might also want to try a high fat low carb snack at bed time.



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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